Creating Success with Your Inner Voice

In this week’s The Faces of Business Episode, our guest speaker was Tricia Livermore. Tricia is the founder and Coach at Soul Business Advisor. Aside from this, she also holds other roles including Mental Fitness Coach at Positive Intelligence and Heart-Centered Business Coach at Collective Brains.  Tricia helps people find their unique talents and inner strengths then apply them to thrive and create better lives.

Do you know how to create success with your inner voice? If not, our guest today is here to help!

In this week’s The Faces of Business Episode, our guest speaker was Tricia Livermore. Tricia is the founder and Coach at Soul Business Advisor. Aside from this, she also holds other roles including Mental Fitness Coach at Positive Intelligence and Heart-Centered Business Coach at Collective Brains.  Tricia helps people find their unique talents and inner strengths then apply them to thrive and create better lives.

Beginning the conversation, Damon asked Tricia to elaborate on how she chose her line of work and got to where she is today. Answering the question, Tricia said that in college she got into accounting and studied that.

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However, within 5 years of her accounting career, she did not like it. Therefore, this is when she decided to switch to the financing department from corporate America. Moving on, she said that her role was to help companies and employees find their true passion during their workplace.

Not only this, but it was also to understand what the most effective working capacities for the employees are. In this journey, Tricia helped a lot of organizations, however, she could not get where she wanted to be because the market was fiercely competitive.

Talking a little about success with your inner voice, Tricia shared how she started business consultancy. She said that she started a business for her husband and also provided him with business advises and consults for about 20 years. Therefore, she knew how to do that.

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This is when she came across Shift/Co. Global. She googled conscious entrepreneurs and found out this company to grow her business in. Adding to this, she said that after this she started focusing on finding success with her inner voice.

She said that spending more time on your inner critic is essentially very important. According to Tricia, she worked on finding out her triggers and then working on them as well. Moving on, Tricia explained that in order to create success with your inner voice, you have to understand how to delegate your stress and when.

For instance, usually, your stress takes the form of frustration or some other emotion. This is why you should know how to offer success with your inner voice with managing your stress.

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stress, intercept, people, business, compassion, inner critic, judge, trisha, talk, create, wanted, helping, grief, intentional, realize, learn, feel, thinking, years, build


Damon Pistulka, Tricia Livermore


Damon Pistulka  00:06

All right, everyone, welcome once again to the faces of business. I’m your host, Damon Pistulka. And yes, I just got the microphone closer to me. Sorry about that. Well, with me today, I’ve got Trisha Livermore, and we’re gonna talk about creating success with your mind. And Tricia is an expert on quieting that inner critic. So Trisha, welcome.


Tricia Livermore  00:30

Thank you, Damon, I really appreciate being here. And I’m really super excited about how we can talk about quieting the mind together.


Damon Pistulka  00:37

Oh, this is gonna be awesome. Because it’s, it’s something that that as we are talking about coming in, I think that a lot of people go, Oh, it’s just me. I must be something wrong. But when we really peel the onion back, it’s a lot different than that.


Tricia Livermore  00:52

Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the judge, you know, we’ve got that inner critic. And we all have that judge in the inner critic in our mind, and we often think it’s just us, and it’s everybody. Everybody has it.


Damon Pistulka  01:03

Yeah, yeah. Well, let’s start back a little bit earlier in this, Tricia, because when someone if they looked at your experience, they would say, How did you come from being in accounting and pretty much an accounting background or CFO kind of background and get into where your day? So we’re just kind of give us a start your background and kind of how you got here?


Tricia Livermore  01:28

Yeah, thank you. Um, it’s, it’s a wide and varied background. So you know, I went to school like anyone else, oh, I’ll become an accountant. That’s exactly what I want to do. I did the personality assessment that said, Yep, that’s, that’s, that’s your key. That’s the thing that you’re going to do. And I got into accounting, and within five years, I really did not like it. Um, it was it, you know, it was the repetition, right? I like, I like to wear a variety of hats. And so the repetition got really old. So I was in corporate America for five years in that first five years, and I moved from finance into our technology division, where I could really provide more financial reporting, strategic analysis.

A lot of different strategy, organizational strategy, and helping the team in the organization grow. We were in a vendor, business minute business management organization. So we managed my team and organization I went was in manage the it outsource contracts like IBM. Yeah. So we did, I did financial reporting all of that time.

