Prospecting on Purpose to Close More Deals

Do you want to improve your prospecting results? If so, join us for a lively discussion with Sara Murray, an expert in B2B sales and lead generation. Sara shares her insights on how prospecting on purpose can help you close more business deals.

Do you want to improve your prospecting results?

If so, join us for a lively discussion with Sara Murray, an expert in B2B sales and lead generation. Sara shares her insights on how prospecting on purpose can help you close more business deals.

Sara Murray is an expert in B2B sales and lead generation. She has over ten years of experience in sales and has helped businesses of all sizes generate leads and close deals. She is the founder of Sara Murray Sales Consulting, where she helps businesses improve their sales performance.

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Sara is a certified sales professional and regular speaker for corporations and industry events. She has been featured in Forbes Travel Guide and VoyageLA Magazine.

Damon and Curt excitedly open this Livestream to cover some of the key elements Sara uses to engage more potential customers and close more deals. Curt engages Sarah by asking about her hero “as a little girl growing up.”

“Both my mom and dad together,” replies Sara. She describes how her parents, Aaron and Mary, moved the family from Los Angeles to Park City, Utah, over three decades ago, emphasizing their strong work ethic, commitment to their jobs, and dedication to their family relationship.

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At Curt’s request, Sarah discloses that she moved to Los Angeles to support her grandparents during their surgeries. Her 15-year journey in LA involved a career in the commercial construction industry, working with various clients. Sara excelled in prospecting and noticed a gap in the market—people struggling with this crucial sales phase. She now focuses on helping others improve their prospecting skills.

Similarly, Sara talks about a pivotal mentor in her career, Jamie Heil, who taught her valuable lessons and with whom she still maintains contact. In her view, building relationships in sales are often overlooked.

Sara also highlights that in technical fields, product features and competition matter less than a competitor’s salesperson’s relationship with the client. She underscores her mastery of asking questions to understand a client’s business model and presenting her product as a solution. This approach “makes it really impenetrable from the competitor standpoint.”

Get the most value for your business by understanding the process and preparing for the sale with information here on our Selling a Business page.

Sara advocates considering industries where direct access to decision-makers isn’t always possible. In this case, salespeople might deal with intermediaries who must convey the product’s great value to the client. She stresses equipping intermediaries with the skills and knowledge to represent the product effectively. Sara refers to this as “Train the Trainer.” Instead of bombarding them with technical details, speaking about the client’s business model helps the intermediaries convey the value more convincingly.

Nicole expresses curiosity about the evolution of the sales process, particularly in complex B2B sales.
In Sarah’s opinion, communication and interpersonal skills are the key to B2B sales. Sara notes a significant shift in the sales process, with more decision-makers involved, making it essential to cater messaging to different stakeholders. The language and approach used with an engineer should differ from that used with an end user, requiring adaptability in communication.

Likewise, Sara mentions the need to show clients they have a problem before persuading them to hire for a solution, which can require understanding their business model and identifying gaps. Sara imparts valuable tips on handling objections. She encourages people to view objections as opportunities for refining marketing and messaging. She suggests tracking objections and paying attention to positive feedback.

Drawing from his experience in CNC machining and metal fabrication, Damon believes in meaningful conversations with customers.

Revealing about her source of constant inspiration, Sara talks about maintaining positive relationships with clients, peers, and colleagues. She introduces the concept of “ABAV” (Always Be Adding Value), indicating that in any exchange, one should consider how to add value to the other person.

Responding to Curt’s query on thank-you notes, Sara expresses her love for acronym-based approach, starting with introducing her “Bridging the Gap” acronym (GAP), where “G” represents genuine interest, “A” stands for authentic relationship building, and “P” signifies prized clients. Building this foundation helps establish trust and makes asking for meetings, orders, or introductions easier when the time comes.

Similarly, Sara underscores the value of simple, thoughtful gestures in building authentic relationships with clients and colleagues. The guest discusses “Prospecting on Purpose” (POP), highlighting intention and meaningful connections in prospecting. She then transitions to “Ace Your Sales,” another acronym, focusing on three key elements: Action, Communication, and Execution. These elements help build strong, value-driven relationships and lead to successful deals and repeat business.

