From Frustrated to Focused

In this week’s Exit Your Way Roundtable, we talked about a similar phrase, which is also a life concept. In conversation with Debbie Peterson, we discussed her personal concept of “Frustrated to Focused”.

We have often heard the phrase, “turning pain into power”. Phrases like these not only make a point but also aid in increasing motivation.

In this week’s Exit Your Way Roundtable, we talked about a similar phrase, which is also a life concept. In conversation with Debbie Peterson, we discussed her personal concept of “Frustrated to Focused”.

Debbie Peterson is the creator of The Way Forward in YOUR Career and life. She is also a keynote speaker and a life coach. Debbie starts her talk by discussing how hard it is for young people to decide upon a suitable career path and actually stay on it.

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“We are always on the edge of learning and understanding the things that may or may not happen to us”.  With this Debbie shared a story from her past. She told how from the beginning of her career she worked in various corporate sectors but didn’t get much learning out from it.

She kept jumping from particular choices until she stumbled upon the right one, which fulfills her.

Debbie says that usually, a person works to provide better for their family. However during this work, if that person is not spending enough time with their family, they regret it later on. So according to Debbie, a person should adopt a career choice that makes them want to work, not force to work.

Do you want to know if your business is ready for your exit or what you should do to prepare? Learn this and more with our business exit assessment here.

Another important term that Debbie shared in her conversation was about forced creativity. She elaborated on how during the times of Covid-19 people were introduced to forced creativity. That is to say, if a person had a physical conference and he was unable to attend it, he was forced to create ideas other than that to attend that conference.

Around the end of her conversation, Debbie also talked about neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). She is also a certified NLP practitioner. For Debbie, NLP is also very helpful in understanding what goes on in one’s mind.

Further, Debbie also talks about the importance of LinkedIn. She says that it is a great platform for establishing a good career. There are multiple coaches and people on this site that can help a person in making the right choices.

Get the most value for your business by understanding the process and preparing for the sale with information here on our Selling a Business page.

Clarity of mind and perspective are the superpowers that Debbie has. She believes, everyone else should also have them.

Thanks to Debbie for sharing her time and her knowledge.  Watch the video below for the entire conversation!

The Business Round Table

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Damon Pistulka 00:01
All right, everyone. Thanks again for stopping by the exit your way round table. With me today. I’ve got Debbie Peterson, Debbie, wonderful to have you. And thanks for stopping by today.

Debbie Peterson 00:13
Oh, it’s great to be here. Thank you for having me, I appreciate it.

Damon Pistulka 00:17
Well, we’re happy to have you because it’s, it’s so wonderful to be able to talk with people like yourself that have interesting backgrounds, and just listen to your story and kind of figure out, you know, what really brought you to where you’re at today. Because today, people can see you on LinkedIn, and they can see your your retreats, and how you’re helping helping people really figure things out and get focused.

But let’s start back a little bit earlier. And we were talking before we got on, you talked about a 25 year career and in the corporate world, prior to figuring out that, that you wanted to do something on your own. So kind of start back there, which is what what were the kind of things that you’re doing in the corporate world.

You know, it was really interesting that the town I grew up in, it’s not a large town, there’s not a whole lot of opportunities, but you know, some way, I have really manifested some cool gigs, when it came to the corporate work that I did. You know, it was everything from when I got out of college, it was a medical products company. And so learning a lot about, you know, sterilizing and operating tables, or lights, equipment, booms, you know, things like that produced on a mass scale.

And, you know, his any corporate gig gig worker will tell you that, you know, they’re mergers and acquisitions, and companies are broad, and companies are sold. And so I have been caught in that trap on more than one occasion. And so that was kind of the first taste of it, my right out of college moved into Ooh, I worked for a water authority for a while. So this This town is on Lake Erie. And, you know, it is something like 33 trillion gallons of fresh water and burned all about, you know, bulk water in point intakes, and just the whole process of water filtration. And, and, you know, it was just fascinating to be able to learn a lot.

But you know, that here, the the water authority business is just a little bit political. It was really more than I could take, and I needed it to get out of that environment. It really just caused me to wonder, boy, if it’s like this, on this granular level, then you know, what is it when you get to the state and the federal. So I figured out early, that wasn’t for me.

You know, I’ve had an opportunity I actually have worked in rent to own for a while for one of the bigger corporate players who again, got acquired, and Investor Relations capacity and moved on to a holding company in my town where the company had, you know, underneath this umbrella, it was planes, I managed planes, a lot of different vacation locations, I manage those and, and part of it was a working ranch in Taos, New Mexico. So I learned a lot about Black Angus cattle, grass fed and low stress animal handling techniques, and, and all kinds of things like that. So it’s just, you know, opportunities took me in different directions, but it was crazy what I got to learn and a lot of fun.