And what I really found in the last eight years, and my director role was really helping people find their, their, their strengths, we did Clifton Strengths, helping them find that thing. And when we did that for the entire organization, and we brought in some facilitators for that. And people found their way, they were able to find roles that really suited them really well. And as I was trying to climb the ladder to get into a VP role, I just found that my values of cooperation and collaboration and compassion and nurturing, I wasn’t able to really express it the way I wanted to, because it was fiercely competitive.

Yeah. So it just came to this place where I just decided that it wasn’t probably the best path for me, I was really unhappy towards towards the end of my career, which was just over 20 years, and an opportunity came up. We were doing another reorganization, I went to my leader, and I said, Hey, I think I’d like out, you know, I’d like to really get a package and move on. And she’s like, Are you sure about that?

And I said, Yes, this is, this is just not the place for me. I don’t know what next, what’s next, but this is just yet. And so I’m extremely thankful that she was able to make that happen. So I got a really great package out of it. And at the same time, I was unhappy in my marriage. And so I got divorced, and I left my career all at the same time. Oh, yeah, I just decided I had had enough and and I think the reason for that is I had all these health issues, a variety of writing. Sure, for on if I lost connection, did we lose


Damon Pistulka  04:34

connection? Just for a second, but you said Yeah, variety of health issues,


Tricia Livermore  04:37

righty health issues. So I went to my naturopath and she’s like, you know, how much stress are you in? I’m like, it’s medium high. Oh my gosh, looking back at my stress level now. Looking at my stress level now from back then I was at a 10 I was massively sorry. dressed. So that’s how I really decided that it was just enough, I really had had enough. And what I decided when I left corporate was, what am I going to do now, I have this year to try and figure it out.

And so I really leaned on my business coaching, which I had built a small business with my ex husband at the time, we built a hotrod shop, I could build a business for anyone else, like I could be the backend person, I could set up the processes, we built our garage, I had coached him and consulted him for 20 years while I was in corporate America, I just did that on the side. So I really leaned on my business coaching, to really start my own business. As I did that, I found shift Co dot global, which is a small business growth community for conscious entrepreneurs.

And how I found them is I just Googled conscious entrepreneurs, and they came up. And I realized this is the tribe I’ve been looking for. This is my soul tribe, this is the tribe that I really want to be a part of. And I joined them so that I could figure out how to grow my own business as a solo entrepreneur. Because it’s something I hadn’t done before. And I needed support around people. My biggest, my biggest area that I needed help with was the inner critic. I had had so many not fun experiences in corporate. A lot of challenging situations. And my judge had just eaten me alive for so long. Yeah. Right.

So, you know, I did a lot of inner work, I did a significant amount of inner work in really trying to emotionally regulate learn how learn what my triggers were learn what was Why did I why did why was I so stressed or triggered or had so much fear around a variety things? So I did a lot of that inner work, I found Heart Math. And I’m not sure if you’re familiar with Heart Math. It’s it’s really just a resiliency program of how do you build up your personal resiliency and emotional regulation. And that’s something that was really key for me, I didn’t learn how to emotionally regulate when I was a child, just I don’t know that any of us really did.

Yeah. And, yeah, so I found HeartMath, I learned how to calm my own nervous system. And then I also found positive intelligence, which really helps you understand all your Saboteurs so that you can you can easily pivot into that inner wisdom and or what we call the sage. It’s, it’s kind of that left brain versus right brain thinking, right, that left is that constantly doing and acting and, um, you know, it’s just the constant focus and external focus where that right brain thinking and that compassion and nurturing and heart centered pneus that was the place that I really wanted to be in as I grew and developed myself. So kind of a long story. But it structures started


Damon Pistulka  08:27

interesting, though, because you mean, you kind of gone along as a high level accounting, finance person, your entire career, I mean, many people do. But it’s interesting how, you know, it just didn’t, didn’t work over time. And there’s a lot of things. Because your story is, is not different than a lot of people, I think, in the fact that two things First of all, we build this stress builds over time, it builds slowly.

Yes, slowly, we don’t even realize it anymore. Yeah. And pretty soon, pretty soon while speaking someone like a man like myself, we can end up 30 pounds overweight, high blood pressure, a myriad of health problems, and probably I’ve had a heart attack, and, and just not even realize that that’s a buildup of stresses and other things like that happen. And we can have all kinds of, you know, like, you just talked about the medical side effects of, of stress are really well, it’s, it will kill you. It will kill you.