While touching on the authenticity of light-hearted icebreakers in conversations, Sara suggests introducing them using a buffer, like mentioning “where you heard it?” or “where the idea came from?” Sara believes these icebreakers can make interactions more engaging and help you stand out from competitors. She also mentions a fun icebreaker question: “Who are the top three fictional characters who make up your personality?”

Curt and Sara discuss being “cool” in authentic relationship building. Being “cool” means leaving people energized rather than drained after interactions. The guest shares a valuable strategy for adding value when you don’t know someone well. She suggests reaching out to individuals you want to connect with by expressing a genuine interest in their company and a desire to learn more about it.

Nicole requests Sara to talk about the signs or signals that should be observed during the sales prospecting process to recognize when a prospect is ready to progress to the next stage or level.

In turn, Sara provides a real-life example of finding natural pivot points in conversations to transition into business discussions. She shares an encounter with Tony, the former owner of Golden Road Brewery, which led to a meaningful conversation about his business ventures and potential collaboration.

Curt asks Sara to give a parting advice. Sara responds with an anecdote about using different negotiation voices inspired by Chris Voss’s book on negotiation techniques. She mentions the “playful voice” and how she used it to ease her nerves before a negotiation, even singing the “Baby Shark” song to herself as part of her internal preparation. Sara finds this approach helpful in making negotiations more enjoyable and less intimidating.

The conversation ends with Damon, Curt and Nicole thanking Sara for her time and sharing valuable insights.

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talk, sarah, relationship, sales, great, product, questions, clients, nicole, damon, icebreaker, kurt, people, love, sara, competitor, business, prospecting, give, meeting
Nicole Donnelly, Sara Murray, Damon Pistulka, Curt Anderson

Damon Pistulka 00:03
All right, everyone, welcome once again, it is Friday and what does that mean? It means it’s time for manufacturing ecommerce success. Today, we’re gonna be talking about prospecting on purpose. Kurt Anderson. I’m your host, Damon. co host Damon Pistulka. That pretty guy right over there. I can just about touch him. Just touch him is Kurt Anderson. And we’re and then we got Nicole Donnelly down here and wouldn’t be talking with and do this right? I can’t worry about prospecting Kurt. Take it away.

Curt Anderson 00:36
Hey, Damon, man, dude, what a great intro that was so happy. I just made a man. How could you not be excited? I know it’s morning and where you’re at? It’s lunchtime, where I’m at and what an amazing, incredible, wonderful day to dig into prospecting sales. And just we brought in a powerhouse. So I just I’m just so excited. So Hey, Nicole, we have a little la little Utah connection going on here. So all sorts of we’ve got Nicole Donnelly here, and we’ve got Say it isn’t so Sara Marie is in the house. So Happy Friday. How are you?

Sara Murray 01:15
I’m doing so awesome. I’m so happy to talk to you all today. Thanks for having me on.

Curt Anderson 01:21
Well, we are thrilled. And so we’re coming. We’re coming at you live. So we’ve got Sarah from LA morning where she’s at. And so let’s just get things fired up. If you’re with us. drop us a note in the chat box. Let us know where you’re coming from. Bring your questions, man we have if you are struggling with your sales, prospecting, we have the authority, we have the guru just for you. Let’s go here. Sarah, is your little girl growing up? As you were little girl growing up? Who was your hero? Who was your hero? As a little girl growing up? Yeah, I’m

Sara Murray 01:57
gonna say both my mom and my dad together because we were raised in there from both from Los Angeles, they moved us to Park City, Utah, you know, 37 years ago. So before you’d Park City was what it is. Now, we were just alone in the mountains as a family and they worked so hard for our family. I just really saw their work ethic I saw their relationship to work and how they would talk about their co workers how they would go on business trips, but make it work. You know, it was just, I think, a really nice environment for me to see that relationship with work, but also be really supported in being my authentic self. They really just kind of let me like fly my freak flag and supported me and whatever thing I want to do, and to this day, they support me and my business in many ways. So I have to say mom and dad because I’ve been so blessed to have such nice ones. Hey, that’s a

Curt Anderson 02:49
great answer. We love that answer. Mom and Dad’s names by the way, Aaron, Tim, Mary and Tim. All right. All right. Big shout out to Marian Tim proud of like their little girl on a show and just this wonderful, illustrious career that you’ve been building for yourself. So let’s go here. We were just talking about the Utes University of Utah. You so and then you find your way into I believe, like electrical engineering or electrical contract manufacturer, if I’m not mistaken. Do I have that correct?

