people, work, life coaching, talking, suzanne, business, clients, eat, employees, couple, sleep, exercise, years, day, dental practices, spend, fitness, entrepreneurs, consulting firm, digital
Damon Pistulka, Suzanne Taylor-King, Andrew Cross
Damon Pistulka 00:01
Alright everyone. Thank you once again for joining us on the eggs your way round table with us today. We have Suzanne Taylor King. Welcome Suzanne. Hey. Awesome. Awesome to have you hear me here. Oh, awesome. Sorry I interrupted you. Yes, rude. But, Andrew, you’re with us today. awesome to see you as well. Always
Andrew Cross 00:33
fitness so I could use it. So.
Damon Pistulka 00:35
Yeah, we’re gonna learn all about fitness. That’s good. Well, thanks for stopping by Suzanne. Yeah, I will I have way too much coffee because I’m talking over everyone all the time.
Suzanne Taylor-King 00:45
Oh, that’s usually Me too. That’s the only advice that I’m left with.
Damon Pistulka 00:49
Literally. I’m telling you. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, my doctor, this is funny. So I get my this my physical time of the year. And I’ve lost a lot of weight over the last couple years. But it’s been a good, good thing. So my doctor, I get the thing back from my doctor, the doctor says, Hey, you should cut out read me. You should take you know cut diet sodas out of your thing. Because I’m looking at my test results. I’m like, this is better than it’s been in a gazillion years. What are you talking about? Like this is this is rock star status for me. And it’s uh, yeah. Anyway. So
Suzanne Taylor-King 01:30
the red meat, I would say keep the red meat as long as it’s good quality, and get rid of the diet soda. That was my kryptonite.
Damon Pistulka 01:37
I haven’t had a diet soda. Like in a month. I have like, I used to drink them. Like they’re like water right? Now. I know, once like literally maybe a month. So that’s good luck pace. I cut all sugars out of my diet just about other than a little bit here or there. So it’s awesome.
Suzanne Taylor-King 01:55
Tell me do you feel different mentally? Yes.
Damon Pistulka 01:58
Yeah. Yeah, I don’t I don’t have to sleep as much. I there’s there’s all kinds of things that are
Suzanne Taylor-King 02:05
ideas and clarity and focus.
Damon Pistulka 02:08
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Love it. Energy. Andrew. Andrew does the fasting too. I got started trying.
Suzanne Taylor-King 02:16
Yeah, I do, too.
Andrew Cross 02:17
Yeah, I’m pretty comfortable with it. I was actually kind of naturally that way. before I’d actually make myself eat breakfast, because everybody said you should. And I never felt that desire to do that I’d always eat I get pretty hungry around lunchtime and eat a big lunch. So really, it’s nothing for me to go till two o’clock is my time. And then I’ll eat something light. And then you know, and I have kind of whatever, not whatever, within reason, but I have whatever I like for dinner. And that’s it and then cut off the calories at a certain time on nine o’clock. Yeah.
Damon Pistulka 02:55
And yeah, I
Suzanne Taylor-King 02:56
found that cutting it off. by six or seven. improves my sleep so much. So much. I mean, just not having anything in my digestive system at nighttime. has really made a big difference in my sleep quality.
Yeah. I can’t get off the wine that early though.
Andrew Cross 03:18
I try not figured out how to do that.
Damon Pistulka 03:23
Oh, this is awesome. Yeah. I yeah.
Suzanne Taylor-King 03:29
That’s something I just don’t keep in the house.
Damon Pistulka 03:32
Andrew Cross 03:34
Yeah. Yeah, that’s a good idea.
Suzanne Taylor-King 03:37
Yeah, cuz one seems to lead to you thinking that too is a good idea. And then too, it’s like you might as well just finish the bottle.
Andrew Cross 03:48
Yeah, yeah. It is a gateway substance.
Suzanne Taylor-King 03:51
It is your gateway to more
Andrew Cross 03:54
Yeah. It takes your energy away. Yeah. too. That’s the when I make the most progress on my fitness is when I do curtail Yeah. Especially because it does affect sleep too. So the whole spiral starts without next day because you’re you’re just it does
Suzanne Taylor-King 04:13
it affects your snacking judgment as well. Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Andrew Cross 04:18
There’s the the munchies. Yeah.
