Livestream Strategies that Drive Sales

Are you looking to boost your sales with livestream strategies? If so, join us for this session where we provide insights into harnessing livestreaming to enhance your business development.

Are you looking to boost your sales with livestream strategies?

If so, join us for this session where we provide insights into harnessing livestreaming to enhance your business development.

Sami Jo Lewis, Communication and Outreach Manager at the Alaska MEP, brings experience in accelerating growth and fostering valuable connections for Alaskan businesses. Her expertise in project management, client relations, and marketing strategy makes her a perfect fit to discuss impactful livestream techniques.

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Megan Militello, Supply Chain Optimization Manager at Alaska MEP, focuses on enhancing supply chain efficiency and building robust networks. With her background in leadership and logistics management, Megan shares her knowledge on how livestreams can optimize supply chains and drive sales.

Alaska MEP is dedicated to empowering businesses and fostering economic success in Alaska. They offer valuable resources and support to manufacturers, driving innovation and growth across the state.

Damon and Curt are super excited to explore livestream strategies that drive sales, a niche the hosts are pioneers of. They welcome Sami Jo and Megan to their livestream. Curt invites Sami Jo to explain the Alaska MEP’s mission and how it contributes to making the world a better place.

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Sami Jo explains that Alaska MEP has been operational for about five years. It focuses on growing the manufacturing field in Alaska. She mentions that there are MEPs in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, and mentions its work with manufacturers to help them grow, cut costs, and become more efficient. It also assists with eCommerce strategies and marketing to support the manufacturing industry in Alaska.

Curt asks Megan to share her background and what attracted her to the Alaska MEP.

Megan shares her background in air traffic control, a field unrelated to manufacturing, where she worked for ten years in the military and federal sectors. After moving from Hawaii to Alaska, she started her own granola company, which she ran for four years. During this time, the Alaska MEP helped her in various situations, and she served on their advisory board.

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When she decided to shut down her business, someone from the MEP approached her about a job opportunity.

Initially reluctant, she realized she needed a job and saw this role as a chance to help other manufacturers in Alaska.

Megan thanks Lacey Ernandes for her success. Lacey was her business partner and she served in the military together, deploying twice and becoming best friends. She approached her friend, a graphic designer, for a logo and help in starting a business, which provided both personal and professional support.

Curt asks Sami Jo to share her interests, passion, and purpose, specifically why she chose to bring her skills to help manufacturers.

Sami Jo admits she never envisioned herself in her current position but is grateful and happy to be there. With a degree in Communications and Public Relations, she initially worked for a PR firm but found agency life wasn’t for her. Sami Jo quickly discovered a passion for helping small businesses and manufacturers and found the work exciting and rewarding. She further acknowledges that bringing Megan on board, who has firsthand entrepreneurial experience, has been a valuable asset to the team.

Appreciating the guests, Damon shares his experiences visiting Alaska with Curt. Both remember where they observed a diverse range of entrepreneurs and business people. He finds this diversity and global reach commendable.

Curt asks Sami Jo and Megan about their experiences with live streaming.

Sami Jo reveals that she initially felt skeptical and shy about live streaming. She recalls wanting to hide behind Alyssa when first going live. However, after learning more about the process and realizing that the interactions were more like casual conversations than intimidating events, her perspective changed. With guidance and support, she grew more comfortable and now finds live streaming enjoyable and a great way to connect with people and learn about their stories.

On her turn, Megan says she is enthusiastic about livestream since her experience with podcasts and live events as a business owner is good. She finds live streaming valuable for making unexpected connections and gaining opportunities, such as being approached by NIST for a blog article.

Curt praises Megan for her exceptional work in building community during her time with her company.

Megan describes building community as a key marketing strategy for her company. She continued this approach with monthly hikes, which she maintained even after closing her business. At Alaska MEP, she applies the same community-building mindset by organizing manufacturing mixers to connect manufacturers across the state.

Damon discusses the benefits of building communities, saying that knowing people personally makes business interactions easier and more effective. When people understand someone’s strengths, it simplifies collaboration and problem-solving. He refers to Harry’s comment about the importance of live video in touching emotions, whether in buying, learning, or being inspired.

Curt believes creating content for business success is important. While not everyone needs to write extensive blog posts, live streaming offers a way to generate valuable content. Curt recalls a particular instance where a client shared on video that Alaska MEP saved her $58,000, which made a significant difference in her financial situation. He asks Sami Jo how she feels about this great testimonial.

Sami Jo describes the testimonial as amazing. She knew that the team had been working closely with the client to help her save on equipment costs through thorough research. The client initially thought she needed a $90,000 piece of equipment, but with the team’s help, she only needed to spend $30,000, saving about $60,000.

“What has this livestream experience been for you?” Curt asks Megan and Sami Jo.

Megan finds her livestream experience very positive. She considers it a refreshing break from her daily routine.

Although she was initially uncertain about co-hosting, now she values the opportunity to share insights and resources, particularly in manufacturing, and enjoys the authentic and personal nature of the conversations.

Sami Jo appreciates live streaming for helping her become more comfortable on camera and improving her communication skills. She enjoys receiving and giving feedback, which helps refine their live streams.

At Curt’s request, Sami Jo talks about her live streaming approach, as it enhances their video platform and allows them to authentically spotlight manufacturers without directly selling. It helps them get to know prospective clients, learn about their needs, and connect with experts to address challenges. She finds that having two live streams per month strikes the right balance, providing valuable content and developing meaningful relationships with both clients and experts.

Damon appreciates the show format. It also creates a library of experts and businesses, letting people connect with resources at their own pace.

Curt asks Sami Jo about her plans for their livestream strategy.

