ai, people, data, talk, avatar, gpt, personal development, business, work, apps, train, breakthrough, technology, coach, tech, interacting, convergence, jay, models, internet
Jay Pandya, Damon Pistulka
Damon Pistulka 00:00
Damon, all right, everyone, welcome once again to the faces of business. I am your host, Damon pistulka, and I am excited for our guest today, because we’re going to be talking about using AI to share your knowledge with the world. I’ve got Jay pandaya here today. Thanks so much for being here today. Jay,
Jay Pandya 00:22
thanks for having me. Damon, just really looking forward to our conversation. Yeah,
Damon Pistulka 00:26
yeah, this is cool, because we’re we are everything you I don’t think you can pick up a publication, look at a web page, anything without seeing AI on it today, and it’s going to be great to talk with you about it, because your experience coming from the IT world and really understanding that rolling into AI, I’m sure you’re going to have some great insights.
Jay Pandya 00:50
Thank you. Yes, it’s been a fascinating journey over the last few years.
Damon Pistulka 00:55
Well, that’s great, and we always like to start out to learn a little about your background and how you got into what you’re doing today, and ultimately, then we’ll talk about how you’re using AI to share people’s knowledge with the world.
Jay Pandya 01:10
Yeah, definitely, definitely. So where do I start? Right? So my background, I when I finished school, my dad was a doctor, you know, he used to run a private hospital back in India. And, you know, when you have a good marks, family is a, you know, doctors. What do you do? You end up in medicine. That’s what I did. So I ended so I did, you know, entered into medicine and graduated with medical degree and, and then there was, you know, personal development has always been the thing that’s always been important to me. And through some personal development programs, I learned in early 20s that medicine is not my thing. It’s not what I really wanted to do. I just ended up being there because, hey, that’s what the family wanted, and that’s what you do. And then I had an opportunity to actually examine, what do I I really want? And the tech was not the answer, but the answer was, you know, I just, I want to make a difference at a bigger scale, not, you know, working with patients one to one was boring. And so just, you know, how do I make a difference at a bigger scale? And this is, we are talking late 90s and and, you know, computers and internet was emerging. I remember the whole, you know, signing up for Hotmail. And Hotmail was new in 1995 you know, all that time, right? And, and that was, that was the time I got into tech. Got interested into tech learning. There was no serious career consideration at that time. And working in a hospital, you know, at night time, working in a tech during the daytime, the general manager of the hospital found out that, you know, I tinker with computers during the daytime, so at 2am at night, once he asked me, Would you manage this project for the administration system we are developing that’s going nowhere, right? And be an interface. And that was kind of my first entry into the proper tech world. I got a job that paid me more than being a doctor, as a registrar, and nine to five, you know, during the day, and I was waiting for my postgraduate admission in neurosurgery. It’s like because I didn’t make it the first time and I started that, and then really loved it, and never looked back and to get a formal career, came to Australia, did my Masters in Information Systems, did my MBA, and that was that, though, that’s how it started, and that’s how I transitioned from medicine to tech and business. Yeah,
Damon Pistulka 04:00
yeah. So I’ve got to ask, Are your parents okay that you didn’t become a doctor?
Jay Pandya 04:06
Oh, they’re very okay now, at that time, at that time, he was that especially wasn’t, it was an interesting conversation to say, Hey, I’m, I’m not coming to the hospital. Run the hospital. Now I’m gonna work in tech, and it was strange, but some other,
Damon Pistulka 04:27
yeah, yeah, because I can imagine, I could just see that, oh, I’m my prodigy. It’s all gonna go through, and then you’re like, Oh no, yes,
Jay Pandya 04:37
yes, yes, yes. Well,
Damon Pistulka 04:39
that’s, that’s, that’s awesome and and so coming into into the IE, IT tech space, you know, that itself from that time, the early 2000s on. I mean, we’ve seen so many different things that have happened in and out. And, you know, really, they. The advent of the Internet and and all that that brought through those times. So comparing today. I know most people when we think AI, are thinking chat, GPT, yes, let’s talk pre what people now think AI is, and and really kind of compare that into what we’re seeing today a little bit more, you know, because when I talk about pre AI, what we think of chat GPT, there was a lot of, I don’t know if I’m using the right words, but there are a lot of models that did a lot of artificial intelligence work already, yes. So, yes, you able to be involved in any of that work prior to the GPT kind of stuff? Yeah, absolutely.