Damon Pistulka 03:34
Yeah, well, you 25 years of it, what what did you What did you draw from the 25 years in a few points that you think you’re you pulled forward that that helps you be successful today?

Yeah, you know, um, what I pulled out of it is that, in the, in the whole, I would say three quarters of my corporate career was really playing on my strong suit. And that was just, you know, organization and detail and being that person who just handled things, people a lot of balls in the air, things like that. But it also got to the point where, you know, you become so, so good and proficient at something, you start wondering, okay, what’s next? And it was when that what’s next pops into my brain that I really ran into a bit of trouble.

And so the last piece of my corporate career was kind of, you know, figuring out my way forward and really discovering the true strengths that I had underneath that I didn’t even realize. And, you know, one of the last jobs that I had, was kind of the proverbial blessing and the curse. Yeah. And that, you know, it was a blessing. In that I was, you know, a lot of training I learned a ton of things.

It really expanded me into the leadership role, the leadership positions that I assumed, but it was a tough place to work. You know, inside of two weeks, I thought, oh my god, what have I done? I just hated it. And that friction was really what caused me to think, Okay, I got to figure this out. And you know, nobody’s going to come in and say, This is what you need to do. You need to figure it out on your own. So kind of, you know, building me into the leader that I am, but also that that resiliency and kind of creating that toolkit that you can use when you you move forward, because it’s not always rainbows and unicorns, things don’t always go the way that you want them to. So what do you do that?

Damon Pistulka 05:43
Yeah, that’s a good point. I mean, I, I had a similar experience, where I didn’t realize I was getting myself into when I started doing turnarounds for private equity groups. And, and there are a lot of times when you’re expected to do it, and you have to figure it out. And that’s, that’s a real gut check. As you’re alluding to there, it’s a real gut check to go okay. Look around it is look in the mirror and go that’s who’s got to solve the problem today. So let’s get you know, you, you gotta start because you can’t get stable now.

Right? Yeah, yeah. I mean, we can sit here and be sorry for ourselves or and look for so we can get something done. And that’s, that’s cool, though, because that that is the, as you said, though, those are the best lessons are, those are some good lessons learned? Because they they’re there with you after you? If you move beyond that?

Debbie Peterson 06:41
They are? You know, they teach you a lot?

Damon Pistulka 06:43
Yeah. Yeah. So what what are what are some of the things that you that you that you learn that you think really apply to what you’re doing today?

Debbie Peterson 06:54
Oh, my goodness, um, you know,

it’s, I would say, the ranch would be the biggest part of it, that the working ranch that I was at, in New Mexico, because it was so far out of my comfort zone. So, you know, even though I’m not in a major metropolitan area, I was still a city girl, by definition out there. And so it was really understanding culture, it was really understanding personalities, in addition to understanding the animals as well. So, you know, it is just, it was diversity at its best in a lot of different layers.

And so, you know, that was a huge learning experience. And besides that, it was the training that I got into, I am a certified practitioner of NLP, which is neuro linguistic programming. And so that came through corporate experience. And that is something that I studied an apprentice for about three years. And is, is, you know, certainly applications in corporate, but it’s the foundation of my business, it’s the foundation of everything that I do is, is taking, it’s a behavioral technology, and it is literally the language of the mind, and how it produces your outcomes.

And so I’ve taken that, you know, all of that and distilled it and put it through the framework of really creating success without sacrifice. And that’s key on whatever’s next for you. So, you know, it’s it’s next steps, perhaps in a role that you have it is a next level, either in your career or business, or maybe it’s a next chapter, and certainly, when you talk about exit your way, you know, that’s the next chapter.

Damon Pistulka 08:43
Yeah, yeah. Well, I got a couple quick questions here. Because when you talk about success without sacrifice, I mean, most people, and I’m just gonna, say my age, look at it and go, that’s a farce. Because, you know, taught our whole lives that you’re going to have to, you’re gonna have to work really hard, you’re going to have to, you know, you’re gonna have to give up things to be successful. So, so you’re saying that there are ways to do this, where you don’t have to give up anything? Or is it? Or is it that we, we understand and are doing the right thing, so it’s less of what we have to sacrifice?

Well, I, you know, I’m gonna say it’s a little bit of both depending on the person because, you know, no, two people have this the same experience. So, you know, certainly, it is, you know, those are the stories that we’ve been brought up with that, you know, you got to work hard, and then you play hard, you know, you can’t have a job and have a family, you know, you if you work for a corporate, they’re going to chew you up and spit you out. I mean, there’s just these things that we witnessed as little kids you know, maybe it was our parents or other family members and and we picked up these stories that were being handed out and you’d be shocked. at how much they still come into play, and you don’t even realize it.