Sami Jo expresses her excitement about refining their livestream strategy. She mentions that since returning from maternity leave, she has honed their process, including email outreach, thank you notes, video uploads, transcriptions, and social media posts. Moving forward, she is excited about creating reels from their livestreams to increase engagement on Instagram and finding key moments or “mic drop” catchphrases.

Toward the show’s conclusion, Curt asks Megan and Sami Jo for parting words of wisdom.

Megan advises that “closed mouths don’t get fed” People must speak up and advocate for themselves
Sami Jo advises businesses to “be flexible, be adaptable.” These qualities help overcome the ever-changing entrepreneurial challenges. She believes that staying afloat requires adaptability, flexibility, and perseverance.

The show ends with Damon and Curt thanking Megan and Sami Jo for their time.

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• 45:57
megan, mep, alaska, sami, damon, jo, live, manufacturers, business, curt, entrepreneur, great, client, manufacturing, daymond, learn, remember, live stream, approached, build
Megan Militello, Damon Pistulka, Curt Anderson, Sami Jo Lewis

Damon Pistulka 00:00
ecommerce success. I am one of your hosts, Damon Pustaka. And we are here with manufacturing ecommerce success because I realized now that we this is live, you know, and I just realized that my computer went live, but I was already talking. So we’re gonna start over and get going. But I’m Damon Pustaka, one of your hosts, that pretty gentleman right over there as Curt Anderson, and we’re going to be talking about live stream strategies that drive sales with our friends from the Alaska MEP today, Curt, take it away. Let’s do this and have some fun dude, I

Curt Anderson 00:35
don’t know if I’m gonna get through this one because like, you know, proud uncle Curt has his you know, just the love that’s pouring out right now. So hey, I’m going to do a quick little intro. You know, save I’m going to switch with you because people can’t see your name. Let me let me let me move eight. There you are. Now people can see your name I would that was like magic. Meghan, what do you think of that?

Megan Militello 00:55
Very cool. No, you have that ability. Damon

Curt Anderson 00:58
damy gave me some some power. So hey, let’s start with Sami Jo Lewis.Sami Joe just oh my goodness gracious. I just can’t express how excited I am that you’re here with us today. From the great State of Alaska, the last MEP, new mom, by the way, Damon we have a new mom in the house. Sami Joe, how are you?

Sami Jo Lewis 01:18
Hi, I’m doing great and super happy to be here. So thanks for having me on. Curt. Damon. Oh,

Curt Anderson 01:23
my goodness gracious that you know what Sami Jo? And I think, Damon, I don’t know about you. I think I think both these two might have to become better judge a character because I think they’re like, they’re like repeat offenders multiple times. Even on the show so many times we can’t even count. So Megan Militello. So you know, I rack war hero, veteran, entrepreneur superstar now at the Alaska MVP. We’re going to dive in Megan, good morning to you in Alaska.

Megan Militello 01:50
How are you? Good morning. I’m great. It’s a rainy day here. But rainy day

Curt Anderson 01:55
in Alaska. So and you know what? Just Megan. So Sami Jo, we’ve got some exciting news. So Megan, we before went live. You just shared some exciting news. Can you share what’s what news is in your life

Megan Militello 02:06
right now? I got engaged. So that’s fun.

Curt Anderson 02:11
gratulations we are so excited for you. Yeah. Well, not only

Megan Militello 02:16
that, we are combining households. So now we’re like moving our households into one and He has four kids. So it’s a very exciting.

Curt Anderson 02:24
Oh, yeah. Man. Well, hey, God bless you. Congratulations. This is just such an exciting year. Sami, Jo, you added to your family. Can you just share what we talked about the new addition to the Lewis household please?

Sami Jo Lewis 02:38
Yes, I added another baby girl. Her name is Eliza and she is four months old. And she is just growing super big, super chunky. Super happy baby. So I’m really and

Curt Anderson 02:53
how is Big Sister Holly doing with her sister,

Sami Jo Lewis 02:57
Holly. She’s doing good. She She’s three is gonna be a fun age. I feel three is going to be she’s very sassy. She wants to hold her and wants to be like the boss. But then, you know, kind of gets over and about like 20 seconds and needs to move on to another activity. So but she has she’s very like, let me say goodnight to sister. She wants to do that. But then other than that, she can’t really interact or play much. So she moves on

Curt Anderson 03:23
the team and we got to sneak our way back to Alaska. We had we had a wonderful dinner with Sami Jo and her daughter. Yeah, gosh, it was a year ago already. And so I can’t we need to get back up there and go to dinner with the whole family. So let’s dive in. So Alaska MEP. So Sami Jo, let’s start here. Okay. And I’ve had the honor privilege. I’ve watched you grow and season mature as you’ve just been helping manufacturers through the Great State of Alaska, you’re now the communication outreach, Outreach Manager. Just can you enlighten folks who and what is the MEP in Alaska? How do you guys make the world a better place?

Sami Jo Lewis 04:01
Yes. So um, I mean, he and Alaska has been open for about five years. So it’s really exciting. And we are continuing on in our sole purpose is to grow the manufacturing field in the state of Alaska. I know Curt and gaming, you guys work with a number of MEPs. There’s MEPs, and all 50 states and Puerto Rico. And so we are just a proud center that is excited to be able to work with manufacturers and help them to grow and to cut costs and become more efficient. Help them with eCommerce strategies, help them with marketing to really grow the manufacturing industry in our state. So it’s really exciting.

Curt Anderson 04:40
Love it. And so Hey, Damon, do we have any comments that we want to do? We

Damon Pistulka 04:44
got Harry flairs is stopping by today. This looks like an Olympic group. Thanks for being here today. Harry. We got Muhammad. He said hi, mentors. Well, we’ll see if that carries through. But thanks for saying, David. I

Curt Anderson 04:57
think he was referring to Sami Jo and and Megan, I’m not. But So Sami Jo doing you guys do awesome work and you’ve grown your staff dramatically. I know when we first started working together, you’re very, you know, very thin on resources, you now have really beefed up. And speaking of Olympic staff, we brought in a powerhouse, Megan. So Megan, you now you go with the title supply chain optimization manager, if I’m not mistaken for a little bit about your background, and like what attracted you to the Alaska Manufacturing Extension Partnership?