Sara Murray 03:17
Oh, yeah. It’s been a journey. So moved. As soon as I graduated college, I had a really big tax return that year. It was like three grand. So that was when you’re like, 23 Yeah. 23 I think so.

Curt Anderson 03:30
Are you trying to make us jealous or what?

I know, man. I know last year.

Sara Murray 03:39
Yeah, I mean, I took my three grand my both of my grandparents at the time had surgeries, and they both needed support. So my grandpa had eye surgery. My grandma had back surgery and neither of them could move for like four months. So my parents rented the house next door to them to help them and I kind of thought, well, this is like a freeway to try Los Angeles. So I moved to LA I got the car and the job and the apartment and then I just have been here for the past 15 years. So there I always joke my driver’s license has expired twice, and I’ve served jury duty twice. So I’m officially an Angeleno. Celebrities in jury duty, so when people ask they have to go, if anyone was curious. Well, how cool is that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I’ve been in LA for the past 15 years always in like the commercial construction industry. So architecture and design, had a lot of developers as my clients, architects, as my clients, interior designers, electrical engineers, contractors, it’s um, it’s a very complex sales process to build a commercial building. It takes many, many years. It requires a lot of patience, and it requires making sure that you have relationships with all of the players that have a vote in the in the purchase of your product. So I’ve served as national roles for three different global companies and then I just felt this calling and this edge I had to scratch because I feel like a lot of my success in sales has always been around the very beginning prospecting and the ability to build relationships quickly. And I noticed it’s an area where people struggle, people are afraid to prospect. They don’t you know, when you’re when you’re in a sales role, a lot of times you’re going into it with what am I going to get out of it instead of how can I add value to my clients. And so I just have kind of figured out, there’s a, in my opinion, just this missing hole in the market. And that’s what I’m building my brand around, and my messaging and my workshops in my content around how to really start the process when it comes to prospecting, having the right confidence to approach someone and convince them to buy your product. It’s not an easy thing. And so I want to be able to help people and, and serve and make them more comfortable in their prospecting efforts.

Curt Anderson 05:52
Well, that’s awesome. So let’s, let’s go here for a minute. So Nicola, so Sara comes to us from our dear friend, Tony. So Tony was a wonderful, he’s a dear friend, parallel mastermind. And I know you’re in a mastermind with Tony as well, Sara. So big shout out to Tony for making this connection. That’s when you and I connected, you shared some really powerful stories and of my my recollection serves, you know, you’re kind of in a man’s world, you know, electrical, you know, contract manufacturing in the conscious contracting world, if you will. And you really found like your superpowers of you know, how your personality is really shine, just walk us through, like what, you know, of all the different industries that you could have picked? Why did you find that, you know, hey, I’m going to what attracted you going in this direction? And what were some things that you navigated that you felt like that were you really shine bright, I

Sara Murray 06:40
think one of the things when you look back at like the, like the pivot points in your career of what what may really makes you make a turn, I had one mentor, his name was Jamie Heil, he and I still talk but and that’s been really fun for me starting the business is now I can still call him and say, Hey, I’m stuck here. And we’ve worked together for a long time. So I learned a lot of kind of the programming and what I’ve built from him. So he was a really big pivot point for me. But what I have really found is that, in my opinion, the relationship is the most valuable piece that you can hold. And if you, I think it’s an area that people don’t talk about that often. Because if you don’t have the relationship, at the beginning of the sales cycle, it really doesn’t become a problem until the end of the sales cycle, where all of a sudden, you’re competing on price, or you’re trying to scramble, because you had only one contact that was on board, but the other six didn’t know about you, because you didn’t build those relationships, folks to get to all the right people. Another thing when it comes to relationships is a lot of times, especially in like manufacturing industries, we get in technical fields, we talk about our products, widget features, right like, Okay, this can do XYZ, here’s all the product features. When we think about our competitors, we’ll do all this competitive analysis on how our products better than the competitor. But sometimes that stuff doesn’t really matter if you don’t have the relationship, because in a lot of ways the competitor, the true competitor isn’t the competing product. It’s the relationship that the competitor salesperson has with your client. That’s, I think the biggest disconnect. And I feel one thing I learned from Jamie that I really like I feel have mastered is the ability to ask questions, and understand my clients business model, and then present my product or service as a solution that will impact their business model. And what I’ve started to learn in my consulting in my consulting firm is I will be supporting, I will be supporting a client that has a product, and I can go into the sales pitch. I don’t know anything about Wi Fi verification, I don’t know anything about some of the widget features. But if I can ask questions about the clients business model, then we can start to untap the holes and easily plug in the product. So if you have the relationship and if you have some of these skills on speaking business model instead of product features, those two pieces didn’t combined. Makes it really impenetrable from the competitor standpoint.