Damon Pistulka 04:21
It hits my sleep so hard. That’s why I don’t drink a lot. Yeah, it’s it’s I had to have fitful sleep just what do I need to do it but anyway, back to the bathroom over here. I know we’re just talking about health and, and stuff and it’s great Suzanne because that’s what you do, explain it a little bit about about your background and kind of lead us up to what brought you here today.
Suzanne Taylor-King 04:49
Well, I started my life after college as a dental hygienist, and over those 20 years, I really noticed that Most of my patients were very unhealthy, have a lot of inflammation in their bodies, a lot of chronic conditions, you know, diabetes, high blood pressure. And I could tell so much from just looking at their medical history and then taking an observational look at them, you know, skin, fingernails, teeth, gums, you know, all of that. Yeah. And I realized that I had a really cool intuitive ability to kind of look at their medical history, and then talk to them and say, Oh, well, have you thought about this? And have you thought about that? And have you ever tried this. And so I became kind of like, interested in learning more about what I was doing. And I started studying nutrition. And I was always active and fit. And when I hit about 35, my mom passed away very unhealthy, Lee, and I just kind of decided, you know, it was time to tweak my own fitness and nutrition. And I started teaching exercise classes and doing crazy, you know, five K’s and Spartan races and tough mudders. And, you know, hanging out with a group of guys snowboarding and mountain biking. Because girls weren’t doing stuff like that, then, you know, kind of living the laptop lifestyle before there was laptops. So I’m showing my age there a little bit. And that translated, I realized I was helping people with their fitness, and their nutrition. And 85 90% of what I was doing was up here with people’s mindsets. So that led me to the discovery of positive psychology. And I dove into that study of that for three to four years and really kind of crafted my business to focus more on life coaching and that all around wellness view of life, having a positive mindset, gratitude, forgiveness, you know, all the things positive psychology tells us increases our well being and our zest for life. And I’ve had businesses over the last 2530 years. And so the combination of the two I ended up life coaching a lot of entrepreneurs.
Damon Pistulka 07:29
Yeah. Yeah, very cool. Very cool. So when you started doing what you do, and I’m gonna butcher it, you’re gonna have to help me You made up a word to describe what you do. And can you say it again?
Suzanne Taylor-King 07:46
Yeah, Eudimonologist.
Damon Pistulka 07:49
Eudimonologist. There is it Eudimonologist.
Suzanne Taylor-King 07:53
Eudimonologist. So that word came to me about two years ago, two and a half years ago, I started working with my coach. And he is a he’s not really he doesn’t call himself a coach. He calls himself a philosopher. And he’s a stoic philosopher. So he studies that ancient Greek philosophy. And one of the words that really stuck out to me well to our attai we, which is living as the best version of yourself, and then you demonia and if positive psychology was invented, you know, back then, it would have been called you die moon ology. Because that word in ancient Greek actually means the study of a good soul. So the study of what is right with people, and I just kind of decided it just resonated so much with what I do with entrepreneurs, with businesses, and taking teams of people and helping them communicate and live more authentically and grow together. I was like, This is what I do. And I’m going to just make up a word. So I added ologists to it. And I get more questions and more interactions because of that word. And everybody that is working with my coach right now that has heard me say it, they’re like, Can I have that word? Like? Sure. Good.
Damon Pistulka 09:25
Well, that’s cool. Yeah. Well, you got an interesting, you know, your background is interesting, as you talked about, you know, doing your job as a dental hygienist and seeing the people’s medical history and kind of seeing that and going into the the Healthy Living part of your what you do. And it’s really interesting how you combine that then with the mental life coaching that you do. So can you explain a little bit about that and how it
Suzanne Taylor-King 09:55
Yeah, I think, well, first of all, I wanted to say it was a very Very confusing road when it was happening. So when I was in the thick of trying to figure out who I was, as a coach, as a business mentor, I had a couple really successful businesses in the 90s, you know, before social media. So I know all that stuff about franchising and growing a business before social media. And I think that combination, I was left kind of what am I going to do with all this? You know, little bit of holistic health knowledge, Roma therapy, knowledge, energy, medicine, knowledge, like, how am I going to combine all of that to operate in my zone of genius, and it was really a long and twisted kind of path to find that, and it was truly by becoming the best version of myself eating, moving, sleeping, getting back into my meditation practice that clarity came a couple years ago, and I was like, Oh, I don’t, I don’t have to just be one thing. I can be all of that to people. And the mindset piece, there are the people that are successful. The people who change their mindset about food are the ones that can give up sugar. The people who change their mindset about alcohol and needing it. You know, same with cigarettes, any any habit. That’s kind of your kryptonite. Like for me, it was Diet Coke. I just became a person who didn’t drink Diet Coke anymore. Yeah. And there’s some in my garage right now. And, you know, when I walk out into my garage, I see it and I’m like, Huh,
Andrew Cross 11:50
there’s a case out there too. Right? There was what? There’s a garbage can out there, too.