So, you know, that is a piece of it, is it you know, when you become aware of it, you examine that story and say, okay, Is this mine? Is it true? Is it factual for me? So, you know, there are things like that that you uncover? And what does success mean? You know, my version of success and your version of success, they’re different. Yes. And so do you really know what success means to you? Because only until you’ve identified that, can you understand what it’s going to take to get there, and a lot of people don’t know what that is. And that’s part of the problem. So they’re throwing everything they know, you know, at it, trying to figure it out.

And it involves a lot of sacrifice, because they’re not being they’re not working smart at it, they’re not being music. And so that’s, you know, that’s what I help people to do is to make decisions, good decisions for them. You know, even take this the pandemic, for example, you know, people are getting forced out of jobs laid off furloughed, whatever the case may be.

And even if you have to go and find a job, how can you find one that is more aligned with who you are, that it wouldn’t be a grind, you know, that, that it’s it at least jives with the life that you want? And you know, the things that are important to you? Because that’s what I see is that, you know that, especially now oh my goodness, I did a live a couple of weeks ago about always being on at work. And that really resonated. Because especially now, you know, we’ve got our technology, right. And we’re always on. Yeah, causing problems.

Damon Pistulka 11:43
Yeah, that that’s, that’s a, that’s horrible for a lot of people. I know, I’ve I’ve, about a year ago, I turned off all my notifications on my phone, other than for my calendar. I have to leave that on. I’ve missed this, you know. And I was telling somebody on the calendar zombie. So if it’s not on my calendar, I don’t know. And nothing happens. But the the instant I turn the notifications off, especially when I turn that the email, I shut the LinkedIn offers.

And then I turned off course Facebook, and then I turned off my email notifications, the email was the hardest. But it It was amazing. Because my phone, yes, I’m on LinkedIn too much. I’ll do that I’m minute minute that. But when I put it down, I don’t go check it because I have notifications going off anymore. And it can lay right, you know, on the couch for an hour. I don’t even touch it too good. And it makes a huge difference. And I was talking to people about that very thing. It’s like, well, what notifications Do you have, you know, turn the darn thing off, or just turn the notifications off. Because it’s a simple thing that makes a big difference.

It is. And actually, I’m getting ready to take a trip next week, the end of next week. And I am unplugging. So I’m getting ready on the front side of it, you know, I’ll have the autoresponder and I’ll be as prepared as I can. But you know, I’m going to put it away. Because that that retreat is the time for me.

That is how I recharge. That’s how I take the space and the grace for myself to be able to come back in a position where I can give to the people that I work with to the professionals that I support to advance them. And without that, you know, you’re giving them an empty cup. And it’s not that you should give him a full cup either you should give from the overflow. So it’s taking time like that to make sure that you can do that for yourself.

Damon Pistulka 13:47
Give from the overflow. I like that

Debbie Peterson 13:49
Give from the overflow. That’s the goal.

Damon Pistulka 13:53
We got Pete Alexander. He introduced us. Thank you so much, Pete.

Debbie Peterson 13:58
Yeah. Nice to see you.

Damon Pistulka 14:00
Yeah, yeah, that’s awesome. That and it’s funny. I always laugh because Pete lives like 20 miles from me, across the water, literally this direction. I just stick my arm on it and just about point right at Pete’s house. But yeah, that’s that’s interesting, because, you know, it’s shows, I mean, I’m, I’m, I’m screwed up in the mind, I know that I have in my whole life. And immediately so I mean, I grew up I and this is where you talk about how we grew up with things. I grew up on a family farm in South Dakota where I was, I was what was it fourth generation on that farm. And so I grew up watching my grandfather who was in his 60s.

I think the one I can remember was still coming out there with my father every day and they were working every single day. And I can remember that the first time that I can remember doing some work weekend vacations, but never really taken a vacation until we were 12 So years old, and but then we, you know, but it is affected me in my life because I really have to be one that’s like, yes, it’s not normal to try to do this, you know, 27 days in a row, and, and do those kinds of things.

Even if you’re passionate about it, and you talk about recharging that over then and being able to come from the overflow, I think it’s so important because you, as I got older and realize that and was able to go, okay, you don’t have to be the first one that’s in the business every morning and the last one to leave every single day. And you know, it’s better for me to come in later in the morning, because I can grab a cup of coffee, I can talk to my kids before they go to school, I can do some other things in my brain, it’s a much better position when you get in, rather than I got to be first in just because I got to be first in it.

Debbie Peterson 15:54
And you’re working against yourself.

Damon Pistulka 15:56
Yes, yeah. Yes. And when you start to,

Debbie Peterson 15:59
yeah, yes, yourself. Yeah,

Damon Pistulka 16:00
yeah. When you when you kind of start these little things, I’m sure you you help your clients a lot with these little things that we can do that just tweak the way we’re doing things a bit. That that really can make a huge difference in your overall.