Curt Anderson 09:19
Okay, man. All right there. I’m just like,

Damon Pistulka 09:24
the because it’s so great, because you said one thing, and this just says Your, your true competitor is the relationship that your competitor has with your potential customer. And that’s that’s so key. Because it’s just, you know, it’s the same thing. And if you’re selling something and your main competitors in action, right, if you’re doing something that they can’t do it, it’s like, you really need to know what they’re up against. And when you’re looking at something like you’re talking about technical products, architectural stuff, engineering work, a lot of people can do it. Yes, there’s going to be differences here. Are there but is that like, the difference between you know, whatever, something that’s really wide Are we in a competitive market, everybody can do about the same because then it’s, it’s, you look at manufacturing, like if you’re in a CNC machining place, it’s critical to have that relationship because they’re gonna make it just like you down the street, right.

Sara Murray 10:20
And I think one thing to consider too, especially in these types of industries, where we don’t always have a seat at the table with the decision maker, we may be talking to an engineer who has to turn around and sell it to his client. And so you may be in a sales meeting where you think it’s going great, because they’re asking you questions, you’re able to answer all the features, but you just want a bunch of product facts, maybe that engineer can understand it, but he has to turn around or she has to turn around and be the salesperson on your behalf. So the way that you’re able to build relationships, a might get you a seat at the table with the actual decision maker, that’s always my number one goal, if I can do it, like who’s making the decision, build the relationship with the person, you have to get to the core decision maker. But at the same time, if you don’t have that opportunity, you need to have certain skills to be able to give them ammo, essentially, to turn around and sell on your behalf. I will call that like Train the Trainer. So when you’re talking about all these product facts, that’s not going to stick in their brain to turn around and sell it. But if you can speak business model, it’s going to be a lot easier to equip that person with some storytelling that they can go sell to the client and how it impacts their business. So there’s a lot of layered skills were chatting about here. But but once you have the relationship, the rest of it becomes a lot more seamless.

Yeah. I, you’ve been in sales for a long time. And I’m super curious to hear how you see the sales process, especially for the complex b2b sales, you know, world that we’re in? How has that shifted over time in terms of the buying process, the sales process? What have you seen? Like, are you seeing sales cycles getting longer, more committees, like, as time has gone on what shifted? And, and especially like, you know, I own a content marketing agency. So I’m just super curious to hear your thoughts on, you know, how marketing has come to play and what your what you feel like the relationship should be there with sales? I just asked you like five questions. No, no, I

Sara Murray 12:17
got it. So I was with you. And I definitely understand what you’re saying. I think the biggest shift that I’ve seen is that there are a lot more decision makers that all have to be voting yes to your product. It’s not always just a buyer seller. So I think there’s more more players in the mix. I think one gap that people miss, and I think this is an area for sales and marketing to really work together. Is your messaging to an engineer, maybe completely different than to the developer and completely different to the person who’s going to use the space. So I would encourage you, if you have something where there are that many decision makers, how can you look at, you know, maybe you just do a brain dump of all your product features and program features and say what fits with which stakeholder, I’m saying, player, but stakeholders, probably a better term to use. And then you have to, I mean, this is where you really have to practice. Like, if you were having a meeting with an engineer, you can’t go into all of the fluffy marketing messages that you might do for an end user. But if you have a meeting with the end user, and you go and chatting while your engineer talk, it’s just gonna go right over their head and the person that can speak business model and speak their language and speak to the right, the right messaging is gonna win the business. So it really has to be able to pivot to who you’re talking to. And, and in my opinion, the easiest way to do that is to ask questions at the beginning of your meeting. I mean, I think that’s one of the most crucial things is, Hey, mister, so and so Hey, miss, so and so Miss client. Before we get started, I’d love to understand your business needs. So I can cater my comments to your needs. Like it can be something as that simple of a script, and just let them talk. Because what happens is people leave a lot of money on the table, because they’re not asking any questions, or they go into the meeting, and they assume they know what they’re talking about. And if you can just pause and ask that question. It’s going to change the whole course of your meeting and the sales process.