Megan Militello 05:32
Good question. My background is air traffic control, which has nothing to do with manufacturing. I did that for 10 years, between the military and the federal side of things. And then, you know, life changes sometimes without expecting anything to happen. And so I felt like the rug was pulled from underneath me, I moved to Alaska from Hawaii. And I decided to start my own granola company. So I had my own granola company here in Alaska for four years, the Alaska MEP helped me through a few different situations, I actually was asked to be on the advisory board. So that was, I already kind of had these ties to the MEP. And then when I made the announcement that we were going to shut down the business. Someone on the MEP had approached me it was like, Hey, how’s it going? There’s this job that’s coming up. And I was like, I don’t want a job. Like, no, I’m over it. But I was like, uh, you know, I’m gonna need a job. I can’t just be like entrepreneur trying to figure it out forever, right. So I’m like, Let me have a thing, so that I can still think on the side, my, my brain can still do its thing. And when the MEP approached me, I was like, this, this really is what I’ve been doing. But now I get to actually help all different manufacturers in the state, which I had seen firsthand all of the problems that we were facing, and it was like, everybody was facing the same issues, it didn’t matter what type of business you had. And so me being able to come into the MEP, and I feel like now I could make an impact for all these different manufacturers in the state, and try to overcome some of those challenges that I dealt with as well. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 07:25
I love it. And so, you know, let’s go here, Megan, you know, share a little bit, you know, when you took your entrepreneurial leap, you know, you had a partner. And so just, you know, what were some of the things that you were gone going through in like, in just I want to piggyback on what you just said, and how you’re, you’re able to take that experience that passion in your heart now helping entrepreneurial entrepreneurs at the Alaska MEP.

Megan Militello 07:48
Yeah. Well, my business partner and I were in the military together, like over 10 plus years ago, we deployed twice together. Thank you

Curt Anderson 07:58
for your service. Megan, God bless you big round of applause. Yeah, lazier

Megan Militello 08:02
Nando’s. And we were just best friends. You know, we were best friends. And I had never thought of even starting this business myself. And so I had seen that she went to graphic design school, and I approached her and I was like, hey, I need a logo. And I have this idea. And I want to do this thing. And she kind of, she helped me with that, but also was helping me on the personal side of things, because it was that old friend that knew me from before, you know, and it’s hard for adults, like we need that support system. And I had gone through some, like mental health issues with my ex husband. And so there were a lot of deep things that the support was so beneficial, and just that propelled the business into being it’s really healing thing for both of us. And, and then it was the business, right? And then it was like business for years and learning and growing and things always changing. And being an entrepreneur, I mean, you have to wear 5 million different hats. It’s not just one right. And so that learning experience really showed me what I was passionate about in business, which is like that development side of things. And I’ve always been someone that wants to help people just be better, right? Like help people be better people, whether it’s that fitness side of things. The entrepreneur side, like now, I can do some coaching, some consulting, which makes me feel like I have more of an impact, which I kind of already did as an entrepreneur because I would talk to different business owners as well and be like, Oh, well, what are you doing? And it’s like, well, this is what I’m doing, like how can we help each other figure it out? You know, so it’s a blessing to be able to be in this position and now do that for so many other folks.


Curt Anderson 09:46
absolutely. Love it so Sami Jo, let’s come to you. Share a little bit about your interests, your passion, purpose on how like why manufacturing, why did you bring your skills, your passion to help manufacturers and in what do you love about where Connect the Alaska up.

Sami Jo Lewis 10:02
So, um, I honestly, I never pictured myself in this position, to be honest. But I am really glad and thankful to be here. And now it’s it’s been quite the journey and I’m still writing it and I’m so super happy, like I really have come to really love helping small businesses and manufacturers, but um, I got my degree in Communications and Public Relations, and I ended up working for a PR firm. And then I, the agency, life wasn’t super for me. And then Alyssa had kind of approached me and she told me about the MEP, and you know, just kind of getting started. And I was like, I just, I don’t know. So I gotta say, I was like, I don’t I don’t know anything about manufacturers, like I don’t, I don’t know how I could be an asset, essentially. And she’s like, No, I just tried something, I’ll give it a try. But you know, I don’t know, it’s just gonna be like a try, I need to get a job, kind of like, I’ll get in. And then I’m like, Oh, this is really cool. Like, we can do really, really cool things. And so I was the first one that kind of got brought on under Alyssa. And we did that for about a year, we brought on an intern. And now you know, we have six, six team members now. So it’s been incredible. And I absolutely love being able to help small businesses and manufacturers and like, learn about like, what’s all being made in Alaska. I mean, I’m born and raised here. But I honestly had no idea until I really dove in this position. And I think that’s really eye opening and super cool. I think a lot of time, and there’s something we’re battling to you here manufacturing, and you just think like, industrial car shops, you know, like, your your brain isn’t really thinking breweries and like beaters and clothing manufacturers and like, there’s just such a vast array of manufacturers. That’s just not really what your brain goes to. And it’s really cool. Being able to see them succeed, and then bring on Megan was just a huge benefit. Because I’ve never been an entrepreneur, like I said, like, I came from a PR agency. I didn’t have that. What do the manufacturers need? And so we’re able to bring on Megan she was actually in it. She actually was like, I know what they need, because this is what I was meeting and it’s been such an incredible perspective to have on our team. Yeah. That’s awesome.