Yeah, and you got to unearth those, you know, the thing is that I say to people is that, you know, you don’t need to add anything to who you are, you are you are perfect. Just the way that you are, it is a matter of discovering what is covering it up, you know, the answers are inside of you, everything that you need is inside of you to be able to take action and get what it is that you want to get, whether that’s in your career or any other area of your life. But you know, what is holding you back? And and that it is the piece that they need to discover become aware of? And then they can do something with it?

Damon Pistulka 16:48
Yeah. Yeah. Very cool. So when you’re, so we got a bunch of bunch of stuff that I’ve got written down here, this is is gonna be awesome. But the, when you’re talking with people, what is the one thing that normally people is just like when when you get down to it, what’s really holding them back,

fear, fear, their self doubt, you know, fear of making mistakes, fear of being judged, fear of not getting, getting what they want fear of getting what they want, I mean, it’s just, you know, a lot of apprehension and, and, you know, the thing is that that fear, left unchecked, can build, you know, your mind you, you plant a seed in your mind, and you say, this is what I want to find every time you know, your language with what you speak, and what it is that you think gives direction to your mind at what to find.

So when you focus on fear, then you find more fear, you know, you you find supported data, you know, just look at this political environment that we’re in, I mean, you you have people that are going at it, and they’re absolutely right. And they are for themselves, you know, it doesn’t matter what side of the fence that you’re on. And and there’s nothing that you can say to sway someone who is who is convinced, and they’re on the other side of it. So, you know, it is really figuring out what is holding you back. And it’s not external to you.

Damon Pistulka 18:20
It’s not an external thing. I like that. That’s a nice way of saying, hey, it’s you.

It’s, you know, right, between these six inches, you’re on two ears. Yeah. And you know, and that, and that was my journey when I was in corporate and I, you know, I told you I was I was good for like, three quarters of my career until I got to that point where I was so proficient and it was like, there’s more. And I wanted to figure out what more was I asked for more, and I kind of got the pat pat, you know, you’re good, where you’re at? And, and I took that on for a while, but it was like, No, I’m not, I meant to do more, but I didn’t know what it was.

And so that really, you know, tripped me not knowing not having clarity on what it was that I wanted, was causing me to be in my own way, limiting beliefs that I carried about myself about what I thought I could or could not do. Really caused me to play small and held me back for a long time, you know, until I was forced to reckon with them. And then you know, once they’re out, then you can do something about it.

So, you know, what, what I take people through, it is the journey that I went through of really understanding, getting clarity on who I am, what is it that I really want? Why do I really want it and then Okay, once I’ve got that element, then let’s put a plan together. Let’s find people that are going to help guide you move in that direction. And let’s take care of the baggage that shows up that keeps you from from getting it.

Damon Pistulka 19:47
Yeah, yeah, that’s, that’s huge. You said like six things in there that just hit hit so close to home, I mean, limiting beliefs. I mean, that’s just It’s a that’s a 24 hour topic alone when you when you start talking,

you know, it is, it is a it is a 24 hour a day, you know problem, because the thing is when, when it comes to, you know, a lot of things that hold you back, like you asked me what comes up, and I said fear, you know, fear, anxiety, limiting beliefs and things like that. The thing is that if you’re afraid of something, it only runs short term, you know, maybe you walk out the door, and somebody’s walking in the door, and you get startled in, you know, for a second, and then it’s like, Oh, it’s you and you get over it or, you know, maybe you’re apprehensive about something, but then it comes to some sort of point.

And you’re on the other side of it. So limiting beliefs, or sorry, negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, guilt, are usually short term, they run for a period of time, you’re mad at somebody for a period of time, and then you just kind of get over it. You’re not mad at them anymore. But limiting beliefs run all the time. They’re full time. They’re there in the background, and you don’t even know it. So they are literally they are the face. You are telling yourself.

Damon Pistulka 21:11
Yeah, yeah, I should tell him to myself. Yeah, better out of the little but. But there’s one of the things that when you when you look at yourself, doubt and limiting beliefs, and i and i would i would i you know, I’d run the same thing that you hear people do every day, it’s like, well, I don’t think I could really do that. But then what do you mean, you’ve done it four times already? And why are you doubting yourself again, and you know, this is the time it’s just another time that you’re going to do it?