Jay Pandya 05:46
I have been involved in AI machine learning since 2011 12, you know, yeah, got serious in 2013 14 onwards. And I think open AI and chat GPT brought the AI the mainstream, like commodity everyone knows, you know, and interacting with chatgpt, you know, it’s like AI, no, AI, you know, there’s so much. It’s like a tip of an iceberg, right? There’s so much more that goes behind. So I’ve been involved with it up at least 1011, years in a more serious capacity,
Damon Pistulka 06:19
yeah, what are some of it’s interesting that you say that, so right now we look at it, you said the like, kind of like the tip of the iceberg that we see. I can type something in and it gives me an answer, right? What are some of the real tech hurdles that people saw in the early days that we had to overcome to get even where we’re at today? Yeah,
Jay Pandya 06:42
I think it’s a great question. I’ll tell you my own hurdles right in AI and some of the and then the common hurdles that AI is not new. It’s been around for 60 years. Okay? It’s just the form and shape and interaction level and interaction medium. You know, interface is, is what’s evolved, and then, of course, how it works. The biggest hurdle, you know, was the computing power. Yeah, right. One of the one of the biggest huddle, was the computing power, the amount of computational capabilities that you require, and it needed evolution and the, you know, commoditization of the computer computing power through cloud technologies like Amazon Cloud and Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. These are the three cloud behemoths, giants, yeah, they have made the computer computing power so accessible, you know, a servers and the processing power that used to take millions of dollars to even set up before you even get in the game, right? It’s like you want to play the game, you have to build your own stadium. Yeah, yeah. It used to be before you even get to play the first ball, whether you do baseball or whether you before you kick the first ball, you have to build your own stadium. And that itself used to be a big barrier, infrastructure, computing infrastructure, right? And now you sign up for a free account, put a $50 $20 some you know now chat GPT is free. But actually, if you want to build your own AI models and AI solutions, you can start with 50 or $100 because of the computational power and the capabilities that’s been provided through the cloud infrastructure, right? So that used to be the some significant barrier I’m talking you know, 2011 before, right? Yeah, yeah, in the cloud has penetrated the business world and academics and make a major shift, right? The second one was the data access to data. You know, machine learning is not new. However, machine learning to teach the machine, you need so much data, so much data processing. And there’s lot of manual, you know, data engineering work that goes into turning data into an insight that AI models can consume, right? Yeah, and, and that, that pathway, that process has evolved a lot. Now this is where it gets technical, and I probably wouldn’t go too technical here for the you know audience and anyone listening. But if you don’t have the data, your machine learning models are useless. Yeah, okay, most cutting edge AI technology and cutting edge machine learning models that may be open AI or Microsoft or Google, anywhere, anyone might have without the right kind of data and access to the right kind of data, it’s useless. Right models will just not learn, so to speak. Yeah, right. So that was always the second, you know, barrier. And the companies like open AI or Google or Facebook, and you know, they have access to the kind of data that people like you, and I cannot even imagine, yes, it’s enormous level of access to people’s data that is just unimaginable for a normal person. Yeah, when it comes to consumer and the life of people was as well as businesses and so computational power plus access to data to train the machine learning. That’s those two factors. Has seen the biggest transformation in last 10 years, and now what we see is the open AI as a, you know, output and outcome of that probably 6070, years journey before.