Tricia Livermore  09:38

Yeah. And and I think what the one thing that I want to add to that is when I found HeartMath, what I realized was, you know, they talk about cortisol and the stress response and all of that stuff. And you think of, I always thought of stress as like, oh, it’s that high pressure, right? You’re going to go do a presentation or you’re doing all these things, but Stress can come as frustration. It can come as sadness.

It can come from a variety of different other feelings and emotions, you know, lacking community lacking deep connection. Those things, along with all of our high stress moments of the day to day job, that’s what people I think, don’t realize. I certainly didn’t, I didn’t realize that Mikoto were off the charts, because of all the what you just said, the build up of all the little things.


Damon Pistulka  10:34

Yeah. Well, and as you were saying, and I was writing some notes, because, okay, not we’re talking about the buildup of stress, and someone might look at at someone and go, well, they don’t have a high pressure job. They don’t have a this that whatever thing that was weighing down on him, like, like someone else would. But when you talk about frustration, lack of community, lack of connection, if those those are all adding to stressors, which they are, as you say, it makes perfect sense. They can have stress levels as high or higher than someone that does have a high stress and maybe even higher. Yeah, cases.


Tricia Livermore  11:15

Yeah, I I’ve coached a few women who have or have gone through grief, right? They lost a parent or two parents or family members or friends. And that level of grief when you don’t, when you’re not able to really honor the process of grieving and allowing yourself to just accept the feelings as they are and and honor the memory. Know that that can lead to long term stress and depression and anxiety. So yeah, it’s really important to learn how to really calm your nervous system when you get into those stress moments.


Damon Pistulka  11:57

Yeah. Wow. Like, I kind of think about this. And it is grief is one of the things that I don’t think we agree for a variety of situations you mentioned loss of, of a family member or someone that’s close to you, you think of divorce, you think of loss of job, you think of loss of friendships, it’s just grief is something that can really drag you down. And you talked about the the steps in processing grief. And I think what we do is we want to go okay, I thought about long enough, I’m over it. We really aren’t. And we don’t go through this the steps and take and recognize and move through the steps until you go, Okay, I’ve processes the way I need to. And now I’m I’m better for better. Yeah, see,


Tricia Livermore  12:48

right. And you know, it is it is a process, right. And sometimes you think that you’re over the process, and then it comes up again. And that’s that actually is really super normal. And I went through that cycle of, Oh, my God, I process this, I healed this, I was doing great. And then all of a sudden, you know, I would decline again. And what I’m learning and what I have learned is that as a normal part of our cycle, we go through all of these emotions of highs and lows.

We can’t always be at the high school just accepting that it’s okay, if you’re having kind of a low energy day or something might be might come up, really allowing yourself to acknowledge how you’re feeling. And labeling it is a really great way to start instead of suppressing it right. Because I think we all were taught. I don’t you know, don’t don’t show your anger don’t show your frustration. I don’t hear that just be positive and you’ll get over it. Well, no, you gotta acknowledge it. Yeah, you got to acknowledge how you’re feeling and, and just accept it. And then it’s okay, that that’s how you feel.


Damon Pistulka  14:00

Yeah. And just just letting that Think for a minute because it is it is so important, I think and we, we all heard it as parents, we probably said it and this is the thing and the reason why I’m so happy to get to talk to you and and others that are talking about other areas around this and thinking about things because honestly, I think this is one of the things that if we can pass on one thing to the next generation, if we can pass this kind of thinking on and the understanding of this, we will do more good for future generations and then anything else we could do,

because it it to be able to to effectively process emotions is so valuable because and this is I will get on my opinion soapbox, wherever you call it, we’re so quick to medicate, we’re so quick to think that, okay, you should not feel emotions you should be, you know, whatever it’s not the case, we have to be able to, we have to come up with healthy ways of process, I believe I’m the same, my belief is healthy ways to process them. It’s not that you won’t ever feel sad, or you won’t have her and there are medical conditions that we need help for.

But yeah, I look at, you know, just do a general search of the population, how many people are on have some sort of drugs, they’re taken for something? That’s, that’s comes to do with their, with their mental state? And I think there, there’s got to be a better way.


Tricia Livermore  15:45

Yeah. And, you know, I think the other piece of that is when we each learn how to process our emotions and understand what triggers us, and then really create the new habit of how do I get into the inner wisdom space? How do I accept myself for exactly as I am, and unconditionally love ourselves, when we can have that kind of compassion and empathy for ourselves, then that’s when we can really extend it to others. And in the, you know, in everyday business, I mean, yeah, business grocery store where I’m driving, right?