Suzanne Taylor-King 11:55
There is there is but you know, we party and and there’s soda in the house. Yeah. Yeah. And I look at those opportunities to see my old kryptonite and say, Oh, hi, I see you over there. Let’s do doesn’t drink you anymore. And it’s almost like I’m able to, you know, kind of consciously observe and say, huh, you know, I haven’t had one of those in eight or nine years. Why would I need one now?
Damon Pistulka 12:28
Yeah. Yeah. After that long, that’s for sure.
Suzanne Taylor-King 12:34
No, no, but there’s still, there’s still so long that there’s still something that you you see it in? Hmm. Would that taste good right now? Yeah, probably. But now?
Damon Pistulka 12:45
Yeah. Yeah. It’s amazing. No, it’s amazing that if you can do that, Mm hmm. It is, like you said, you said one thing there. I’m not the person that does that anymore. Yeah. And that is a mindset shift that if you can make that it’s really, that’s what you have to do. I don’t I don’t I don’t think you can make a sustainable life change if you don’t do that.
Suzanne Taylor-King 13:18
No. And that’s truly this, the steps of cultivating, you know, willpower, you know, a lot of people think, oh, I don’t have willpower. And you do know, I’ve just cultivated mine, and practice, practice, practice, and then rewarded myself when I do really well. So just those little times of kind of self celebration. All of my clients get used to celebrating when they make those small accomplishments. Yeah, and whether it’s exercising, whether it’s meditating, whether it’s just, you know, eating healthy for one day, you learn to celebrate that and that releases dopamine and serotonin and just, you know, making a fist and going, yes, it did it. Yes, I stood strong against the Diet Coke, right. And just doing that releases a little bit of dopamine. And it reinforces those good habits. And as soon as I learned that, I was like, Oh, so I could actually get and help people get addicted to their good habits. By just learning to celebrate those accomplishments. And then you celebrate with other people, it makes it even more powerful.
Andrew Cross 14:44
So I noticed too, like, when I’ve been successful doing that, not only um, you know, and especially with with eating and we eat better now than I did, you know, 10 years ago. Now I look back at some of the stuff I ate and it doesn’t even if I ever go back Try it. I don’t even know how I even. You know, did you know like that or in the first place? It’s do you get that or it? Is it? Oh,
Suzanne Taylor-King 15:07
yes. I mean, I think about my college days. We all used to go to Taco Bell, like three times a week. And
Damon Pistulka 15:15
Suzanne Taylor-King 15:17
I couldn’t even
Andrew Cross 15:20
one of our sponsors, so we can. Yeah.
Suzanne Taylor-King 15:25
Sorry about that talk about, I could still appreciate a good taco, but I’d rather make it myself. Yeah. And know where my meat came from. And then that’s all I have to say about that. It’s more about me knowing too much. And I think once you know about processed foods, and sugar content and all of that, you you can’t unlearn it.
Damon Pistulka 15:51
Yeah. Oh, yeah. No doubt.
Andrew Cross 15:54
Well, at least you know, it was me. You know, when? Yeah,
Suzanne Taylor-King 15:56
Damon Pistulka 15:58
Yeah. And that’s, that’s one of the things I think that that if, when we made the switch a couple of years ago, we started eating better. And, and honestly, it’s a lot easier when you don’t have kids in the house. If you can get them all the good, more power to you, but, but what you really realize is, you watch other people, as you shop for groceries, and you look and you go, it just you just look at the cards, you look at the people and you go, they are not going to make it till 70.
I do it all the time. And you will notice, yeah,
Damon Pistulka 16:35
yeah. And you know, you’ve got fresh stuff. And then when you look at what you’re putting in your in your cart, you think about it. I know, this is an apple, it’s pretty hard to process an apple. Yeah, I know what it is. You know, there’s other things behind, you know, meats and milks and you know, things like that. But, but I think really just getting back to buying basic, fundamental foundational items and cooking with them. Yeah. Is, is it’s easier to be healthy that way.