And, and, you know, I think a lot of people get caught in that comparison. Whatever you want to call it comparison? Well, I’m not I’m not as smart as they are. I’m not as well. I’m not as I’m not as I’m not as when I don’t know, if you’re trying to talk yourself out of it. So you can, you know, I don’t know not not even try, you’re afraid to try to see what happens but, but for myself, personally, when I just did the switch and said, I don’t care what I think I’m gonna try nothing. I know, a gal

once and she said, Debbie, just treat it like an experiment. Just you know, it’s not about the outcome. Just be curious. Just treat it like an experiment. And that was, that was a game changer for me. Because it just took the pressure off. And it’s kind of like, okay, you know, it and what it was about was the very first workshop I was ever going to do. And I was petrified. You know, and, you know, that was the the advice one of my friends gave me and it was just your goal, because you can take the pressure off of yourself.

And the thing is that if you start comparing yourself to other people, and you think, Well, you know, gosh, they they’re just so much better at it than I am, well, you’ve just given your mind instruction, and then you’re going to go out and look for something to support it, you actually look for something to happen to say, well see, I was right. And is that really what you want? Do you want to hold on to that? That? Yeah.

Damon Pistulka 23:09
Well, it’s it’s it. And like you said it, it continues on. It’s it’s like, it’s like the I don’t know what that never goes away. If you don’t, it just stays there and stays there. And just. And so like you said, treating things like an experiment. And getting over that. It’s, it’s got to be a huge game changer. When you see people do that.

It is and you know what, just getting it out on the table, just having a you know, a conversation about it. And it’s funny because so NLP neuro linguistic programming neuro, the mind, and wisdom is language programming or your strategies, your habits, the things that you do all the time that we’re really not even aware of, because it’s unconscious. So it’s the language of the mind that governs your results, really. And it will, whatever’s going on in your head will come out in your language.

And so, you know, just hearing people talk, you know, tell me what’s going on. And they will tell me and I will hear, you know, can I give you some feedback? And this is what I and they’re like, Oh, yeah, yeah. So it’s just, it’s getting out into the room. Because once that is again, then you can do something about it. It’s when you let it go. It’s when, and especially so I largely work with women and emerging leaders, but mostly women in leadership. And, you know, these are women who have worked hard to get to where they’re at, nothing has been handed to them. And they don’t want to deal with things like this.

Sometimes they’ll say, you know, I just need to power through this. I’m a strong woman I can get, I just need to get to the other side. You know, suck it up, Buttercup, whatever it is. And that can be a problem. You know, it really starts undermining your health. You know, when you are pushing and forcing so hard That it’s getting in the way of how you show up in your role.

You know, you’re that person who’s used to just keeping everything in the air and you know, everything going and you kind of have this flow and then one day, it’s kind of like, well, it’s not happening that way anymore, and you got to work harder at making it happen. And you know, pretty soon you stall, you’re not showing up the way that you want to at work. You’re not showing up the way that you want to at home.

It’s impacting your family, and then it’s kind of you start getting scared. And that’s what happened to me. I woke up and look myself in the mirror, and I thought, who are you? I could because I just didn’t even recognize myself anymore. I had become someone I didn’t know. Yeah. And that was, and then you get scared, because it’s like, oh, crap. This is not this is this is not something I can push through. This is not something I can power through. And I need to figure something out. And for me, that was the something’s got to get moment.

Damon Pistulka 25:57
Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like we came to similar positions, when we, I don’t know, that was my exit to the corporate for corporate world is, was the, the fact that I always when I when I had kids, and we we started raising them, I was like, you know, I was growing up on a farm, I saw my father every day, every day, for 18 years, just about, you know, and I always wanted to do that with my kids, while my kids were 12 years old, and nine years old, or something like that.

And I was gone two or three weeks a month. And and I finally just said, you know, am I gonna do that anymore? I didn’t know, I didn’t know what was gonna happen. I just said, I’m not going to do this. And, but you have to get to that that moment where it’s like, this is not this is not what I’m doing this for. Right? That we we let ourselves get along ways down that road sometimes. And it is fear, fear that, that you you’re gonna live the life you don’t want to live. But but it’s also exciting. Because on the other side of that, there’s a lot of possibilities.

And I think and think about it, you know, at the beginning of your career, it’s all possibility. Yeah, I mean, it’s fine. It’s all about possibility and potential. And then at some point, you know, through our, you know, working our businesses working on, you know, in our careers, it’s not, and we know, we go into safety mode, and it’s just kind of, you know, it’s it’s protecting, you’ve got responsibility, you’ve got children, you know, you’ve got bills and a mortgage and things like that. And just because you earn good money does not mean that you’re happier fulfilled. And, and there are ways to move closer to that.

Damon Pistulka 27:54
Yes, you’re willing to look, that’s that’s for sure. So we were we were talking long before we got on here, and I had written some notes about this this year has been a big change year for you. Oh, yeah. You’re a speaker. You are out speaking people, keynotes your events. So

yeah, I you know, I’m doing the conference speaking. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s, you know, so I have built up a keynoting business. And so I would travel the country and speak at, you know, a lot of women and financial services, conferences, women in leadership conferences, emerging leader conferences, because they seem like they’re a really great fit for my message and for my content, because they do have that question mark in their brain about, okay, what are my next steps, you know, we’re trying to figure it out.