Like, it doesn’t matter where you’re at, if if you are feeling anxious and stressed, there’s mirror neurons, there’s quantum energy that expands that out of you, and into into the field of others, right. And so there’s these mirror neurons that we all pick up on.

So it’s like, when you walk in a room, I don’t know, if you’ve, if you’ve ever worked in a corporate environment where you can walk into like a conference room, and there’s just like this really weird energy to write. So you know, there’s, there’s all this energy that we have within our system. And if we once we learn how to manage that energy, and have greater acceptance, then we all have so much more compassion for each other. And I think that’s really the key. Like, that’s my purpose is really how do we bring humanity back into our daily lives?


Damon Pistulka  17:18

Yeah. Yeah. That’s, that’s, that’s incredible. Because I think what a realization that I’ve come to over the last few years, is that you can be incredibly successful in business and be incredibly passionate, or compassionate, compassionate, and not saying the right word.

First, sir, but compassionate. And those two, in the past, were not mixed together that much. But they can be. And I truly think that when you do, it is the, I don’t want to say secret, but it is one of the keys to having an organization or a business or a group of friends, or a community around yourself. That is stronger and better than it can be when it’s not. Yeah,


Tricia Livermore  18:22

absolutely. You know,


Damon Pistulka  18:26

cuz you go even because I just think back a few years, right? And you look at Gary Vaynerchuk, right. He’s talks about compassion all the time. Yeah, a few years ago, I don’t remember that being as big of a thing coming from him. But when you see people that are that are at his level, and they’re talking about it openly, and you’d see more CEOs talking about it, you see more, just a lot more people talking about the need for the need for mindfulness and, and, and treating people as as humans, as you said, and I think that’s something that they’re finally realized people are finally realizing and it does make a difference.


Tricia Livermore  19:09

Yeah, and, you know, oh, there we go. There we go. There we go. Um, I don’t know why every once in a while, so I apologize. That’s on my end. Um, you know, one of the things about compassion is it’s when you have had the inner critic in your voice, so when I was in corporate, I was definitely in masculine or left brain thinking, you know, I was always the one doing and, and I had some compassion, but I didn’t necessarily have enough compassion for myself to be able to extend it to others. So I really felt feel like my journey was I really needed to be out of the situation.

But We’ve got you know, there’s so many programs now with Heart Math, and I’m also a mental fitness coach with Positive Intelligence. There, they have come up with these techniques so that we can really quiet that inner critic so that we can have more compassion for ourselves throughout the day, right, which is just another another term of mindfulness. But I don’t know that people give mindfulness enough credit as to how helpful it is to be in the present moment, as often as you can be throughout your day.


Damon Pistulka  20:35

Yeah, that’s that’s what you just said, being in the present moment. And I read something. Last week. It talked about it just said, even if tomorrow is going to be very difficult, it doesn’t mean you can enjoy today. You and I, I heard that. And I think back to my corporate life when I was running businesses, I can’t tell you how many nights and weekends I wasted. Because the tomorrow comes it comes Did I did I anything happened any better because I was sick to my stomach thought about a million different things. It didn’t make the outcome any different.

I probably before the day ended, I knew what I was going to do before I left left where I was working and, and certainly not any revelations came during that time. But you just think about that, and living in that present moment going, Hey, I’m, I’m, I’m finished with what I’m doing now. I’m with my family. In that case, like my children are much younger. And I think about the time that I missed because I was warmed up in that when it really wasn’t doing the business any good. And it certainly wasn’t doing me any good. And it wasn’t doing my family. Good. Well, yeah.


Tricia Livermore  21:58

And what you’re talking about is our stress response, right? So we’re in high stress response, our our autonomic nervous system, you know, really kind of kicks in, and it oftentimes hijacks our executive functioning. So loving isn’t going to be very, you know, great, or creativity is going to be less.

And then we get more frustrated with ourselves, right? The inner critic is like, well, you should be better, why aren’t you better at this, right? You know, and you have all of these thoughts in your head that aren’t serving you, right? They’re creating even more stress. So present moment mindfulness of really kind of, I mean, honestly, the biggest thing that you could do is just take three or four.