Suzanne Taylor-King 17:07
Well, I think most people are shocked to learn, you know, that if they want to eat healthier if they want to lose weight, and you know, and for women, nine times out of 10, the motivation to eat healthier is for an extrinsic goal, like I want to fit in a pair of jeans, or I want to look a certain way, or I’ve gained weight, I don’t like how I look, instead of focusing on the intrinsic value of eating better the energy, the focus, the better sleep, the improved memory, just the improved cognitive function that my clients have at work is worse than staying, eating better and meditating and doing their morning routine. And they typically have resistance, you know, somebody comes to me for business advice. They have resistance about me making changes to their home life. And once they see how much it’s connected, it’s just a magical place. Mm hmm.
Andrew Cross 18:13
Yeah. Well, that’s gonna lead us into, you know, you work a lot with entrepreneurs, business people like ourselves, is it because we just need to help that much more, a lot of work.
Suzanne Taylor-King 18:28
I think we spend. And I say we, and I’m sitting down tonight only because I was standing at my standing desk all day today. We spend a lot of time sitting. And we spend a lot of time on electronics. And I think, you know, digital detoxing is something I have everybody do for at least a short time in working together. And that’s based on the work of Cal Newport digital minimalism, which I love. And I think realizing that you’re spending 10 hours a day, on some sort of device, and then realizing that when you get home from work, you’re sitting in front of the TV, and you’re checking more time on a device. It really makes you realize that what the heck do we do before all of this? You know, what do we do with our time? What do we do? We were spending that time more connected to our families, or our friends or actually in conversation with people instead of messaging or commenting on social media. So I really like to have people get back in touch with who they were before that phone was in their hand. You know? Yeah,
Damon Pistulka 19:50
I can remember those days, you know, to can remember the day before he had cell phones. I was thinking about that. I was did a presentation I don’t know, week or so ago for the SBA in Buffalo, New York and, and I was going through digital history. So I was looking at, you know, when the when the cell phone actually came out and and I can remember before that when it is like you said you are out with your friends and nobody had a phone. It’s just you made the plan and showed
Andrew Cross 20:28
- I had the brick own thing. But I remember we spent you know, we’d spend three hours in the office taking calls in the morning. And we were that was on the landline at the desk.
Damon Pistulka 20:42
Yeah, yep.
Andrew Cross 20:44
The same thing. Really? Yeah. I don’t go with our back before phones. So
Suzanne Taylor-King 20:50
I do well, I I remember one when I was about 24. And I won’t say what year it was, um, I took off for a winter season to go live at a ski resort. And I bar attended a couple nights a week to pay for food and my lift tickets. And I did not watch TV from January. And my last day snowboarding was May 26. That season. So I had 120 days on the slope that season. I barely scraped by with my bartending money. And it was the best time of my life with no inputs. None. There’s no news. There was no TV shows there was no drama. There was, I mean, just my very close knit group of friends that I hung out with. And I mean, so much time in nature and so much time in quiet. Yeah, I really learned who I was as a person. And I think that’s what cultivated just this self confidence and that desire to do something for myself. And my first business was started. Not too long after that
Damon Pistulka 22:11
Andrew Cross 22:12
May I ask which ski resort.
Suzanne Taylor-King 22:14
Yeah, Mammoth Lakes, California.
Andrew Cross 22:17
I’m coming to you live here from Park City.
Suzanne Taylor-King 22:19
Nice. Not have been there.
Andrew Cross 22:22
Yeah, I Yep. I know what you’re doing. I know where you’re coming from. It’s a little more corporate now out there. But you can still, when you get up to the when you get up to the highest points on the on the mountain there. There’s no cell service. That’s Yeah, it’s not it’s not terrible.
Suzanne Taylor-King 22:38
I mean, it wasn’t even an option.
Damon Pistulka 22:40
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I
Suzanne Taylor-King 22:45
think it was just a really. I mean, it was a very scary time for my parents, I remember them thinking, Well, you could drive across the country in a car, by yourself with your dog. Like, what if something happens? And I was like, anger? Like, what’s, what can happen?
Damon Pistulka 23:03
Yeah, yeah, the
Andrew Cross 23:05
different time.