Curt Anderson 14:19
Couple couple of things that Damon you made of, I’m going to tie three points together, wrap it up in a bow and then hand it off to you, Sarah. So Damon, you talked about the competitor, you know, the relationship with your competitor. You made a great point about inaction. Nicole, you and I think we’re just talking this morning or maybe was yesterday afternoon about sometimes a you know, your biggest competitor is the customer doing nothing. Right? Yeah. So just think about that the relationship of doing nothing better than you. Yeah. All right. I’m going to hit you with a couple of questions, sir. Like, let’s talk about like the, you know, Nicole has a content Mark. mean firm. So the company that needs to make a digital transformation, but they’re just unknown don’t know how intimidated overwhelmed, so I either do nothing? Or maybe I hire a content marketing firm. How what advice suggestions do you have there to bridge that gap? And then secondly, I want to dig into your tie. You said, Boy, I learned early in my career, how to master the art of mastering and asking questions, I’d love to, like really run into that. But so first, the competitor of doing the competition of doing nothing, how do you tackle conquer that one?

Sara Murray 15:31
I think one of the things that and I’m going to tie it back to business model too, if you have like a content marketing firm Nicola is the example. And someone’s indecisive on whether they need you or not, you really have to show them how a you’re solving a problem that they have, whether they know they have the problem or not. And I would say that’s what I’m really learning in the consulting world is I first have to show people they have a problem, and then get them to hire me to help them solve it. And that’s just this extra step that a lot of these industries have. So I think one of the biggest ways to do it is to start to really understand their business model and where their gaps are, and how you are the person or the company to solve those gaps. But that takes time. I think it takes a lot of trial and error. I think one of the things that I view as a gift, and we talk about this a lot when I do trainings is the ability to handle objections, you know, when you’re pitching, you may get objections that you’re not ready for that you’ve never had. Look at those as a gift, because that’s gonna give you more tools to develop your marketing and your messaging about how you approach people. So I would say pay attention to the objectives that you’re getting, I would write them down, like have a morning list. That’s a big one. And then I would also say, what type of positive feedback are you getting? Because when you start asking questions about business model, what what I have found is that you’re going to uncover areas where you can solve them. And that might completely pivot, your selling message. And that’s I one of my one of my first clients in my consulting firm, they had a product that they had their whole pitch, and all their budgets and what they wanted to go out and sell. And it just wasn’t solving a problem that people had. It was a it was something that helps support your Wi Fi, speed, reliability, etc. And so when they hired me, I started asking the potential prospects, what do you use for your door locks? What do you use for this? What other Wi Fi enabled devices do you have on your properties? And they gave me a whole list. And I said, Okay, well, when the door locks fail, how do you know that the Wi Fi is out? How do you know the door locks aren’t working? Like, oh, we don’t have a, we don’t have a solution for that, oh, well, this product will alert you that your door locks aren’t responsive, and then you can proactively address that problem. So then we changed the whole selling message to be around how we can support other Wi Fi enabled devices, instead of just check how your Wi Fi is doing in these short term rentals, right. So if you start to ask questions and try stuff, you’re gonna start to see what lights people up. And that’s where you really have to like double down and drive into that.

Damon Pistulka 18:11
And that’s where those conversations are so, so important, too, because running businesses that were like I said, CNC machining and metal fabrication, I mean, we, there were people down the street that could do what we did. But when you sat and talk to your customers, and go, you know, what are your problems? What, what keeps you from making product? What are the kinds of things, what we would find is that it’s stuff around the product, and outside the product itself, that sometimes gives you the advantage that no one else was even thinking about, which and then when you when you solve that problem for them, and oh, by the way, they’re buying product from you to do it. It’s like it’s a no brainer for him. Right? Yeah.