Damon Pistulka  22:43

The deep breaths, yeah,


Tricia Livermore  22:45

your breaths, right. So if you take three or four slower breaths, maybe count to four in and out, you know, count for n, count four out and do that three or four times, you can bring that you can bring your your system back online, because stress takes you offline, breathing and oxygen, helps calm that nervous system and brings you back online so that you can get into that space of creativity and intuition and passion.

You know, that that right brain? And that’s the piece we need to balance right? That left and right. Because, you know, if we’re too far in one or too far in the other, then we’re imbalanced. And you really do need both to be able to function and thrive. Right? That’s what we all want. We just want to we just want to thrive.


Damon Pistulka  23:33

Yeah. Yeah. I think that’s why so many people find that they find solutions to problems when they’re doing other things. Yes, that’s exactly right. And, and when they are or they’ll they’ll go to sleep, and then something will come to them. And in the night, I mean, it’s, it’s just that you’re like you said stress takes your mind offline, and you really can’t make the best decisions. And it’s when your mind comes back into into the right frame of mind or in the right, it’s centered again. You really then can come back and think.


Tricia Livermore  24:12

Yeah, and you know, I think of it like our body, right? If we’re a runner, we’re running all the time. You need breaks, right? You need breaks. Well, we don’t we don’t really consider our brain needing breaks. And if we’re, if we’re at work and we’re constantly thinking and thinking and thinking and doing and doing your brain needs that break it needs that 3040 60 seconds of just like calm nothing. Focus on something else. Look at a tree stare at a tree that’s what I used to love to do is I would just stare it out for me. Um, get into nature just give your brain that break so that you can calm that nervous system.


Damon Pistulka  24:52

Yeah, yeah. Oh, this is good. Yeah. Because it because you know it We, as I said, we live with this, we and it builds up slowly, it builds up slowly, and you don’t realize. And I think that you’re talking about some things that can that can really help to take it down. And that’s great. And when we talk about this, some of the things that we’re doing to ourselves with our own inner critic, really are things that we can, as we were going to talk about here to talk, silencing that inner critic really helps you to keep that stress level lower, doesn’t it? Yeah,


Tricia Livermore  25:34

definitely, um, you know, this, this, this, that inner critic creates the stress and the hormone response of cortisol. And when you’re able to intercept that critic, first you have to acknowledge it, right, you have to be aware of it, you have to notice it, that’s the, that’s the first thing that you have to do is really become super aware of what your inner critic is saying to you. And even just spending, you know, a week just noticing writing down, what does it feel like?

What is it saying? And then being able to intercept it, and to stop it? And then pivot, right and pivot into our stage? So, and there’s a variety of stage responses, right? What you know, Can I have more compassion for myself? Can I accept myself the way it is? Can I get curious, is there something I need to learn?

There’s something I need to do differently? Right? So if if our judge comes in, and like, you know, we just got through with a meeting, and we we just did not like it, you know, your judge would be like, Oh, my God, you’re so stupid. Like, how could you possibly have said that? Or your or your response? Could be? Oh, well, I didn’t go exactly the way I wanted. Um, you know, what, what can I What can I do different? If I were to do it again? Or what is it that I needed to learn from that, so that I can modify what I need to do in the future? Right? So that’s the judge voice versus that sage voice?

How do we how do we intercept that judge that really critical judge, stop it interceptive, which, you know, a few moments of breathing, I also like sensory touch Positive Intelligence, talks about doing sensory touch for like, just a couple minutes, even 10 seconds, honestly, just to focus your mind away from the judge, accept it to stop the thinking.

And then going into that place of sage. And here’s the thing, it’s, I like to call it, it’s like a rat in a road. If you if you go down the freeway, or even a dirt road, you follow the same path, you create this really deep rut, right? Your brain does that automatically. It has a neural pathway. So if you have allowed that judge or that inner critic to get really, really loud, it’s because you have followed that pathway. For so long. It’s a really deep rut. And the only way to really get out of the rut is to create a new one. We don’t do that overnight.

So it’s not like there’s no fast pill for this. This is this is really being, you know, wanting that change of how do I want to change. So creating these new habits throughout the times, multiple times a day, where you’re intercepting the judge, doing breathing, focusing on sensory perception, staring at a tree, I’m intercepting that multiple times a day so that you can take the stage response. That’s how you create that new rut or that new neural pathway in your brain. And it’s powerful, but you really do have to be committed to wanting to create that new habit. And when you do, it’s life changing it like it was life changing for me.