Damon Pistulka 11:00
Yeah, that’s yeah. So as you’re looking into it, this is great, because we’re getting into, you know, really, like you talked about early machine learning, the limitations, and just as you said, first of all, access to the data. Because if we’re talking, if we’re talking, you know, even if we look back 20 years, so that’s 2004 The internet didn’t have nearly as much data available on it as it does today, if we just look at that source of data. But then, when you look at this, all the other websites have been created with all the other information that’s been loaded and put online. And everything you know, even if we had the technology to do what we wanted to do, the data set is so much more complete now. And and Google’s had time to search, you know, like you said, all the scary stuff about us that everybody doesn’t want to think that they collect what they collect. And and now bringing this together into something in the in the more like an open AI format, where these things that are really pretty magical, if you go back 20 years, happen almost matter of factly. Now, yes,
Jay Pandya 12:16
yes, absolutely, yeah. And, you know, it’s, it’s the convergence of technologies, right? Just as you know, when we say internet, it’s the you need to have mobile, you know, and a penetration of mobile, you need to have the fast internet. You need to have cloud. Technologies evolved because, you know, we used to have internet before the cloud, right? However, the servers used to be so fragmented, right on an individual website, hosting servers, right versus cloud environment, very different now, right? So it’s the evolution of mobile penetration. So you can actually get the location technology. You know, location related data, behavioral data, how people interact with it, the cloud technologies, the speed of the Internet, all of things you know, from going from GPRS in 1990s to, you know, 3g to 4g and now 5g and now they’re talking about 60 and 70, you know, like that, that kind of all of that had to come together for AI breakthrough to occur. Yeah, yeah. Without one it wouldn’t have occurred. Like, you know, it’s not one factor that contributes to it’s a convergence of multiple technologies coming together that allowed and enabled what we now experience and see, and, you know, use as a magical experience of chatgpt,
Damon Pistulka 13:46
yeah, yeah. That is cool. That’s a great way to explain it, because without any of those pieces, it doesn’t work.
Jay Pandya 13:54
Yeah, yeah. It just wouldn’t have the the fuel, the data is the fuel, and you can have a Ferrari go and buy a Ferrari, or Maserati, or whatever is, and it sits in a garage if you don’t put a petrol in it, right? So, data is the petrol of the most cutting edge AI technologies. And the accumulation of the data, accessibility of the data, and transforming it and turning it into, you know, form that AI models can use is what most people don’t see or realize in a mainstream masses. But that’s been the real breakthrough here, rather than the AI model itself. Yeah,
Damon Pistulka 14:32
that’s that’s for sure, that convergence of technology, like you said, with the speed of the Internet, the mobile, the in the data, and that you’re just getting from all that, and then the cloud technology. So we talked about this a little bit before we got on, but as an AI professional yourself, yeah, how do you keep up with the changes? Because it seems like what was done on Monday. Is old news by Wednesday?
Jay Pandya 15:03
Yes, I think it’s very simple answer. It’s just a lot of reading, a lot of experimenting, a lot of just doing, figuring things out, lot of failing, as well, as I said, you know, I’ve been in this space more seriously, you know, not just tinkering with it on edges for last 1011, years. And it just it required lot of failing, failing at it, experimenting, playing with it, committing time, resources, money, all of it, to learn and figure things out, right? And I’ll give you an example. You know, I touched on the personal development earlier. Yeah, right. And I’m big on personal development, you know, I truly believe that the education that schools and universities provide is grossly insufficient. You know, I have experienced that. I’ve spent a lot of years at uni, right, first in medicine and then master, two different masters that, you know, I’ve spent a lot of years, and I have a high regard for the contribution of academic education, but then what I got from a personal development, you know, you know, doing courses and seminars and coaching and training and development of that way gave me the life I have, right and and that’s what I call a non traditional education. I used to dream about, how do I make that non traditional education accessible to the world, right? And that’s where the AI comes in. I used to, I used to dream about, well, let’s take any of those personal development leaders, okay, um, you know, I don’t want to mention any specific names, but I hope to give an examples, you know, like take, talk about Tony Robbins or landmark or, you know, there are several programs of that nature, and I would dream about, well, there’s so much