Curt Anderson 12:12
Love that or what? Yeah, yeah, I

Damon Pistulka 12:14
mean, and you know, we’ve been fortunate enough Curt to be able to go to Alaska and see some of these entrepreneurs and Alaska and business business people that are out there, you know, starting established businesses and, and man, when you look at it, everything from you know, what, just when we’re there, everything from different food products, log homes, to anything in between, I mean, other products that are distributed anywhere in the world is just so cool,

Curt Anderson 12:42
right? Oh, cool. I totally agree. Well, how about hey, can you guys see my screen? I bought this one Megan, you remember this? Remember this? You know what the great thing is here, Damon you know here Megan is just so kind. She’s laughing at one of my bad dad jokes. I know what that is. Megan right there. One of my bad dad jokes. And so, you know, we did a live stream at Megan’s place and Sami, Jo. You know what, let’s see if I got anything on Sami Jo. So Sami, I don’t see me. How many times have you been on the program?

Sami Jo Lewis 13:12
Oh, gosh. Yeah, a few. Three.

Curt Anderson 13:18
Hey, Damon again. You see my screen for this one? Yeah. Now you got cool guys in the room. You got two old guys in room. There we are Sami Jo. And so seeing I think I’ve got a ton of you know, we we did a live and off with both you guys in Buffalo. We did a live in Chicago. We’ve done lives in Alaska. So we’ve done a bunch of live streams together. And you know what we found? Megan, what’s your What was your opinion of like, you know, when I crashed your Do you remember that? I gave Megan Damon I go to Megan’s place. And she’s in this wonderful facility. It was a it was a converted old Pizza hut. And she was cranking her manufacturing company. And I come in and we’re sitting there we’re talking we’re geeking out about her business, Smurfette neck and human rights to do my little pyramid with you remember that I used to do our pyramid together. And I look at her and I go, Hey, do you want to do a live stream? You remember that?

Yeah. Like

Megan Militello 14:16
I Sure.

Curt Anderson 14:20
That was that was that was that picture right there. So Megan, let’s go. You’ve done a number of live streams together in St. John when it comes to you next, but you know what, what how do you feel about live streaming? Let’s go back to when you first started coming on our show. What was your impression? Were you skeptical? Kind of like what is this or what was going through your mind?

Megan Militello 14:39
Sam, you want to go first? Go for that. Go for it. I

Curt Anderson 14:41
see me You go first. Okay.

Sami Jo Lewis 14:43
Um, I definitely was skeptical in the beginning, and I think I was pretty shy. I remember when you’re like, Oh, we’re gonna go live and I was like, I’m gonna go hide behind Alyssa . I was like, I don’t feel like I want it. I don’t know. Sometimes I like getting my bubble and when you you’re just like, Yeah, let’s just go live. I’m like, I don’t feel ready. I’m not prepared. I’m gonna say something I’m not I’m not sure. Um, but then when you approach me and you’re like, Yeah, you know, these are been, they haven’t really fun. And I realized that you guys are just super cool personal people, and we’re just having a conversation. It’s not as scary as in my head where I was like, Oh, my gosh, get that camera away from my face, please, I just can’t do this. It’s really not that scary. And so he approached me, you’re like, you should start doing lies removed and like, I don’t know her. I don’t got that. I don’t have that courage. You know? You’re like, I’m not correct. I don’t know how to do this. Um, and so then I was really excited, because then I had you. And we were doing that together for a little bit. And you just were able to coach me. And now it is just so fun. Because it is a conversation. It’s a way to just get to know more people, rather than their stories and their background. Hey,

Curt Anderson 15:53
how about this one? Remember this one, Damon? Alright, so Alright, so Sami Joe. So you, you know, first you start coming on our show, and then we kind of convinced you, you know, and again, it was super exciting. But Megan, let me come to you. What did you think as far as you know, and again, you’ve been on the show? Probably. I was trying to I think five or six times I think you’ve been here. Yeah,

Megan Militello 16:18
I I’m a fan of it. I’m a fan of it. I was already trying to with being a business owner, I was already trying to get on podcasts and things like that. So I had already done a lot of live things not necessarily on video is after COVID. So videos started to become really popular. I feel like more so or maybe I just started to do more video stuff, you know. But I feel like I always get connections off of these like you don’t expect it to happen. But even the last marketing thing that we did, I don’t remember what it was on. But it was with a few other ladies from some of the other MEP. Yeah. I was approached by NIST and now they’re going to have a blog article that is ghost written or ghost written for me, that has to do with building community and using that as a marketing strategy. And I’m like, they wouldn’t have seen how to do it. How would they have known about me having to do anything with marketing, my title has to do with supply chain, right? Like these things, put your knowledge and you out there to have more opportunities. So I think it’s great. Yeah. And then like, echoing Samuel, with what we learn from people, we had a we had a live yesterday with this woman Caitlyn, who owns Denali dream soaps out here in Alaska, the company’s been around for over 20 years, we had no idea. Not only that she had been working there since she was 14, and then slowly work their work there worked her way through all the positions to end up taking over the business from the previous owners. And I’m like, wow, this is an amazing story. I’m like, and we had no idea. We had absolutely no way. They had been around that long in Alaska. Right. And so getting deeper into it builds that connection for us with a client or with another expert. It just keeps you more on their mind. You know it, I think it really does provide more opportunity. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 18:18
I absolutely love that. And you did when you had your company you did I admired you did a phenomenal job of building community. You guys did your hikes, your runs, just you know, talk a little bit from an entrepreneur entrepreneur standpoint, how you were so fiercely committed to building communities. Yeah, that was my