And so I really enjoyed it, you know, I would travel a couple of maybe a few times a month, and that was just perfect. And then all of a sudden, it was just like March and everything had come to just a grinding halt. And, you know, conferences, were either canceling or pushing to the summer, hoping they would have a live event and then pushing to the fall, hoping they would have a live event, or even pushing to next year. So it’s just kind of been all over the board. I still have clients that are looking to have live events. And actually, I went to North Dakota last week, while we were last for a live event. I yeah.

And it was, it was so much fun to get out again. But it was a little surreal. But you know, travel. My experience of it was it was excellent. The airlines really had great protocols in place. People were very respectful. So it was a good, good experience. But you know, I mean, this year, has in my term is forced creativity. This has been a year of forced creativity because it’s like oh, If I’m not speaking, or playing and going to a conference and speaking, then how can I speak? Because the other thing that happened was at the end of last year, I had my own question mark in my brain, and that was, okay, I’m going in delivering these keynotes with these audiences, I get to meet a lot of great people, they resonate with my story and my message.

And then I put them on my email list. It’s like, so what, you know, there’s got to be something more. And that’s when I really looked at taking all of my experience, all of my training and NLP. And my studies in hoonah, which is a form of Hawaiian spiritual ism. Who not not hula, one letter, big difference, but I’m doing something with that.

And so at the very beginning of year, the year pre COVID, you know, I was I had built out a self study course, I had built out a mastermind course, and I had built out a retreat model to really take those people who want a partner and someone to guide them and asking questions, because that’s what it’s about getting your own answers, but it’s hard to ask your own questions to get them. You know, so I was already working on that. But the beginning of it all is that I’m speaking, and then all of a sudden, I wasn’t.

So just, you know, taking everything and putting it online. It’s really been great. You know, last week, I had one of my busiest weeks for my business ever. You know, I had three events in one week. And and I know you were talking about a coach before we got on the the call here that, you know, she’s seeing more people now. Yeah, doing it virtually? Well, the same thing for me. I mean, I, I’ve got another event tomorrow morning, and, you know, three last week into the week before. And so it’s just, it’s more, but I don’t have to get on a plane to do it. And it’s, it’s still great to interact with people I will be a hybrid would be lovely. When I look down? I do I do miss meeting people.

Damon Pistulka 32:13
Yeah, yeah, I think there’s there’s there is that as a speaker to be able to see the reaction of the of the crowd, see the the heads nodding, the intent, look, you know, whatever it is where you really, yeah, the writing and missing that zoom, you know, when you’ve got 60 people on a zoom call, or even if you’re using one of the other platforms that you don’t see the people that a lot of the newer platforms, when you’re just up, you’re just you’re talking into a camera, and you don’t even really know what’s going on. That is that is tough, I’m sure to change to that. And the personal interaction is good.

And see, I make all of mine as interactive as possible. So, you know, I know a lot of people are getting zoomed out, because it’s just, you know, it’s people talking to them. Everything I do is all about them. And if we really have them dig into some good work, so they walk out with their own plan, at the end of the keynote, or the virtual training, or whatever it is. So it’s still been a lot of fun to do. And I’ve gotten great feedback. So again, you know, hybrid hybrid would be great. But, you know, it’s an even, you know, when I thought about this, at the end of last year, building out the retreat model, my retreats were supposed to be in person.

Yeah, you know, I had planned it that I would pick a location and we would go off site, because the busy professionals that I work with, don’t take the time and that is part of the problem. If you aren’t where you want to be in your in your career or business, or if it isn’t going the way that you want it to go, meaning that, hey, I’m, I am trading so much just for the security of a paycheck. And I don’t think that’s cool anymore. You know, just like you said, with the travel, it’s necessary to have that time away, it is necessary to have that time to unplug, so that you can do the good thinking the deep thinking the deep work around it to figure out your way forward to get your answers.

So the retreat was supposed to be live and I converted it virtual and I thought okay, how is this going to go? And the beginning of October just a couple of weeks ago, I did the first virtual retreat, and it just exceeded my expectations. So how the people came together, because I run it in a partially mastermind format, just how they support each other, empower each other just brainstorm with each other.

It it exceeded all of my expectations. So that was that was terrific. That insert happy dance here is when you know what that was. Yeah. So So the next one in January, will So be virtual. And I’ve opened enrollment for that now. So I’m excited about it, that I’ve had a chance to do one I it’s just really, you know, and I can tweak it make it better. And it’s, it’s going to be really cool.