Sara Murray 18:57
Another way you could look at that too. Or to add on to that would be product features versus program features. Because it to like build programs like warranties, single point of contact, flat rate shipping, like how can you add on program benefits that’s catered to the business needs of your customer. And then instead of doing competitive product, by product, it’s your relationship and your program features that are going to really differentiate you or help set you apart. And it becomes more, in my opinion, more fun to talk about because you’re having business exchanges where you’re a collaborative consultative partner to them, as opposed to just like a buyer seller.

Nicole Donnelly 19:39
Yeah. And you’re, you know, you’re always going to be ahead of your competitor The closer you are to the customer. So, to your point like if you prioritize those conversations and really like my father always used to say all the time, you have to get to the pain, you need to get to the pain. You need to pain is you don’t Yeah, because you haven’t asked enough questions. Yeah. So So like if you can get to that pain and you’re really can really like,

like empathize with it yeah and I think they will see you as like oh my gosh this they see me and you’re always gonna be one step ahead of your competitor.

Sara Murray 20:18
Yeah it’s like why with Nicole relationships knows my pain

Curt Anderson 20:23
exactly who wouldn’t work with and hey, by the way demon we got some we got some

Damon Pistulka 20:27
comments are flipping

Curt Anderson 20:31
your comments welcome everybody thank you for joining us man got it all over here

Damon Pistulka 20:37

Curt Anderson 20:38
yeah team and as you pull up a few I you know what, Sarah if you don’t I did a little get a little stalking I mean shoot militants I didn’t say stalking friendly stalking I did a little due diligence and our friends. I have a few comments that I want to pull up here. Jason’s here today thank you for Hey Mike, thank you for your comment, Mike. I love it. And Diane, Friday, should Serena is here. Shireen had a good comment and pulled that one relationships. So guys, thank you drop your notes. Drop your questions. Let us know where you’re coming from. You absolutely want to connect with Sarah, you will thank us later. And so Hey, Sarah pluggers that we’re going to talk about you for a minute. So even Nicole I got so these are what some of Sarah’s friends and some of her collaborators. co workers customers have said about Sarah, Sarah Damon, are you sitting down for this one? Are You Ready? Ready? Ready era is a marketer’s dream sales collaborator, another person says great. That’s a great one to call right. You know what, let’s say it again. It feels so good saying that. I’m going to repeat it. Sarah is a marketer’s dream sales Klaver collaborator. She another person says great vision for new businesses. So if you’re new business and you are maybe a little bit on the introverted side, you need a little sales boost. You want to contact Sarah, how about not only did she add value to our customers, but her outgoing attitude was a great asset for our corporate culture. Sara engages with her clients in such memorable and positive ways. Her passion for what she does shines through her outgoing endeavors. She tends to make projects feel like they’re easy and effortless. We can’t wait to work with her again. Here’s my favorite. Here’s the last one. She’s an ideal combination of strategic thinker, creative collaborator and hands on doer, her positive attitude and ability to motivate motivate, makes her a joy to work with Sarah. curious minds want to know, how are we given all credit to mom and dad? Like, how? Where’s this coming from? We’re such an inspiration.

Sara Murray 22:41
Yeah, I mean, your relationships with your clients aren’t the only thing you have to have nice relationships with your peers and your colleagues and who you collaborate with. And I think the biggest way that you can really do that is I call it a B, a VABAV. Always be adding value. I think any type of exchange, anytime any type of exchange you go into, it’s like how am I adding value to this person. And it could be something so little, like, my grandpa had a avocado tree in Los Angeles, and I would show up to meetings with avocados, it was just like, I’d go to our corporate headquarters and just drop avocados on people’s desks, it was such a little thing. It didn’t cost me any money. But you know, three years in the future, I need to call that person and I’m not giving them an avocados. And one day, I’m gonna call you for a favor or need your help to solve a client’s problem. But I would I’ve been able to be very efficient, because of the relationships that I’ve built. But it’s obviously a two way street. But I think that’s such a big takeaway is how can you always be adding value to the other person, especially in prospecting, especially in building relationships? If you’re always adding value, I call them emotional bank account deposits, right? You’re always little bank accounts. When it comes time to withdraw that withdrawal from the bank, you have so many deposits, it’s a no brainer to withdraw from the bank. Whereas I think a lot of people go into sales and they’re trying to get things from their clients and they have they’re drawn from an empty bank account. So have deficits in their bank account because they haven’t added value. So as long as you kind of approach every type of exchange, how can I add value to the other person whether it’s their business or personal life that’s going to get you so far and your prospecting and sales efforts?