Megan Militello 18:39
building community was my out of the box marketing tactic where I’m like, not selling like I’m, I’m like, I don’t like to sell. That was always my story that I told myself. I’m like, I don’t like to sell to people. And like, I just want to help them be better at what they’re doing and see that this is a thing that they can use, right? This is like a tool. So the monthly hikes we did it for until we shut down over two years. We still do them because I can’t find it in my heart to stop that community from happening now. I’ve been hiking with these people for years, right? Yeah, we’ve actually started using that same thought process right building community because it’s not just like for them to know about us. It’s for them to know each other so that they can build those connections. You know, and we don’t have like a Manufacturing Association here in Alaska. We don’t have anything for manufacturers to like come together on. So at the Alaska MEP, we’ve done two quarters in a row now a manufacturing mixer, where we invite manufacturers to come together create those peer to peer connections. Now we’re going to have one in Fairbanks in August one in the Kenai in October and another one in Anchorage in September or the in the valley actually we’re going to do so we’re trying to spread it out around the state so that we can have our people meet each other. We’re just like, yeah, we’ll learn from each other Like, create those connections that you wouldn’t even expect. Like we had a data logger company that connected worth with a birch syrup company crazy. The birch syrup you can only harvest once. It’s like a three week window period. And the data logger guys like, well, what if we can put these things on your lines to figure out when they freeze and stuff so that they can be more efficient? I’m like, I would have never put those two things together. Like, let them spread their wings together. Yeah.

Damon Pistulka 20:34
Man, that was awesome. Yeah. Yeah, the communities are just fun to I mean, it is get to know people and just have fun and just like, oh, yeah, in when you know, people and you like them, it’s so much easier to do business, you know, because, you know, Hey, come on over and do this. We need, we need help with this. Because you know, well enough, you know, what they do really well, and you go, I know, it’s you just gone in, and we need it done. And it’s just so much better. So much better those communities to be able to share and gotta have other people like, you know, Megan, how important it is, with with entrepreneurs and the journey and because it doesn’t matter if you’ve got one employee or 100 employees, it’s still it’s a lonely thing. And it’s, it’s great to have other people you can talk with.

Megan Militello 21:20
A really is Yeah, amen. How

Curt Anderson 21:22
about the comment from Harry here?

Damon Pistulka 21:24
Yeah, this this is one of the things too that Harry Harry flair says, hey, the most important advantage live video touches his emotion, whether it’s buying, learning or being expired by all of you, it happens based on emotion. And that’s, that’s something that Curt and I talk about a lot. When we’re not live streaming. It’s like, Listen, if we’re live streaming, and we got 1000 comments, we shouldn’t be the same if we got 1000 comments, or we have one comment, because you never know who you are. It’s like the kindness thing, right. And I don’t mean to belittle kindness at all, it’s very important. But if you that little thing of kindness, but showing up really showing the emotion, as Harry says, no matter whether you feel like it or not really helps you to, you know, just brighten someone’s day, give them the information they can, or let the guests that you have on the show really shine their light on the world.

Curt Anderson 22:17
So speaking a guest on his show, so Sami Jo. So last year, we’re just kicking around in different ideas. And we’re like, hey, why not try a live show for the Alaska MEP? Let’s, let’s let’s go through that process. What were you initially thinking? And then like how you started embracing it. And and let’s go there.

Sami Jo Lewis 22:40
Initially, I was panicked. I was terrified. I was like, oh, no, just No, the video aspect. And like me being the host like that, that was just a little bit nerve wracking to me, because I’ve never done it before. And then at the time, I was like, Oh, my goodness, like, I just, I don’t feel like I have time to like really commit and like, do a good job at this. And so I was just really nervous about that. But we were also at that time, we hadn’t grown our team to the way it was the way it is now. And we were doing something similar is where we’re doing like little monthly webinars, and we’re, you know, having some trouble with us. So we’ve really just felt like, Okay, well, if these can replace the webinars, and we’re doing a live and you were just such a great, you know, telling me all of the different like, reasons to use it, like marketing aspects and like, you’re just doing an interview, and it’s like, but it’s 30 minutes, but you can just take so much use out of it where I was just like, okay, Kurt, you’re making a lot of good points here. Maybe I shouldn’t, maybe I shouldn’t scare away. But it did take a little bit of convincing. I now encourage you and like you know, I’ll help you then I just like CO hosts with you. We’ll do this. I’ll slowly like give you the reins and I’m like okay, okay, let’s just start slow baby steps. And now it’s like, Oh, crap, like, what do you want to do a live stream? I’m like, oh, yeah, that’s fine. Like, let’s just do

Curt Anderson 24:10
Damon she’s like the next Oprah Winfrey, right? Yeah. isn’t cheap. Let’s let’s dive in. And let’s take a look at what’s going on. So hey, who’s the Santa?

Sami Jo Lewis 24:21
Yeah, hello, Damon. Yeah, we always love having Daymond on the show. So that was a really, really, it was a really great show. It was a really great show.

Curt Anderson 24:30
Hey, who’s this wonderful lady right there. seen her before? Yeah. Then we had, you know, Jessica from the manufacturers edge. Yeah, I’ll tell you. We had a Beatrice from I know. Meghan. Interview right there. And it was

Megan Militello 24:44
so interesting. I learned so much from Beatrice and what they’re doing, it’s in Connecticut, right. What they’re doing in Connecticut is just like, wow, that opened my whole world up to what we can do in Alaska. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 24:58
absolutely. And we had Michelle Jones on was fantastic. We had Lynn from swoop, we’ve had Nicole Donnelly. Hey, Sami Jo, do you remember when Darcy was on Doris? Yeah, that was like that was literally that was a life altering it was right before Christmas. It was life altering interview. We’ve had clients on now one client that I wanted to point out if I can find her, do you remember this one right here? Sammy jaw?