Damon Pistulka  28:47

Yeah, he said a lot. There isn’t a lot there. And it was great. Because, because it’s it’s one of these things, I think, when we when we realize that and I, I heard something a while ago was talked about the fact that, you know, we run on subconscious thought, like 95% of the time or something crazy like that. And in order for us to retrain that, as you said, there’s only a few ways to do it. And you’re mentioning it’s it’s intentional, and repetitive.

And it takes a long time to rewrite that pathway to think about it differently. Like if, you know, if I always used to respond this way to this situation, to respond differently. That situation, I might have to go through that situation a lot. And I choose the other path, the pathway that I want to now take rather than my old pathway many times before you don’t just automatically some constantly, I’m going right down there again.


Tricia Livermore  29:47

Yeah. And it’s just like, you know, one of my best examples is when you’re driving to work if you know I worked at the same place for 20 years, I could drive to work without even thinking about it. It was just an automatic response. Because I had done it so many times. And, um, you know, anytime I had to go somewhere else besides work, I had to really be conscious of where I’m at, you know, I had to be very intentional, I had to be really be focused and thinking about how do I want to take a different route, if I’m going somewhere near there, right? Same sort of thing.

And like athletes, right, you don’t build muscle it over, you know, by doing 10 reps, you just, you just don’t, you have to do it consistently and repetitively. And it’s, it’s really amazing at how much it improves your thinking, your performance, your relationship with yourself, and how much peace it brings into your life.


Damon Pistulka  30:49

Mm hmm. I can only imagine when you and I knew the one thing you said though, I think that is really key for people listening to understand and I want to expand on this a little more is it really does take intentional thought, to catch yourself. Yes, that’s what I’ve found in trying to do different things like this, it just takes that you really have to think about it. Because before you know it, you’re in that same old habit. And if you don’t go well, if I, the more intentionally you think before you’re doing that response, I think the better you can intercept it. And Re and change direction.


Tricia Livermore  31:38

Yeah. Um, yeah. And, you know, for anybody who wants to understand kind of their saboteurs, you could go to positive And they have a saboteur assessment. It’s that perfectionism that comes in, right? So we think, Oh, well, I screwed it up. I didn’t do it. I wasn’t intentional. And then and then it’s an all or nothing concept, right? Our saboteur comes in, and then then we don’t even follow through with it, because we want it to be perfect. And it’s just this acceptance of like, it’s okay. I’m an imperfect beam. Yeah. Okay. But you’re right. It’s, it has to be very intentional and very thoughtful about wanting to feel differently. Mm hmm.


Damon Pistulka  32:24

Yeah. Because when he brought up athletes, I mean, you look at the, the difference between from a high school to college to professional athlete. It’s the intentionality of their practice. Yeah, it is. It’s and like I talked before, we are watching watching baseball. Kids as my son grew up playing baseball, and he honestly played on a team where several other people are playing in the MLB. Now, it, you see the intentionality of practice it takes to develop the skill, the fine, fine, fine, fine, fine skills to go from high school where your talent gets you pretty far to college.

We’re telling may get you in, but it’s certainly not going to get you playing long term. That’s not intentional practice. And that intentionally tweaking and define skills that you have to keep going until the professional level, it’s on a whole nother level yet above that. And that intentionality of any of that stuff is I think, where the key is, and the imperfection and recognize the imperfection.

You talk to again, going back to sports, you talked to even older people like Michael Jordan talks about how many shots he missed, how many shots he took just to be good, pretty good, or really good in the terms of his sport. Very, very good. In in that be very good, but still not perfect. Not even close. Right? And I think that’s that’s the thing. And when you think about that, and you relate that back to how well you’re you’re doing on creating the change you want, we have to recognize that we’re not going to be perfect, because no one is and we’re going for better.


Tricia Livermore  34:11

Yes, I love going for better 1% better every day. Right? And you know, I know a lot of people, you know how I like to call myself a recovering perfectionist. I used to be that person who really wanted to control everything and I wanted it my way and it had to be my way or the highway.

I I’m not That’s not who I am anymore because I wanted to intentionally change I wanted to be a different person. I wanted to get back to my own natural compassionate self that I had lost so many years ago right so those perfectionist whenever we’re doing something whether it’s you know your your personal growth or something in business or an athlete, you know, being careful that you don’t go into shame and guilt, right that you didn’t get it right?