that I learned from interacting with coaches and experts, and who has got this wisdom right, not just the knowledge and information, but the real wisdom we got to train AI so that people can have access to it in a commoditized manner, yeah? And I’ll give you an example, I’ll give you my example, right? And I’m not, I’m answering your question, but in a little bit longer, yeah, this is awesome. So I used to lead seminars, you know, because of the difference that personal development made in my life, right? You know, my career, that itself was a breakthrough to leave medicine and get into this tech, to move from India to Australia. All of that itself occurred as impossible people would go. That’s magical. That doesn’t happen. That never happens. How can we have a doctor doing tech and not running a business? Just boggles people’s mind, right? Still does. And yeah, and then my relationship with my wife and, you know, the life that I built, you know, like all of that, when someone looks at it as a chronology, it’s like, wow, that’s kind of crazy that doesn’t it’s not normal. That’s what people see. And I give a lot of credit to that through the personal development that I had, right? And so I was into it, and I wanted to contribute that to people. So I used to lead seminars and programs as a hobby on the side, outside of the main, main business and the main career. And I used, I would wonder, you know, there’s about 200 300 people in front of me every week. I would coach them, like coaching, transformational coaching, whatever you call it, right? And it will give me a, you know, the element of satisfaction. There is this family, there is career, there is money, and then there is the satisfaction, you know, contributing to people, and that that gave me that fulfillment and satisfaction that otherwise no amount of money or accomplishments would have given me, right? And I would kind of wonder, how can technology, digital technologies, be used to really scale this,
Damon Pistulka 19:41
Jay Pandya 19:42
you know, I have, I have finite number of hours to contribute to people’s lives. I go to sleep, I go to eat, I got family, I go to earn money, and have take care of my job and business and all that. And I got, now, two, three hours left that I’m using every day to contribute. To people, but and then maybe 200 people in a week, fine, but that 200 never became, you know, it took me 11 years to lead. I led about 20,000 people right in the seminars, yeah. What, what I did, what we do, was enormously valuable to people. It transformed lives. And there are 8 billion people on the planet, and every human being should have that kind of education, non traditional learning, not University, School kind of but you know that wisdom that really makes a awesome difference in someone’s lives, relationships, confidence, communications, just the human that they are right. We have war going on. People being righteous, fighting with each other. I am right, you are wrong, and now we have a war in our hand. Yeah, start from kitchens and bedrooms to our communities to the world, right? It’s really boil it down. It’s, I’m right, you are wrong. And now we have war. It’s just different perspectives. And I used to kind of wonder, how do you you know? How do you really change the world? Change the world. If I talk to 200 people about it every week, that’s just grossly insufficient, even if I do it full time for the rest of my life, I’m not gonna reach to more than 100, 200,000 people that way. Yeah, and, and I’m gonna be dead. And how do I make the best use of everything I know and everything I have to go to contribute to touch as many people as I can, right? And that’s where the AI comes in. And I would go, Well, if we trained machine learning models and created an AI avatar. This is 2011 12 that I used to dream about, right, you know, and then give it everything, the knowledge, the wisdom, the the distinctions that allows for the breakthrough results in communication and personal productivity, in in relationships, in business, right, in trust, in just being a good human with integrity, right, and being willing to give up being right. You know, just in the interest of relationships working right, you know, what’s more important? You know, relationship or being right, what which game is more important, right? I used to talk about that. And though if, if we can train in AI, then we have, we can have a 24/7, AI agent, AI avatar, interacting with people on social media, on websites, on mobile apps, and then there is no ceiling, and my time limit of the difference I can contribute, it’s not going to be me, but hey, it can be 80% of me, and that’s going to be great, right? And so I started working on that, you know, as I say, 2011 1213, right? In that time. And people would call me crazy, like, just, there was no other word, right? Yeah, and I kind of translated that into business as a vision to go, hey, you know, imagine you are a coach, you’re a business coach, you are a life coach, you are an executive coach, you’re a relationship coach, you are a organizational development consultant in companies. You somewhere in your job, you are training