Damon Pistulka 23:08
So what’s, what’s one of the problems that you see, it’s, that’s more common in business people.
Suzanne Taylor-King 23:15
I see the number one is over, over, trying to over achieve at every day. So the demands, you know, the overwhelm. The To Do list is, you know, 20 miles long delegation issues, which I definitely suffered with that I had a hard time delegating, you know, people I would delegate to would make a mistake. And I’d be Oh, yeah. And I think that’s the number one, and then digital, you know, time spent. If you’re working building a business and you’re spending 10 1214 hours a day. You neglect your health, you neglect your family, you neglect your hobbies and your exercise. And I think poor health is really rampant the first five years in a business?
Damon Pistulka 24:13
Yeah. Oh, it’s definitely
Andrew Cross 24:15
Yeah. I think to that, you know, if you pay attention to it as well, too, you can, if you can convince yourself to pull back from some of that. And some of that time for your mental health and fitness at the end of the day. You’ll find out you got more done anyways. You’re in with
Suzanne Taylor-King 24:36
Yes. I don’t believe that until you do it.
Damon Pistulka 24:39
Yeah, no.
Suzanne Taylor-King 24:41
Absolutely think that that is nonsense and impossible until you actually do it. And you do it and I work less now. Then when my business made $20,000 a year and I don’t I won’t say I work, less quality, but I’m functioning at a higher level, I’m more efficient. And I delegate those 10 $20 an hour tasks to my assistant. So I’m able to kind of show up at that best version of yourself. And that wouldn’t be possible if I was still doing, you know, not scheduling social media and not having somebody help me, and not taking care of myself, because I’d been in menopause brain fog somewhere.
Andrew Cross 25:33
Yeah. Well, you know, if you’re running full throttle, you’re going to crash. And when you do that, too, right, so it’s costing time and productivity and performance and everything else. Absolutely. You know, it’s a marathon, right? Not a Yeah. Everybody’s folk, short term gains. And it’s great, you might exit your way, too, we look at that a lot. You know, these are the kind of the softer aspects in businesses and in culture, that, that understand, really, how to get the best out of your business and your people and performance. And if they’re not, they’re not healthy. It doesn’t it doesn’t do anybody any good. This is costing you money every day.
Suzanne Taylor-King 26:12
Yeah. And if they’re, and if they’re stressed, because they’re not getting their work done, or they’re not meeting deadlines, or they’re not making the sales that they want to make or charging, what they want to, you know, charge. I think that’s a big one, especially for coaches and consultants, you know, they struggle with what to charge, they want to get clients, so they bargain down their price, or they lessen, you know, their value. And then they realize, Oh, my gosh, I have to serve 40 clients. And if I had just stuck with my pricing that I started at, I’d only be serving 20. clients.
Andrew Cross 26:52
Yeah. Work smarter, not harder.
Suzanne Taylor-King 26:55
Damon Pistulka 26:57
Well, you know, it all comes together, though, it all comes together. Because you know, as we were talking about at the beginning, if you’re in good health, you don’t need to sleep as much. You’re much, much more energy. Now, I’m not saying that’s all the time to work. But if you do that when the combination of I’m in better and better health, and I use the part of the day, like you said for exercises, Andrew is talking and mental health as you’re mentioning, you the remainder that you’re actually working is less, yes, but it will appear to everyone else, that you’re working a lot more because you get so much more done. Because your brain is clear. You have time to think the thinking time and we’ve talked with a lot of people that talk about that and how important it is. And it is really something how that makes a difference.