Because that’s the place that that your, your judge, your inner critic will go to is that oh, I didn’t get it right. I didn’t do it right. Oh, it’s you know, always, how should Why am I not good enough things a lot, huh? I can’t even tell you all the things that rain would tell me. You know, so really being giving yourself some compassion. I think that was the biggest key for me like giving yourself some passion that you’re not going to get it perfect every time.


Damon Pistulka  35:35

Yes. Someone brought up the comparison to me that I just I love when we talk about failure. Right? And you talk about that inner critic, that inner critic just seems to just kick you every time you fail. If you’re if you’re don’t get by that, right. But they said, when you were a little kid, and you played your first video game, how many times did you have to get knocked out of that game, go back in, get knocked out and go back to that game to get good at it? Said, why do we ever expect anything in life to be different than that?


Tricia Livermore  36:11

Right? And then I think it comes down to desire, right? You wanted to be better? Mm hmm. You you had a, you made a conscious choice, you wanted to do better. You wanted to conquer the level, you wanted to learn all the tricks, you wanted to see where all the things were in the game, right?

So it was it was the desire and the choice of wanting it for yourself. And I think that sometimes when we get into business, we’re in jobs or roles or careers that we’re not passionate about. So you know, we’re doing it for the money. I mean, I left, I left some really good money on the table. And sturdiness. I mean, I left lots of money on the table. But I am so much happier now that I followed my values, because I wanted better for myself. And that’s the choice that each person has to make.


Damon Pistulka  37:08

Yeah. Yeah. And it is it is. And I think he You said it well, when you said it’s the desire to be better, back at that desire to be better, and that the desire to be better. makes it worth all the effort it takes to get there. It


Tricia Livermore  37:24

does. And it’s not easy, right? The effort is not exactly easy, right? I went from severe depression several years ago, you know, to a place where I’m, I’m finally happy, I don’t have the big house, I don’t have all the big money, I left all of that behind. But man, I am so much happier and having a more simple life. And I get to do what I love doing.

And having an impact on people’s lives. Whether it’s business coaching, or mindfulness coaching, it’s, it’s it’s fulfilling, and it’s rewarding. And you know, when you can just take that one little thing that whatever it is that you want to do better and be better at and start really being mindful and intentional around that. You get there it but it takes it definitely takes time to get there.


Damon Pistulka  38:16

Yeah. And I And and he said that just pick one thing and be better at it. And it’s being better at it could be something with your your spouse, your kids a friend, it could be something at business relationship at business, it’s just like, figure out what you want to do and keep going at it and knowing like you said, it’s not going to be perfect, you’re gonna make mistakes, you just have to that desire to to be better in that area. Well let you get up after it. Dust off and figure out how you’re going to approach it differently. Yeah,


Tricia Livermore  38:47

and just like your example of you know, playing a game. I like to use the example of you know, children learning to walk, right toddlers. Oh, yeah, that’s right. Like you don’t you don’t think about it. You just get back up. You just learn a walk. Yeah. And when you fall, you fall, okay, you might cry every once in a while. It might not feel good when you fall, but you still get back up and


Damon Pistulka  39:10

yeah, get back up. Yep, yep. And that’s, that’s good. That’s good. Yeah. Well, so we talked about the Heart Math look of it. We talked a little bit about the Positive Intelligence and you know, really quiet and that inner critic and and creating that inner success or that success with your mind because I think a lot of people don’t really get the fact that what their mind controls so so so much without them even knowing it in their lives, and by paying attention to their mind. They can create a lot different outcome for what they’re doing.


Tricia Livermore  39:57

Yeah, and you know, and I love helping coach people through that change of how do we think differently? How do we uncover some of those internal belief systems that have locked us into our inner critic, and then shifting that perspective a little bit. So it is so important right now, especially, you know, the Demmick. With everything that’s going on right now, I think everybody wants, wants to really be better and do better and have a greater impact on society. And this is, this is my favorite thing to do.

I mean, I wanted to bring peace and harmony to my life. I did that. And now I want to do it for others, utilizing HeartMath, and I’ve got a program. I’m partnering with Positive Intelligence. So I’ve got a program that’s, like Positive Intelligence, where there’s weekly videos, and there’s an app that utilizes some notifications throughout the days to really quiet notice the judge first, and then learn how to intercept how to create that self command, right? How do I, how do I intercept it, and it’s really about paying attention and noticing. And it’s been really fun being able to do that with others.