Sami Jo Lewis 25:25
Yeah. No, because that was the Yes, I do remember her. So

Curt Anderson 25:30
Damon, Megan, this client right here. This was so phenomenal. So and I know that sent me joy. I feel like I’m covering you up. So let me stop sharing here. But we this client here is a tea manufacturer now. Daymond Did you know that that’s a hot commodity in Alaska, right becoming a tea manufacturer in the great state of Alaska. So I’d actually met Megan in person number seven Joe I met her at the Kenai workshop, and 22. And just as fierce entrepreneurs, she starts a tea manufacturing company. She’s going and she says us live and we have the testimonial rate on the Alaskan VP website. The piece of equipment was going to cost her $90,000 to get her company started. Right. So Megan, you know, attribute you know, as an entrepreneur startup, you know, you’ve got enough challenges. Now I’m going to spend 90 grand on a new piece of equipment. She goes to the Alaska MEP, Sammy, Joe, what do you want to do you want to finish it? Or what did she say on the show? Do you remember? I?

Sami Jo Lewis 26:28
I do remember we helped her save it because she gave us an amazing testimonial, but I’m trying to remember the exact number but I think it was like 40 6040. Okay.

Curt Anderson 26:40
Yeah, the Alaska MEP. So So look what this did. Okay. You come on in, we all have to create content. Like if you’re not creating content, I’m not sure. You know, God bless you. Because you have a great business, that you didn’t need to have content. Right. So yeah, right. Megan, like we have to create content. So unless you went to journalism school Daymond I don’t know. Are you gonna sit down and knock down like 1000 word blog post today? Or what do you got on your agenda? No, no, not like, that’s why you’re live streaming five days a week, right? Yeah. So you can come on video, and you can talk about it. Now. See me, Joe, what we did, and you guys are doing this every month, you’re bringing on a client or a potential client. In here. This woman says on video, the Alaska MEP saved me $58,000. And this was a difference from me, starting my company debt free or having to start out with this huge loan. How did you feel when she shared I didn’t know that.

Sami Jo Lewis 27:37
Yep, that was amazing. That was I knew that we had been working with her I knew I was painting and Alyssa were the ones that were spearheading that. And we were able to I mean, they were able to do all of the the research and really, like get her connected with someone’s like, Hey, you actually can get this piece of equipment and save. You don’t need the $90,000 claim that you thought and just a little bit of research and back and forth. She was able to get that and it does exactly what she wants it to do. And she was able to save about $60,000 I thought it was 40 I kind of forget it was 60. So it’s just such a big savings. And when she said that live, it was just incredible. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 28:18
I like we both like you gotta knock us over with a feather i was i i Go what? Yeah, the Alaska MEP just saved. And she goes, Yeah, and I started my business debt free. So. So multiple things going on here. Number one, it’s how do you stop being the best kept secret, right? How do you get that message out? You know, and Megan, you just set yourself like, I don’t like sales? Well, a lot of people, a lot of us don’t like sales. But when you can come out as a fierce educator, and you’re highlighting your customer. You’re highlighting your client, right? So Megan, let’s go here, you so when Sami Jo went off and had her second child, God bless her. You came in and just seamlessly picked up the live show. What you said you man, great learning experiences geeking out with your clients. What is this livestream experience been for you?

Megan Militello 29:05
It’s been great. No, it’s, it’s been really good. I know, part of me anticipated. It’s like everything that we do in life, right? No part of me anticipated doing this. So being on the team with my role and what I was focused on, when Sami had asked me about CO hosting the show, I was like okay, maybe like there’s gonna be more time, right? But really, it’s it’s a really good experience. Like it’s a really it’s almost like a little break, like a little break out of the day, you know, to be like, Oh, let me just come in, have a conversation. Right, like, talk to someone and learn about what they’re doing. Learn about what they have going on. I think if you have that learner mindset and you just take whatever tidbits you can from people, this is such a great experience to do that especially workflow focused on manufacturing, we want to get some really good resources out there for other folks to watch the video and learn from. So you can dig into some stuff that people aren’t normally talking about, you know, this like, it’s just personal. It’s a little deeper, a little more vulnerable, authentic, all my favorite words. You know, it’s good.

Curt Anderson 30:19
It’s great. Awesome. I love it. And Sami Jo, is you’ve dug into it. What’s it done for you, personally, professionally? What are your thoughts?

Sami Jo Lewis 30:28
No, I think it’s definitely helped me break out of my shell a little bit more and just become a little bit more comfortable with being on camera and talking to people. And then I was super excited when Megan agreed to help co host because Megan and come on, and I got to know her a little bit as a client before she started working. And she’s got this amazing bubbly personality where I was just like, ah, you know, I’m gonna lose Curt, I can I can have her forever, you know, like, let you know, Megan, I think that this can be really fun. I think it is kind of cool having two people on there. Because then it’s like, you know, she might be getting something that I’m missing, or vice versa. And you know, when you’re just focused on questions, sometimes it’s like, oh, but did you you know, get this part. And then I mean, we just had a live yesterday, and I so appreciate this, we’re also able to give each other feedback, like, what did we do, right? What’s something we need to work on? Maybe I was like, you know, you’re kind of serious. When you’re asking questions, like, we want to be like fun. I’m like, Oh, I wouldn’t have like pick that up. But sometimes I am. I’m just like, zone and I’m focused, and I make a concern face. And I totally do that. Like I, I wouldn’t have known that. And so it’s so great that we’re able to do this, build that confidence, and then just like, give each other feedback, and like, grow and continue to grow. And so I know, I’m super appreciative to have Megan, and we can just really bounce off each other. And it’s been a really, really fun experience to get to know just more businesses, and then bring in more experts that we can continue to push on to our clients, and have these videos. So if someone comes to us and says, hey, I’m interested in E commerce, or I want to sell my business, it’s like, well check out this live with Damon, let me send it to you, and we can get you guys hooked up or you know, let’s go to Uncle creditor, you know, there’s just like, now we’ve got these videos that we can really like, share out with our clients. And I think that’s really impactful. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 32:16
well, I absolutely love it and Sami Jo you have a cadence, where what we what we started doing is like we bring in the subject matter expert. So you guys do live stream twice a month? Yep. So you bring in a subject matter expert. And so you and what I love is you kind of you put out the whole year, you’re like, Well, geez, we’ve got different themes for different months, how about we bring in a subject matter expert that ties in with that theme. So you’re doing you know, that textbook, one on one content, calendar thing, right, which is, you know, content marketing one on one, you lay out your your in, then you now go back and forth like, Well, hey, let’s plug in this person. What about that person? What about this person? And then what you’re doing is you’re bringing either an existing customer client, or a prospect, like you said, just yesterday, somebody that you would love? How do you like that cadence? How has that evolved for you? What are your thoughts?