Suzanne Taylor-King 27:50
Well, I think that’s the number one thing that people who aren’t super close to me say to me, is, Oh, my gosh, you’re doing so much. Oh, you have so much happening in your business. I see this and I see this and I see this and I’m like, cool. Yeah, I’ve just been golfing for three days. But that’s okay. Yeah. Um, but I like telling people that, oh, that’s how it looks. It looks like I’m posting here, and I’m doing this and I’m doing that. But I really only work about four hours a day. And they’re like, why? Really? Yes. And, you know, if I have something coming up like a big project, then obviously it’s, it’s more today, Tuesday’s is a little bit more than four hours. But people I love that compliment, because that means I’m doing the whole delegation scheduling thing, I’m using my software, and my automations the right way that it feels like it’s really me. But really, it’s my email that’s emailing you. It’s not Suzanne, yeah, that’s set up way in advance. And I love that,
Andrew Cross 29:05
like most people at any any kind of, you know, profession or sports or any kind of activity, you know, arts that, you know, you’ve watched some really, really great ones, and they make it look easy. It’s not easy, but you know, there’s a different mindset to it in performance. What what I find it’s interesting, you know, it’s really great here, if you could talk a little bit about this is because it your way we really, you know, at some of the larger companies have a lot of resources. They’re very in tune with this right now. They want Healthy People a just to reduce their healthcare costs. Yes. For one, you know, and productivity, you know, they have the resources to hire, you know, divisions of people to come in and work with them. But well, how does this you know, that’s one of the things we try to do is we see this because we work with the big companies, but when how do we take that to the, you know, the small business owner, you know,
Suzanne Taylor-King 29:54
that’s exactly what I’m addressing with my new consulting firm that I’ve Put together, all the different experts that I’ve worked with over the years in my business. And I actually can go into a company with, you know, 100 or less employees, and give them a wellness program. So my husband works for Dell computers, and they have an amazing wellness program for their employees, It rewards exercise, walking, it attaches to your Fitbit, and you know that they give away money and discounts on health insurance and cash back for different challenges. And I can actually do that for a smaller company with amazing software that I have. And it can be branded for company, you know, so done a couple law firms, and I’ve done a couple big dental practices. And some smaller, like consulting firms that wanted to do wellness programs, and that the gamification of wellness is really appealing to people, rewards are super appealing to people, you know, they want to participate if their co workers are participating. And that combined with the right company to grow, meaning the right SEO, the right listings, management, reputation management, most most companies under 100 employees aren’t doing those things. And you just shift, you know, a dental practice. For instance, I have a dental practice that has six doctors, and their website, all the grades that I give out for SEO listings, reputation. Google My Business listings all I give grades ABCDE and F. And they got F’s across the board. And so it’s a very visual thing, this report that I gave the dentist and he said, Oh my god, I’m I’m, I’m spending 1800 dollars a month with my website person. And I still have a D in SEO. And I said, Well, yeah. Sorry. But you’re not you’re not doing the right things that needs to be done to increase your SEO. And, you know, really narrowing in on that has taken, I don’t have to spend time on social media, connecting with people and attracting clients. I can do stuff like this that I’m doing with you. Because I know people are landing on my website, whether I’m on social media or not. Yeah. And I love that. But I had to learn all that myself. And so now teaching it and paying it forward to business owners like me, it’s so rewarding.
Andrew Cross 33:02
Yeah, well, that’s why that’s, that’s, that’s a key principles, bringing it forward in doing like a, you know, I’ve seen companies like with 3040 employees, you know, private, you know, privately owned the owners, they’re working with them. And I’ve seen them do it the right way, in the wrong way. But you know, for them to take maybe a day to do a retreat, or to do something for the welfare benefit is very expensive. And there’s that, you know, and it really, it also gets into their heads to either, you know, we’re falling behind, we’re not working, you know, I can understand where they’re coming from, but I’ve seen people do it. I mean, to me, that is the most enlightened entrepreneur, you know, that’s impressive, because it’s another thing for General Electric to take, you know, a couple days off, they can afford, right to do these kind of things, by for someone that has their own money out of their own pocket. And the competition’s at the gates every day.
Suzanne Taylor-King 34:01
You have to understand the ROI of doing something like that for their employees, whether it’s, you know, a $10 per month per person wellness program, it’s all digital, or it’s actual, you know, weekend retreat somewhere. Of course, that’s a little bit more expensive. But to understand, I remember when my, my boss, I worked at the same dental office for 15 years, and he just retired, which is kind of surreal. And he took us all on a cruise, because we hit a monthly income goal that we decided we wanted to hit the employees, not him. We decided we’re going to do a million dollars a month in this practice for dentists, six hygienists. And we figured it out how we’re going to do it. We presented it to him When we said if we hit this three months in a row, we, we want you to take us on a cruise or a vacation. He said, deal.