developing people right where the knowledge plus experience and insights are critical. It’s not just knowledge you can’t just pass. Yeah, what if that job could get done 24/7, without you being there? And if it’s 80% right, you know your spend the time you spend that 20% is optimized to more premium behavioral interactions, rather than informational exchange, because informational exchange can be transferred by then, taken care of by the AI, yes, whereas the behavior of the human element, which requires heart and a soul, is where you should spend your time on, which is the 20% time you might spend. But hey, the knowledge, the information with repetition you know, is the podcast, you know, articles, blog posts, all of that is, is a type of data. Yeah, you can take that data and train AI into it, and then the one on one conversation that requires heart and soul, that’s probably the 20% that you really enjoy the most. And I spoke from a personal experience, right? That should become, you know, if you take think about sales funnel, that that behavioral transformational conversation can become the at the bottom of the funnel. Yeah, right, why? And a digital technologies can take care of the 80% and now, instead of charging. $10,000 for a weekend program, right where 80% 90% is information, make it commodity and make it $2 a month subscription. You know, millions and billions of people can use it at $1 $2 and even free. And then that creates the brand awareness that creates the you know, the audience, and then the right people will flow through to you for that important, premium, transformational interaction. And instead of charging $10,000 to 300 people for a weekend, you can now move into personalized, you know, premium services for what you do. Yeah, right, and, and that’s what I used to dream about. And I said, I’ll build a business from there. You know, people don’t see what I’m talking about, thinking about and, and connecting that with the whole AI piece Damon, when I went to because, you know, hey, I was a startup. When I, you know, started this, ultimately formed as a company in a, you know, 2017 and 18, and I went to Google and Amazon because, hey, I was a startup and I was not funded. Said, hey, I want to crack this puzzle to train my AI avatar to scale me,
Damon Pistulka 26:27
yeah, and,
Jay Pandya 26:28
you know, first they laughed second, when they actually got it. I’m talking Google AI labs in London, the Deep Mind, right in London, they said, Well, if this, technically, this problem is yet to be solved. If you solve it, we’ll buy you. That’s when I knew I’m on to something. Yes, yeah. But again, you know, infrastructure, I needed a $5 million of cloud capabilities to even play the game. Yeah, right. And I was looking for the solutions and yada yada. And that’s where we started the whole Zynga five master Dojo journey. But the whole vision and what’s the problem we’re solving, it started with, how do I make the biggest difference? There are 200 people in front of me every week. How do I take you to 20,200 1000 and 2 million to 200 million, there’s so much difference to be made. People are being righteous. Instead of, you know, having harmonious relationship, we end up with divorce and war. You know, how do we do that? It that quest, that problem solving led me to building a business, at an AI
Damon Pistulka 27:41
company. Yeah. Well, first of all, I always want to say I truly enjoy talking about personal development, because for me, I believe that is how people achieve their ultimate dreams. I mean, I they’re just, there’s just, if you do not devote yourself to personal development personally you and and and feel how that changes your world and feel how that changes your relationships. You probably aren’t under some people listen to this aren’t understanding what you’re saying, Jay, but it is life changing when you really get into personal development and do this, yes, then once you see that, I love hearing how you’re saying, I need to spread this with the world, because it is such a big deal. Yes, that’s awesome. And it’s great to hear how you did that and you learned it by putting in the reps you were doing this week in and week out, helping people do this. Yeah, and the convergence, like you talked about the convergence of technology that allowed us to do technology, the convergence of your desire for per to to teach other people personal development, you putting in the reps and the advancement of other AI technologies. Now it’s really cool to see how those things have combined to allow you to do what you’re doing in zigify. Now,
Jay Pandya 29:03
yes, yes, let’s
Damon Pistulka 29:04
talk about that, because this is really something. Now that you’ve explained what you’re talking about with the avatar doing 80% and the 20% being taken care of by the human What was your I explain zingify Then, or what, how this relates, because this is really a cool story,
Jay Pandya 29:23