Damon Pistulka 35:13
Yeah. Well, you know, it’s interesting because you talked about the hybrid model. And I see things like this. And I’m wondering, will it evolve to the point to where you’re actually doing keynote speaking in person with a group, but there’s there are people that are also virtual offline or online virtual to that event, when you’re speaking, that kind of interact with it that way too, because there’s just so many possibilities, the way that you can put these things together that way. And there are possibilities. I know it just it’s like, okay, now our minds just got blown, because we have all these other the other things we can do.

You know, and just, just for, for us, we started working virtually, almost two years ago now, out of, yeah, it is, it’s over two years ago now, out of out of necessity, because I live in the northwest, my partner lives in Utah, we’ve got other people that live in Denver, and Los Angeles and across the United States. And it’s like a wagon travel that like that we can’t go to all of our clients, we can’t do that kind of stuff. We just have to learn how to do it. But when you start to think about how that works, and the things that that the freedoms and the opportunities that it creates, there really are a lot of ways that you can do things you never could before. Because for us the one one,

Debbie Peterson 36:34
I mean, look at all industries.

Damon Pistulka 36:37

Debbie Peterson 36:37
that have been forced to, you know, change.

Damon Pistulka 36:40
Yeah, exactly. I think we’re

coming out of that. I mean, I think it’s I think there’s gonna be a lot of information to unpack on the other side of this. I think there’s a lot we don’t know, I think some of it is just going to be absolutely amazing. And I think some it’s going to be a shame that it wasn’t known about because I think that there, you know, there are some people who are being missed that that need care and, and other things like that. But you know, from a technology standpoint, I mean, just crazy innovations coming out of this. I think it’s cool.

Damon Pistulka 37:10
Well, yeah. And you look at you look at you said one thing that that I’m I’m actually gonna try it here in the next couple of weeks is a telehealth, right? Why the heck are we not doing telehealth before? You got you got it, you know, a US whoever, and especially older people that that you know, traveling might not be their thing anymore. They may not want to travel? Can they talk to a doctor now? Yeah.

Why weren’t they talking to him a year ago, like that? Was there, there’s so many possibilities that that we have now that like that, that, wow, it’s really something and when you look at, if I’m trying to run a business, and I want to have better customer service, a phone or an email does not do the same as video. And my customer service people are now connected to their customers through zoom or teams, or slack or something where you can do the audio, the text the video, instantaneously.

And they can see when they’re in meetings and not. I mean, that’s the one thing that for me, it changed the game, when we took our clients and said, Listen, you’re in teams with us. They can see when I’m in a meeting, so that if there’s a if there’s something they want to talk about, they can see Damon’s green, boom, hit the video, talk to me. Awesome. And when you’re out and about running up and down the coast, or whatever the heck you’re doing, and and you’re traveling like that, and you don’t they’re not using that technology like that, that whole interaction is missed your chance to help them your chance to solidify that relationship, your chance to make that long term difference in both of your lives is sometimes missed.

Yeah, yeah. There’s just so many more opportunities to connect.

Damon Pistulka 39:02
It’s gonna be fun. It is going to be fun. Now,

here’s that, you know, you’re a big LinkedIn guy, you know about the, the app, right? Yeah. And the QR code in the app.

Damon Pistulka 39:16
Yeah, I saw you familiar with that. I haven’t dug into it a

Debbie Peterson 39:18
QR code.

Damon Pistulka 39:20
Yeah, so what to do. So

you know, at the, at the top of the the search bar, on your LinkedIn, there’s four squares. And when you hit the four squares, it’ll either bring up the camera, or it’ll say my code, and it’ll bring up a code. Now, anybody who is watching this could hold their camera, and it will scan that code even through stream yard even through the video. And

Damon Pistulka 39:52
now, that’s cool as heck. So you can just turn my phone around right away on that, but you just go

Yeah, you Yeah, so if I were connected already, but if I hadn’t Damn that through, yeah, yeah. And the thing is I’ve been incorporating that into my virtual keynotes, is, hey, connect with me, I put my QR code on the screen, I just tell them what to do hold up your camera, and you know, the connections start coming in.

Damon Pistulka 40:17
It’s freaking awesome,

Debbie Peterson 40:19
isn’t it? Yeah, I know,

from that standpoint of no matter what it is that you’re doing, if you are looking to accelerate your career, if you’re looking to accelerate your business, if you are looking to go to the next chapter, whatever that is, even, you know, retirement, whatever it is accident, your business, you need people to do it, you know, and people who surround you and support you and get you and tell you what you need to hear not necessarily what you want to hear. You know, you get that.

And LinkedIn is just a great source to have that happen. And and so I encourage, you know, a lot of my audiences is if you’re not on it, get on it. And if you’re not using it, use it. Because, you know, if you aspire to do something, go find the person that’s already doing it, you know, connect with them, what advice or guidance Do they have, you don’t have to recreate the wheel, you don’t have to figure it out all on your own. You know, either you go to the guy who can do the consulting, you come to the coach, you can lay out the roadmap for you, but you involve other people, you don’t have to do this in isolation.