Yeah, I love it. There’s some argue the king of acronyms and he’s I’m this is a first acronym that I it’s been coined by the NOC Kurt it’s amazing.

Curt Anderson 24:38
We have another great acronym that we’re going to dig into next in before in so it’s a it’s ace. We’re going to dig into ace in a minute if I have that correct. But before we go there, Sarah, you have a really powerful I believe, didn’t you don’t have a thank you note that generated a significant amount of sales to yours.

Sara Murray 24:56
I’m the queen of thank you notes from my grandma. So we’ll give her that read it because if you didn’t write her a thank you card, you would never get a gift from her again. All of her friends now them like money for the graduation and she would tell all the neighborhood you know, so and so son didn’t write me. Thank you. So I, I have been trained and she does what she preaches. I’m gonna get a lot of thank you cards from her. I’m gonna cards like, Thank you for coming out and replacing our refrigerator Filter.

Curt Anderson 25:23
Damon, make sure you send a thank you card to Sarah. Don’t forget because you guys, you know what list so, but I believe you shared with me that you had one particular thank you card that generated something significant that

Sara Murray 25:38
time. Yeah. So I mean, and this is kind of where you really have to pull in your authentic self like what works for you, thank you cards works for me, because it was ingrained in my you know, as soon as we could write thank you cards, like I have a whole like bin of just thank you cards. So I keep them in my car doesn’t work for everyone. So this was just a suggestion, but I keep them in my car. And I’ve always been in and outside sales role. And there’s one architecture firm, it’s the largest in the world, and the largest office in the world is in Los Angeles. So as you can imagine, every manufacturer in the world is trying to get into this office. And there was one woman who had just, you have to be on the list to get into the phone. And the first time I met her, she suggested a book. We were just chit chatting about books. And she suggested a book. And I like to read so I read the book, I liked it. I’m about to go into a meeting at that office, I didn’t have a meeting with her. I was just going to be in the office. And I went through the Kindle app on my phone. I had thank you cards in my car and I just jotted down like five books that were kind of similar to the book she suggested. And I’m walking by her desk and said, Hey, I read the book was called the beach. I forget who the author was kind of a romance novel, not the one that they made the Leonardo DiCaprio movie out of. But the book was called the beach dropped by said, Hey, I love the beach. I just went through my Kindle app. And here’s a couple of books that I liked. She opens it because oh my gosh, I have a book club tonight. And we’re supposed to bring recommendations and I had nothing prepared. You just saved me. And I always took me 30 seconds. It cost me no money. That was probably like eight, nine years ago, that one gesture has made millions of dollars for the two companies that I’ve worked for. It’s just not that hard. You know, I have another book example where I was cold calling architecture firms to try to get on a try to get on their calendars. This could be a year out. I mean, they have ever one day’s work days in a week. And so I go into the firm, this is where listening and asking questions is a great easy example. I meet the receptionist who said hey, I’m so and so Sarah from the she says okay, well, we’ll put you on the calendar. We’re about 13 months out. Okay, great. We’ll see you in a year and a month. You know, we’ll see you next year. And as I’m leaving, I said, we’ll all send you I’ll send you my, my schpeel you know, my presentation details. She says, Okay, well, I’m gonna be out of the office next week. So maybe a minute, you know, might be a week before I get back to you. Okay, so are you going anywhere fun? And she says, Yeah, I’m going on vacation to Hawaii for the first time. So Oh, have a great trip. I’ll talk to you in a year. So I get home, I email her the presentation details, I email or a second email. And there’s just two books at for Amazon links of historical nonfiction books that took place in Hawaii. So just finished these. I liked them. What didn’t you know, I get a response from her that evening and I was on the calendar two months. Isn’t that hard. And so when we talk about like, I will give you another acronym, I call it Bridging the Gap gap. What we do is we put all of our customers up on this pedestal, we put our bosses other colleagues we put people were intimidated by up on this pedestal and the gap, we’re trying to bridge this gap. So I call it G stands for genuine interest. And this is where you know using people’s names, having icebreakers ready to make you more confident to start to open a door to a conversation, finding ways to be memorable to the other person that’s kind of the G. We can get into these if we have time. The A stands for authentic relationship building. So some of these emotional bank account deposits I’ve been sharing this is where you really want to start to build that relationship equity so you can withdraw once you get to the P which stands for prized clients. Once you’re up on that pedestal with them. It’s a lot easier to start to ask for the meeting, ask for the order, ask for an introduction. Ask questions that maybe would be uncomfortable to ask right out the gate but because you built that foundation up to the pedestal it’s a lot easier to ask those questions. It almost becomes seamless, like why wouldn’t I work with Nicole? She did all of these things for me. She understands my pain point etc, etc.