you know. So again, the desire, the want, the need to make difference, you know, at scale, yeah, led me to, you know, first the company was called Master dojo. We still have the website on right. It was called Master dojo. I was like, okay, marketplace app, right? Like, Uber for coaching, training and development, right? And we did that in Australia, and that business model did not work. We built the tech. We built the marketplace platform. And it didn’t work from a business perspective, right? In spite of everything that coaches and people wanted, you know, it just didn’t get the traction. Yeah, and then we had the feedback as a startup. You listen to your customers, right? You kind of what’s going on and what, you know, why is it not getting attraction? And what we well, you know, I want my own brand. I want my own brand, my own, you know, my customers. You know, that’s the key feedback that we got from our coaches training development companies that we were, you know, working with as an initial niche. And we had about 60 customers in about seven countries, 60, you know, coaches and training development companies, 20,000 users. It just did not take off the way I wanted it to. And then when we heard from the customers, saying, everything you have done is great, we love all of it, but I want my own brand. And I want my own self, you know, for in front of my audience, not everybody else who can also be my competitors. Yeah, right. And that’s when, and then, you know, we got some customers in us. That was biggest traction for us. So we moved the company. There are new brand in us as zify, Inc, and instead of a marketplace as a business model, we went your personalized brand, right? You know, like a mobile apps, branded for you, done for you, all of that, and that part of the business took off, got traction, you know, significant revenues and the growth. And I was like, Okay, that seems to be working, right. And the biggest shift that we made was initially we built the platform again. Remember, I wanted to solve the problem of data, right? Problem of data. I could not create my own AI avatar, right to work for people 24/7 and coach and develop and train people, 24/7 unless I transformed my knowledge experience and insights into data. Yes, content, recorded, content, blogs, audio, video recordings. I couldn’t do it right, so we built a platform to host your online courses, online content, pre recorded videos, audios, documents, publish it as an online course. Right? You’re hosting an event, seminars. You publish it. You know, it’s a single platform in a footprint. If you look at a coaching, training development HR, as a business, the footprint the data was distributed across 10 to 14 different platforms. Yes, you know, for events, you have Eventbrite. For stream, you have streamyard, right, social media and communities and groups, engagement people do it on Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, LinkedIn groups, then you have a CRM. You know, if you know, for online courses, people would use Kajabi, and when you look at it, it’s like 10 to 15 different pieces of software people would use. And so we started building a platform called all of that in one place, right to a make the business operations easier and more streamlined for that niche, you know, for coaches, training, development companies, seminar companies, more importantly, the underlying intent, what? Get all that data that is fragmented in 14 systems into one platform. Once you all the data into a single platform, we can now train machine learning algorithms to actually become you, essentially, right? And then we started the journey on 2017 and 18. First version was master dojo. It evolved to become a zingify with the market feedback. And now we have had a breakthrough, right? And then the breakthrough was where we had number of people who actually used our platform. All that data exist on the platform, and the simultaneously, you know, parallelism, right? Parallelism is beautiful thing, this convergence of technologies now the AI, the generative AI models are open source. Five years ago, I needed $5 million to even play the game. That amount, instead of $5 million became ridiculously low, yeah, you know, and so very accessible for any startup or anyone wanting to solve a problem, right? And so we did that. We jumped on it. We took open source models, and we had all the data through our platform right for coaching, training development companies and. And using that data, we would train the machine learning models. And then the further advance in the technology is interactive avatar, right? So people currently produce, you know, AI to produce videos, yeah, right. You can, you can produce, you know, deep fake, right? You know, you see Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s videos coming out that they’re saying things that they never said, because it’s not real. It’s the AI, you know, it’s a video production, right? But now we are moving to what’s called AI avatar, or AI agent that actually talks to you. So, we we worked on a through a platform that people can use in their business, online courses, community events, referrals, testimonials, all of that is a form of data. Yeah, right, interaction with clients, and then use that data to train the AI avatar to speak to the prospect, to speak to the clients. And the key thing is interactive manner, yeah, so, you