Andrew Cross 35:11
Yeah. No, it’s a great story. That’s really great. Because Yeah, these are the kind of things you really can’t see it. These aren’t really tangible results. It’s hard to measure. But I think I’ve seen it happen, the enlightened or knows how to step back. And in these when people are healthy, and they’re, they’re your RV, they’re coming in and they’re ready to go to war for you. Yeah. Possible frame of mind with good health. Yeah, you’re gonna win in it, I can attest to it, because I see it at the end. You know, when the buyers come in to look at a company to buy, that’s in our business, that human factor, they can tell they don’t have to. They just do it. Yeah. Walk around. You feel it in the air? Yes, people are the right people. Or they’re miserable. Yeah. But there’s that if it’s a misery culture,
Damon Pistulka 36:08
you know,
Andrew Cross 36:08
that, if you want to know where the ROI is, because there’s no deal going on there,
Suzanne Taylor-King 36:13
as well, what am I my favorite things to do is a secret patient visit to my medical or dental practices. You know, I’ll make an appointment, or my partner, one of my consultants, she’ll make an appointment, and we’ll go and get our teeth cleaned. And, you know, from the very beginning of the experience to the end, you know, what was it like to call? What was it? How long did I have to wait for an appointment? How was I talked to? When I said I had insurance? Or when I said I didn’t have insurance? What What was the feedback? And then the actual in office? vibe? Is there eye contact? Is there warmth? Is there caring? Were finances discussed ahead of time? Or did I just, you know, get told when I was finished how much it was and all that comes into play to have a really successful? Yeah, I mean, it doesn’t have to be just a medical practice. You could have a book spur, and have an employee working there. And it was treating people badly or even worse, not treating people like anything at all. And you need to know that.
Andrew Cross 37:28
Yeah. Yep. For sure.
Damon Pistulka 37:31
Yeah, yeah, it’s it is. It’s interesting, because when we started talking, we were talking about life, life coaching, and health and those kind of things. But you know, what you’re talking about and how you really are helping people as holistically as, as you as you talk. And when you it spills over into how you do business and, and understanding the importance of doing business the right way B just because it’s a good you live it, you need to do it, you know, in everything you do. It’s really, really cool. Thank you.
Andrew Cross 38:08
Well, it’s like your you know, you sleep a lot of your life. You might as well have a good bed to sleep in. Right. So
Suzanne Taylor-King 38:15
I can talk half hour on that. Yeah.
Andrew Cross 38:19
Yeah. It’s been your, you know, a good portion of your life working, then. You know, it. There’s no reason to be miserable. And you don’t have to be.
Suzanne Taylor-King 38:29
Yeah, you don’t have to be that’s all a choice.
Damon Pistulka 38:32
Yes. Yeah.
Andrew Cross 38:34
Choose your attitude.
Damon Pistulka 38:36
Yeah. Yeah.
Andrew Cross 38:39
There’s the whole fish story if you read that one of you. Yes. The one out of Seattle. So I forget the name of the author. I can’t remember. I can’t remember. Yeah, I love that old story.
Damon Pistulka 38:52
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. My Shelf up there. Yeah, my, my mother gave it to me of all people. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it a PhD in educational do I guess? So? Yeah.
Suzanne Taylor-King 39:12
I think that when you choose to have fun with what you’re doing, yeah. And the people around you, whether it’s your co workers, your employees, or your customers, they actually feel that that you’re that you’re alive. I mean, nobody would ever accuse me of being quiet or depressed or not animated. Like, I’m totally animated. I make faces all the time. I talk with my hands like right now I’m sitting on my hands so they’re not like up here. And, but that’s part of why people want to work with me and the ones that don’t. That’s okay. That’s okay. I’m not saying Coach for you then. But the ones who do hire me it’s because of the way I live my life.
Andrew Cross 40:09
Mm hmm. Yeah.
Suzanne Taylor-King 40:10
And business knowledge is great. degrees are great. I got a ton of them, but nobody’s ever asked to see them.
Damon Pistulka 40:18
Yeah. Yeah.