And the end, it’s a six, seven week program. And still even in seven weeks, you get so you get you get farther along in six, seven weeks than I did and probably I don’t know, long time years. Yes. And then, but then you have to maintain it, right? There’s this maintenance of really making sure that you’re intercepting and you’re moving into that safe space, because we all have this potential, probably, that we’re not necessarily meeting or some of us and others if they’re doing it. That’s fantastic. Because we all have the judge, and it’s really just depends on how much you have carved that path and your neural pathway. And you can create a new one.


Damon Pistulka  42:03

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that’s awesome. Because I know I’m with you there, I think I think every single person has their form of greatness inside of them. That’s locked in there. It’s different for all of us. There where your end goal where you want to go as all different. And I think it’s awesome, what you’re doing helping people to silence that inner critic, and let them really achieve those goals with the better the better habits.


Tricia Livermore  42:36

Yeah, and, you know, and, and I’ve gotten some testimonials from people who really, they find their inner wisdom or their intuition, they can, they now have this space in their mind for more creativity. Um, you know, and we talked about, right, we, you know, we talked about flow, and that’s, yeah, you’re in flow. And in that, when you’re aligned, um, you know, mentally and in your heart space. That’s where you that’s where the magic happens.


Damon Pistulka  43:07

Yeah. Yeah. And that’s and when you talk about flow like that, it’s, it’s this is this is getting to a new level of performance for you both personally. And professionally, I mean, it, this is where this this, when people think it’s for not for professional purposes, this is this is for professional purpose. This is because it’s the whole, you can’t get the professional without the the mind and the body working together, or the personal without the mind and body working together that you truly want.

And I just think that that’s why I’m so passionate about having people like you on the faces of business and talking about this more, because I think, as as professionals and person and just people, the more we can understand this, and the more we can teach anyone that wants to try and listen and understand this, about this, because you just said about how that allows you to be in the flow.

And if professionals out there listening to this, and they just have felt they’ve gotten that flow, or they’re just they are just doing it right, they’re cranking out whatever they’re passionate about this just happening, it’s coming from they don’t even know how the heck they’re doing it. This is what getting your mind right around this will really allow you to do more often.


Tricia Livermore  44:23

Yeah, because that that inner critic will take you out of flow like that, and you’re out. And, you know, finding that flow coming back into that flow if you if you don’t know how to intercept that judge to bring it back. You know, that’s the new habit, right? But once you’ve created that new habit, and you can really get into flow and you know, I work with mostly coaches, other solo entrepreneurs that are coaches, and, you know, they’re so in their head about what what should I do and who should I need and where should I go and, and I’m like, you know, I’ll get them to quiet down. I’ll have them do a little heart Math or breathing exercise or PQ Reps, I’ll have them calm themselves down.

And then I asked them the question they asked me, whatever their whatever they wanted to know for me, I asked them like, so what do you think what what feels right for you is your next step. And they intuitively know. And they’re passionate about it. They’re interested. So it’s it’s, it’s just how do you create the space to get into that place? And it literally can only, you know, 30 seconds, sometimes even 10 seconds, a couple minutes, maybe if you’re really stressed out, but that’s the space that we can get all of our answers from. Yeah.


Damon Pistulka  45:41

Yep. Trisha, it’s been a pleasure having you on today. I am just thanks so much for joining us and sharing about how to create to quiet that inner critic and really understand how to use your mind more productively.


Tricia Livermore  45:59

Yeah, thank you. I really appreciate it being on today. And hopefully, your listeners got something, you know, a nugget or two out of it. And I have my programs on my website at soul business Check it out, you know, follow me on then I would love to connect with more people on LinkedIn as well. So thank you, Damon, I really appreciate


Damon Pistulka  46:22

awesome. So we had Trisha Livermore here today. If you just come in lately here, connect with her on LinkedIn. Check out our website sold business advisor comm Correct? Yeah. And look out there. I believe you got a program. You said you got something a group program starting in February. Yep. February


Tricia Livermore  46:42

7, at four o’clock of your program. It’s only got five seats. So it’s limited. I like I really prefer small groups, because you can have a lot more intimate connection around your judge and your sage and going through that program with others and really having that safe space to be able to do that on a weekly


Damon Pistulka  47:02

basis. Awesome. Awesome. Well, Trisha, thanks so much. Thanks, everyone who’s been listening. We will be back again with another interesting person talking on the faces of business. So hang out for a minute, Trisha and we’ll talk after Thank you.

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