know, that’s what we started working on. Now we had solved the problem of data. We solved the problem of computational technologies and computational power, right and and now we are so close to launching what’s called Interactive avatar, so I can take you, take all your recordings, your knowledge insights, experience embedded in your data, you know, your blog post, your books, your articles, your audio recordings, train the AI model exclusively for you. Okay, and, and, and launch an interactive avatar on social media, on your website, on a mobile app that is branded for you and and people can interact with Damon and it and it looks and sounds and feels like Damon, right? Uh, licks and sounds and feels like Jai. It’s not Jai. It’s jai’s ai avatar that practically does a better job than I can do, you know, 80 90% of the questions and answers, yeah, my avatar can provide that frees up my time, you know? And that’s true for any business owners, yeah, so that’s what we are doing at zyngafi, Ai. And many people would ask me, Well, I can do that in chatgpt. How is it different from chatgpt? You know, I can train I can upload my files. I can create a custom GPT, you know, upload my files and upload my knowledge. And now custom GPT will allow me to, you know, do what you’re talking about, except there are two differences that I highlight for people, right? When someone goes compare what I’m talking about with customs. Number one is when you upload a file to chat GPT open. Ai, got it, yeah, yeah, right. And if your business is built on your intellectual property, you want to protect it, because the moment open AI and chat GPT is trained in your intellectual property, you are redundant. Your customers don’t need to come to you. Yeah, they’re a knowledge professional. Engage in a training, coaching, training or development business, okay? And if that knowledge got into chat, GPT models, customers don’t need to pay you what they currently pay you. That’s the first thing. So your intellectual property protection is a critical thing, right? So at Zynga file, we make sure that your data is actually protected exclusively for you in your own environment, under your own ownership, without any compromise of intellectual property. That’s the first thing, and the second thing is experience, right interaction, experience so you see the chat GPT has started with a chat bot. You type and it responds, and people love that. And now it’s moved to conversationals, right? So, voice UI, right? Voice user interface, yep, and it’s, that’s, that’s that right? Now, we don’t know what’s coming, but that’s that. But now transform that, that, that’s your voice, your face, your lip movement, your eyes, your facial expressions, your hand. Like I talk with my hands. Lot of people say, Jay, you talk with your hands, right? I move my hands a lot. Put that on. Now it’s your brand. Now it’s you, and it’s interactive and and it stops, and people respond, you literally don’t need to hire a next salesperson. You don’t need to hire the next coach. You don’t need to hire the next employee, because this interactive avatar, you know, if you have to pay someone $80,000 a year to be the next business development manager, well. Instead of hiring 10, maybe you need one, and you your AI avatar. Work, 24/7, across internet, on social medias, on websites, on apps. That’s what we are now doing. That’s the evolution of where we started and where we have landed now.
Damon Pistulka 40:20
That’s incredible. That’s incredible and, and, like you said, it really is you, because, based off of your mannerisms, the things that you’ve experienced and written about or talked about and and were given a data on, and the one thing that you did bring up that’s real important, I think, is IP protection. And that is true. A lot of people don’t realize that what you if you upload it, it’s there in chat, GPT, and there’s and it’s and they’re using it. So that’s, that’s one of the things. But so what? What are some of the breakthroughs that are really exciting to you that you see just on the horizon, that that are not here yet, but that are going to make this thing like, you know, next level.
Jay Pandya 41:11
I love that question. I love that question. David, it is such a critical question. This is, I think, the next level of breakthrough is AI agent. So what do I mean by AI agent, right? Right now, if you look at your experience of interacting with digital technologies, right? You want to work look at Facebook. You have to go on Facebook, then you go on Instagram, or you’d go on LinkedIn, or you look at your CRM, and then you have your email app, and you have your dropbox document or Google Drive document or Microsoft. So you have this different digital platforms doing different things and serving you. You use them in different way. Yeah, if you look at someone’s phone, you look at your phone, you probably have 7080 apps on an average phone. Yeah. Think the next level of breakthrough that’s coming, it’s not there, but it’s quite close. Is a single AI agent that you interact to, and it will interact with all these apps on your behalf and will get the job done. Yeah.
So continue on.