Sami Jo Lewis 33:02
No, I love it, because I think it just really builds our builds our video platform as you were showing, and it’s not like we love highlighting our manufacturers. And that’s a way like it’s authentic, it’s a way to not necessarily be selling anything because you know, I’m with you. I’m I was just telling Megan yesterday, I hate selling. So it’s a way to not really be selling anything, but to get to know a prospective client and get get to know their business. And maybe within that really learning Oh, you know, maybe they could use, you know, XYZ and like, let’s continue this relationship. And let’s continue meeting and collaborating. And then it’s bringing on experts that can maybe help solve some of these challenges that we’re also learning about in the interviews. And so I think it’s, it’s really great, and just combining the two a month, it’s it feels like the right amount, like the perfect amount where it’s not too like we can make the time for twice a month, and we’re getting a really good array to be like, here videos to our clients. And then also, here’s a spotlight on the super cool business that, you know, we haven’t really connected with, but we’re gonna try to continue that relationship. So I love it.

Curt Anderson 34:04
Oh, that’s fantastic. Damon, what are your thoughts? You’re just, you’re just a guest a week ago, a week or two ago? What are your thoughts?

Damon Pistulka 34:10
Yeah, I think I think the show format is really good. And the way that you’re doing it with two different shows, do different focuses of shows really helps you address resources for your potential customers and existing customers and then highlight both those those same potential and existing customers. And it’s a great way to build that community. We were talking about that before. You know, the community is where it’s fun, where you can really do that and get and do that. And you have this library, as you said, of all the experts, all the other things so people can get to know a different business, a different resource on their own terms when they want to. And then it’s all connected through a MEP, who is the source of these people and great experiences. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 34:56
I absolutely love it. I will start winding down because Damon these late He’s are busy helping me. Yeah, they’re just starting their day. And it’s past nine o’clock in the laska timezone. Megan. So you mentioned both you guys have mentioned like, you know, time commitment. Do you feel like you’ve gotten in a groove? Do you feel like there’s an efficiency? That’s a little bit of a business development play? We’re creating some content, like how do you feel with your your the scheduling and workload like how’s that feel? As far as that goes for live streaming? I

Megan Militello 35:24
think that the two weeks is great for us. And also like Sami, up here in this morning, Sammy does majority of the load I just kind of show up and while and ask questions, which is lovely, I love it.

Curt Anderson 35:40
I chose naman

Megan Militello 35:43
I will say I, I want us to Can I think we’re still working on the breaking up extra content from the videos, right? Like how to get that extra content so that we can share it, how to share our videos so that they’re seeing the more beyond just that live situation. But also like the content coming up to the live like, hey, we do these things. Just that constant like telling or telling our people telling our audience what’s going on, and then experimenting with different ways to get it. Get it out there more.

Curt Anderson 36:18
Yeah. Love it. And Sami, Jo, what are you looking forward to? As we’re, you know, we’re just midway through the summer, we got plenty of summer left. But what are you looking forward to out on the horizon? As far as like you’re growing like you said, like, you guys have a hunger that like, Hey, what are how can we sharpen our pencil? How can we get better? How can we do this more efficiently, effectively, you know, so and so forth? What are you looking forward to moving forward with your live stream strategy?

Sami Jo Lewis 36:43
I think what Megan said, because I think fine. I mean, I’m back from maternity leave, and I really think I’ve got a hone down where it’s like, okay, um, you know, and we’re using a sauna and sauna isn’t super helpful. Like we I’ve got a you know, we’re sending out the emails, I’m sending out the thank yous, I’m getting them uploaded, like I’m, I’m working on getting the transcriptions I’m getting on the lease up on our website, and live and then it’s on YouTube. And I’m tagging and we’re doing social media posts before. So it’s like, I’ve got that tragic down, but I think really breaking it up and like, we’re we’re looking into starting reels from the lives and just like that gets a lot of engagement on Instagram and just like, what are different little I know, you always say the drop the mic, and I love that. And then you can, you know, easily go back and you can find that key, you know, what, what’s our gonna be our catchphrase? You know, I was really looking for a catchy boom. Okay, you know, I think that’s what I’m most looking forward to. So we can really pull out that great nugget of information that’ll just help it just seamlessly move a little bit quicker everyone you know, we’re all short on time, find that and just really be pushing it out more and to get more attendance. So now we’ve kind of got like the strategy down of like, okay, we do the live we have the questions, we get them on, we get it on our website for what what other content can we be pulling from this and different unique social media marketing ways? So I’m excited about that. And I’m excited for your guys’s new offering. I just wanted to highlight to that. Thank you, Damon.

Curt Anderson 38:11
She’s doing our job for see if she doesn’t like to sell. Are you kidding me? So, David, what is she talking about?