Damon Pistulka 41:18
Well, and that’s for sure. Because the support the information and support you can get from it, when you take the time to meet someone digitally. Take that that that initial meeting or whatever you want to call it offline to a phone call, zoom, call, whatever it is, and meet them in person, if you can. Those kind of things.

That’s really the power of LinkedIn, I didn’t realize this until 1214 months ago, when I started this was that the power of LinkedIn is I can find people that I can never find before that that’s the first thing. But the the exponential power is when we do like we we’ve done and we’re doing today that we’re having a conversation, we’re getting to know each other better. And now we have one more person that we know, that is in our network. And if there’s something that comes up, we’re gonna go, Ah, Debbie. Yep, that’s the person I need to talk to.

Debbie Peterson 42:19
And then what works. That is why

you need to connect with other people. So if you’re not connecting with other people go connect with other people.

Damon Pistulka 42:27
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know, some people is like, I don’t want to connect with Hey,

actly how it happens, you know, the more people who know what you’re about what it is that you’re trying to accomplish, the more advocates you have out in communities. And now this virtual community is global. yesterday that that same thing? Wow, I just connected with this guy. And you need to meet him. And that’s when the magic happens. So it’s Yeah,

Damon Pistulka 42:53
that is that is 100%. There. And it’s, it’s so cool. And thank you for sharing that about the QR code. I saw it on the updated app. And I’m like, QR code. Okay. Yeah. That’s awesome. And now look, you took that piece of technology incorporated it into yours, to make it easy for people to connect with you. I mean, I’m gonna use it, I’m gonna steal it.

Debbie Peterson 43:16
Okay, you did totally.

Damon Pistulka 43:19
In our events, we’re going to start using that because we have people put the links in the chat or whatever heck with that, we’re gonna hold up

you know, and it was just out of curiosity again, like, I wonder if I can do this. And I did. And I was like, Oh,

Damon Pistulka 43:36
that’s super cool. Well, it’s uh, yeah, yeah, that’s really cool. Really cool stuff. So the virtual retreats are going well, you got some going on and in another one in January that you’re opening that up? So what how do people get if they want to find where they register for your virtual retreat in January? Where are you going to have that at?

And actually what I have them do is go to clarity with Debbie calm Okay, and to book some time on my calendar because it’s, it’s very prescriptive. I mean, the more I do the work the more I really narrow who is it is for and so who is for is for that person trying to figure out their next steps.

They don’t know what’s next, or they are trying everything in their power to get to next and it’s not working. So you know, next level next steps next chapter. Those are the people that are a fit for the retreat. And so you know, I just like to have a conversation because if they are a fit, I’ll absolutely tell them if they’re not a fit, then I want to help give them some strategies and maybe come up with somebody that can help them but i i do it that way. So clarity with

Damon Pistulka 44:50
awesome clarity with Debbie calm and we’ll have Make sure to have that in the in the comments here. When we’re done. I’ll put it in the comments, but that’s great. And I love I love that way. I mean, the two reasons because, hey, it’s not for everybody. What? Nobody sells one size fit all service, right. And I think that’s a great way to do it is to talk to people to really understand because you don’t want to do it. You don’t want someone to come to your retreat and not have 150% satisfaction and success of what

Yeah, because you got to play full out and you don’t have someone in there isn’t a good fit, then it affects the whole group. And I’ll tell you, it was just beautiful. What happened with this group? And so, you know, that’s demott definitely the chemistry that I want. So, you know, I can help people even if I’m not the one to, you know, take them the rest of the way. So I can definitely connect them with people too.

Damon Pistulka 45:44
Yeah, yeah. Very cool.

And clarity is just kind of my superpower. I don’t know why, but I can see things that people can’t see. So you know, I just helped to point out things that it’s some level they probably know but there’s some stuff covering it up so

Damon Pistulka 46:00
yeah, no, I I hate you’re helping people on it’s awesome. I love love getting into learn more about it. Because you are you. You can tell you exude this ability to help people. And and I just I just love it. So thanks so much, Debbie for stopping by today and talking with us. It’s been a real pleasure, man. Thanks for having me. And then again, if if you’re interested in the January retreat, you go to clarity with Debbie comm set up a time to talk to her and you guys can see then if it makes sense.

Yeah. And no matter. No matter I haven’t every quarter. So if it’s not January, then we’re looking at April or

Damon Pistulka 46:45
so. Very good. Very good. All right. Well, thanks a lot everyone. And this is from the exit your way business roundtable livestream with Debbie Peterson today. We’re signing out. Thanks a lot, everyone.

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