Jay Pandya 42:23
So translate that into you know, I go to take my son to his basketball match tomorrow. Okay, I have an email from his friend’s mom saying, Hey, can you pick up two of them, take them to the basketball match. I can’t take them, and then you can leave and I’ll pick up two of them, both of them, and drop them off. Can we do that now that email sits in my email client. Okay, the occasion does not exist in my calendar. Okay? So that I got to go and leave early to pick up my friend. What exists in my calendar is basketball match leave at this time to get to the match on time. Now, but those two sets of information exist in two different apps. One is a calendar app, right? And then one is, what’s an email, by the way, how did it end up in my calendar? Because I don’t take my son to basketball match. My wife does, yes, it doesn’t drive yet. So she put the calendar appointment in my calendar, just to make sure that I don’t forget right now, there’s some some knowledge that she has in her email where she found out from his basketball coach and the school that said, hey, the match is on this time. Okay, so now you can see the how information flows, yeah, where we are moving to now is I just got to go, Hey, like, you know how we go, Hey, Siri or Sirius has been pretty dumb so far. It’s hard to get smart, hopefully. But again, there’s whole lot of data privacy issues in that space. But putting that aside, you know, AI agent will practically recognize, you know, if I just say, Hey, I got to take AI, agent will prompt me that, hey, there is an email request from my son’s friend’s mom asking me to see if I can pick up. Would you like to pick him up and take him? Are you okay with that? And I just have to say, Yes, I got no problem. And then it will schedule an occasion, and it will remind me I don’t need to interact with three apps. My wife does not have to nag me. Hey, do you remember? Do you remember I put it in your Yeah, all that does not need to happen because the AI agent who is interacting looking at my 60 or 70 apps, data ecosystem. Them is in consolidating all the different data on my
Damon Pistulka 45:08
on your phone, yeah, with my permission, yeah, with my consent,
Jay Pandya 45:11
okay, and hopefully, hopefully protects my intellectual property. That’s what I hope, right? And but that’s what we are moving on to so bit of the era of 60 apps on your phone to do different things. One thing we imagine your iPhone, or this may not, be on the iPhone, it’s just one thing, AI agent that takes care of your it’s like a personal concierge that takes care of your everything that you have to do to live your life,
Damon Pistulka 45:42
yeah, yeah, that would be that. That’ll be incredible, as we see that that unfolding, because there are so many things, I mean, you just think about how many different apps you use and anymore, this is one of the things that is just drives a ton of people crazy, password management, two factor authentication, all these kind of things that drives people crazy every single day when you’re in and out of apps and and the things that you have to do that an agent like that could really help you with, and as long as, like you said, it was secure, and now that just be a wonderful thing, because how much time do we waste just by doing those little things where, oh, I Gotta do my two factor authentication to get in here, or I got to go to this app, then that app, then that app, or even on a computer, even just so much stuff, that’s cool. So, yeah,
Jay Pandya 46:30
you know it’s like, right now AI is on every app. That’s what all the app developers and everyone’s trying to get in AI. But then we are looking at the future of one AI, interacting with 60 AIS on your behalf, so you don’t have to interact with 50 or 60 AI. Yeah, you’re interacting with one that’s hopefully your personal AI, concierge that deals with the world. Yes, that’s, that’s what, I think it’s a, you know, it’s age of it’s a decade of between 2024 to next 10 years. It’s a decade of AI agents interacting with each other on our behalf, getting the job done for what we need to get job done. And while it’s exciting, it’s also got so much implications for business and how we live for marketing. And everything you talk about right marketing says, delivery operations, a higher value chain in a business, every touch point of a customer, everything you do in a business changes as a result of AI agents.
Damon Pistulka 47:41
Yes, yes. So cool, Jay, it’s been incredible having you on. We’re we’re up to about the time we normally run. And you know, we’re going to have to have you back again, because I want to, I want to talk to you down the road here and learn more about what you see. Just because this stuff is changing so much, you’re on the leading edge with these AI avatars, and then down the road here, not too long the AI agents. I’m just excited to see what the future’s bringing. But I would love to thank you so much for being here today. We had a lot of lot of listeners here. I just want to say thank you. Yasin, you put a comment in early said hello, and then someone talked about the best viewers. I don’t know, thanks for putting the comment in, but man, I can see on our dashboard here we have a lot of people listening, and that is awesome. If you didn’t start at the beginning, go back to the beginning and listen to Jay again. And this is live on multiple channels. You’ll be able to go back. It’ll be back on our it’ll be on our website soon, and be out on the podcast later. But Jay, thanks so much for being here today.
Jay Pandya 48:47
Thank you for having me. I just love sharing my journey with you. Thank you. Damon, oh
Damon Pistulka 48:52
so great. So great. Well, we’re going to wrap up, and we will be back again next week with another guest on the faces of business. Jay, hang out just for a moment, and we’ll wrap up.
Jay Pandya 49:01
Thank you.