Damon Pistulka 38:19
Well, you know, we, we like this. I mean, if you haven’t known and I know Megan thought I was crazy when she was doing five days a week but it is it is a lot of fun. And it is really a valuable way to build community. And so Curt, you approached me I don’t know the beginning of the summer and or earlier and said well, we should do a course on live streaming because it really is a powerful way to build community build relationships and ultimately for business development. Like we’re talking today live stream strategies that drive sales it’s it is a way to Sami Jo says you can meet people you’re not sell and you’re meeting people building relationships, like we all know we need to do. But we we created the course to show people how to do it from from starting out, like Sami Jo said from the beginning where you’re like I know a way I want to get in front of the camera and I was there a few years ago I was there for whatever started four or five years ago, somebody told me that it was literally in 2019 I still remember my friend Jacob born if you’re listening still remember a conversation we had in summer 2019 He said you need to get on video video and I said Are you kidding me? Or this just ain’t happening no way. And you know and but it is such a powerful tool to build relationships meet people and do things and it flips the script. And I’m really I’m really proud of the work and your your guidance Curt and us being able to put the things together for this course. Because I really think people can use it in manufacturing and other businesses to to build that community around what they do and and and honestly honestly build that community and just meet people like that. talking earlier and build friendships, right? Yeah.

Curt Anderson 40:03
Yeah, it know, like trust and like you said, you know, the you know, the, the meat, the syrup company and the lager you know what? Companies that came together who knew that they were both out there and could come. You know, I always tell my daughter, you know, like, hey, always try a new food you never know your next favorite food unless you try it be a little daring. You never know your next great business connection. Unless you put yourself out there, you know? And so you know, networking, live streaming, uncomfort zone, right? Meghan is like, just kind of do your thing, Sammy Jo, I don’t want to be on camera. I am I am 55 with no hair, man, if I can do it, anybody can do it. So we’ll start winding down. Megan, let’s go here. My last question for you today. business advice. Okay, I might put a little bit on the spot. What is some of the best? Or maybe you got one little golden nugget? What’s the best business advice that you ever received? Or that you love to share with as you’re working with your clients? Best business advice? What are your thoughts,

Megan Militello 41:02
lots of good one liners come to my head. But my favorite one, which is going to go into that blog article that’s going to be posted on nest is closed mouths don’t get fed,

Curt Anderson 41:12
most mouths don’t get fed. This is a perfect example

Megan Militello 41:17
of that. Right? Like we have to be talking and express like our challenges or whatever triumphs all of those different things. And that example of those relationships coming together. Right? Like you have to speak up and and be okay with asking and just talking about what you’re doing.

Boom, boom.

Curt Anderson 41:41
Drop the mic. Sami Jo on that one was just kind of ready on 3123. Boom. Megan, that would close my eyes go get that that’s one of my favorite lines. Sami Jo, this best business advice maybe you’ve received or that you love sharing with your clients? What are your thoughts?

Sami Jo Lewis 42:03
Oh, gosh, that’s business advice, I think, be flexible, be adaptable. I think that we learned that like so much just in our team. And then businesses that we come like, Come to us, it’s like, the biggest thing that you need to do is like, if you’re so solar focused, like, it’s just like an ever changing landscape the entrepreneurs are really facing and like, the biggest way to like stay afloat is you really just got to be able to like be adaptable, and be flexible, and just like really persevere. So I think that is the biggest takeaway that I’ve been learning. You

Curt Anderson 42:34
know, and I love both of those. And I love something else that you guys did yesterday is you you got offline, you just finished your task. And when you get some of these, these live streams, it’s a bit of a celebration, like, Hey, that was awesome. And what I love what you two did is you challenge each other to say how could we do better? I couldn’t love that more. I know that’s something that I’m trying to work on personally with with Daymond with our team, like, yeah, and Amy and some are they like they’re giving me some harsh feedback. And it’s like, you know, being receptive to saying, yes, we want to be the best therefore, we can’t always you know, how do you know what did we do so awesome. How can we do better so I commend both you admire what you guys just did there? Damon closing thoughts? What do you before we wrap up? What do you what I’m happy to be here, you’re just happy to be here. So alright, let’s, let’s wind down. So first off, you’ve been out there for connect with Sammy, Joe Lewis on LinkedIn, you will thank us later, please connect with Meghan Botello. On LinkedIn, check out the last get me P they have, like you literally now have dozens of live stream interviews on their website. They’ve interviewed all sorts of wonderful, amazing human beings, all sorts of experts. If you’re coming to us from a different state, check out your local manufacturing extension partnership. And boy, you’ve been sit with us. How about hey, how about a big round of applause for our two wonderful guests here, Sami Jo Lewis and Megan Militello. So Megan, congratulations on engagement. Sami, Jo, congratulations on adding a new, new little little person in your home. This is just wonderful. I want to thank you both. We admire you, we just commend you, we compliment you. We we we just love both of you. So thank you for your friendship. Thank you for what you do. Thank you for your passion and helping Alaska manufacturers. Damon as we like to close out. Let’s just tell everybody, please go out and be someone’s inspiration. Just like these two and you will make the world a better place. Damon take it away my friend.

Damon Pistulka 44:36
All right. Well, awesome. Getting to talk to you guys today. Sammy, Jo and Megan, as always love seeing what the Alaska MEP is doing and how you guys are building the Alaska manufacturing community up and connecting people it’s so good. So good to see that. You know, Curt and I are it’s been known that we like to support manufacturing a bit. And it’s great to see it happening and hopefully The other MEPs are starting to embrace this as well because I think one of the things and we talked about this a lot manufacturers are often the best kept secret and that doesn’t do anybody any good as you said Megan closed mouths don’t get fed and we can help that. So as we wrap up the show today, I want to thank everyone put in the comments today we got Harry, thank you so much, man. We appreciate your thoughtful comments and questions in our shows. It’s so cool to have you around. And you’re just I just want you to know we really truly appreciate your your input Harry we got Tarun was here Shar we got sigh Mohammed puja. Thanks so much for dropping the comments in here today. And if you got in this late, go back to the beginning, start over listen to it again. There’s a lot of golden nuggets in here. We will be back again next week. Everybody. Have a great weekend.

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