Suzanne Taylor-King 40:21
Yeah. I don’t know why I spent so much time getting all those certifications, honestly,
Damon Pistulka 40:26
there’s no question. There’s this questionable anymore. It is. There’s some real life skill and some some more technical things that may or may be better for some, I definitely believe that. It is, if you are, what you’re saying, though, really resonates with us. I mean, we really, we are not the right fit for some, some clients have come to us. And we, we politely tell them that because you know, they’re not gonna, they’re gonna knock unlike what we do, like, I’m sure a lot we talked about this previously is like, they’re not gonna, they’re not going to like what we need to do. And if right, to get to where we want to go, and if that’s just not going to happen for the beginning, it’s just not worth it. And yeah, not worth it for them not worth it for us. And I think really, a lot of us in business, especially when you’re talking about the smaller businesses with the five employees or less. You know, it’s like, I want to get all this business well, really that business doesn’t do you any good. If it’s if you’re doing it with someone that doesn’t appreciate it, and I saying appreciate it’s not the right word, someone that’s not really helping you to grow by helping them. Right. Because if you are working with the right client, it should be stretching, you have it or giving doesn’t matter. can be I’m a I’m a contractor, I’m I’m building addition on your house, same thing as as an advisor, that a CFO or CPA or anything else if your client is not helping you grow, and it gets boring, and it’s just repetitive and it’s blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah, do it. No, it’s not good for either aanya it’s not doing you any good anymore. So I think a lot of people in the smaller businesses get it. It’s like, I need the money. Well, everybody needs money. But if you if you really begin to do as you said, and you’re doing the right things, the right business will come to you. You will come down here.
Suzanne Taylor-King 42:33
Last year, I guess it was December, my phone rang. And it wasn’t a number that was in my phone. And I normally don’t answer I just I let it go to voicemail, you know, my phone numbers all over my website. So if somebody needs to get ahold of me, you know, they usually leave a message. And this time, I decided to answer the phone for some reason, I think because it was fairly local to me. And it happened to be a dentist, who found me online and needed to hire a life coach. And he saw that I had been a hygienist for 20 years. Now, he wasn’t looking for any business advice at that point. He wanted to get his food, exercise and mindset in the right place. Because he was getting older, he was approaching 41 to be in the best shape of his life. And we did a fitness thing together. We did a nutrition thing. Like I said, Oh, I’m doing this with you. This is like, my year to do this. So let’s go. And I said someday when we meet in person, you know, I have 15 years on you. So we’ll see who can do more push ups. And he laughed. And he was like, so what else do you do? And we ended up in a conversation about how I work with entrepreneurs. And I said, you’re actually my die for dream client, you know, a 37 year old dentist, like, who has four offices. Sign me up. I said, so if you ever need any business help, or any advice? Let me know. I’m here for you. Hmm, yeah. Well, guess what happened? And it’s been amazing. Like when I tell you. I mean, that was like intervention. Yeah, that he found me. And it’s been amazing.
Damon Pistulka 44:43
Yeah, that’s great.
Suzanne Taylor-King 44:46
And that’s so fun to have a relationship that I made a difference in his personal life. His wife called me and thanked me. his business partner is like Oh, well, I don’t want you to consult in our business. If he’s, he’s going to be any different personally. I said, No, no, the personal stuff will rub off on you too. And he said, Okay. You know, because they didn’t want to lose that personal drive and motivation that you get from talking to somebody, even if it’s only 15 minutes a week keeping you on track with your food and your exercise.
Damon Pistulka 45:27
Yeah. Yeah. It’s so important. Yeah. It’s, it’s wonderful talking with you, Suzanne, thank you, you tell. I mean, it is, it really is, it is. It’s so good to be able to hear you and see you and understand what you’re saying. Because, guess what we couldn’t grill and and people most people don’t do not get to live a life that they could. They don’t think they can. And they can, they can do it. If they just take one step today, another Morrow, and, and along the way, throw that crap out the door, that comparing yourself to anyone else, compare yourself to yesterday, and just keep working on it. And I think that, you know, hearing you the stories that you’re telling about how you’re helping people is just awesome. And and thank you so much. You’re welcome. So much. So if people want to get ahold of you, Suzanne, what’s the best way to do that?
Suzanne Taylor-King 46:32
Well, I have some awesome resources. On my website. my newest book is there for free. It’s a mindfulness guide for entrepreneurs, Suzanne Taylor life coach.com. And the consulting firm, you can reach me through my life coaching website to get to the business resources as well. So that’s really the best place to get on my email list. Get on my morning routine builder where I actually help you via email, create a morning routine that works for you. And it’s like a little life coaching program via email. So it’s really fun.
Damon Pistulka 47:12
Nice, nice. Great. Well, thank you so much for stopping by today.
Suzanne Taylor-King 47:16
You’re so welcome. Thanks for having me.
Damon Pistulka 47:18
Wonderful learning more about you. And I’m sure if anyone wants to talk to Suzanne, reach out to her. Suzanne, thanks again. Thank you so fun.