Curt Anderson 29:57
Yeah, all right tons on pack right there in LA And the biggest thing what I love what you talked about, like how simple is it to send a book recommendation as opposed to? I’ve watched a video of yours, Sarah, you’re talking about as you were somewhere and somebody who’s trying to sell something to you, and you go into this hysterical bit, I’m like, Dude, I can’t buy an $11,000 tub right now I’m renting an apartment or I don’t know, you know what I’m talking about. And so you’re like, disguise it. Listen to me throwing up on me, right? Like, she’s taught you guys, you have to go to Sarah’s LinkedIn profile checkout in her featured section. She has a video of herself. It is absolutely hysterical. It is brilliant. And it is spot on. So I love what you’re describing, unlike, you know, in its, you know, out of just genuine enthusiasm we throw up on ourselves. We all do it or have done it at some point in time. But you took a step back and you treated them as a person as a friend. And you’re like, hey, here’s a great book. You know, you’re building relationships off of a book recommendation. Let’s dig into ace. I’m going to connect. Can I steal your thunder? I’m going to steal the action, communication. Execution. You got it? Action, communication, execution for our friends taken home and no one is here today with the Diag team and we got some notes here. Right? We got Whitney Houston in the house, Diane, chapter eight. Are you my long lost cousin, my grandma taught me to do that, too. So I love Thank you, Diane, appreciate that. Grandma’s dream says I love that Siri. big takeaway is the authenticity and every touchpoint dropping off avocado. So again, like man, you’re eight, you’re changing lives here. But let’s talk about ace. Can you enlighten us? Let’s let’s take a deep dive there.

Sara Murray 31:39
Yeah, I mean, I didn’t realize I was an acronym person until I started the business. And it’s happening. So I was talking about prospecting on purpose is like approaching clients with intention. So we talked about genuine interest authentic relationship, once you get the meeting. So I call it pop top, prospecting on purpose, then we pivot to ace your sales. So a very simple framework. And it goes beyond just sales, but very simple framework is action. So Damon gave that example at the top of the interview on the cost of inaction versus action. Sometimes action is just, you’re not going to get anywhere, you know, our clients are going to come knock on our doors, we have to go out and get them. It’s like the dating analogy, right? So action is a big one, then communication. So once you get the meeting, how were you driving that communication through the process? And that’s what we were chatting about understanding business model, using effective storytelling, right? We’re not We’re not product vomiting on people. We’re asking questions we’re telling we’re helping them through it with storytelling and demonstrating our expertise. We’re using sales assets to help communicate our message, Nicole to our earlier point, we’re using the right sales asset with the right stakeholder type, we’re not mixing and matching if it’s the wrong audience. But so that’s kind of the communication bucket how effectively are communicating your value both as as their partner, but also your products value, program value? And then the E stands for execution? So how are we overcoming objections? How are we proactively addressing objections and showing them that we’re an expert at what we’re selling? How are we staying in the driver’s seat, because a lot of times clients will take us off course. And we have to have our destination in mind. That’s where a lot of this like on purpose comes from, where are we going? And then obviously, executing is closing deals and generating repeat business. So that’s kind of the modular framework that that we go through in my workshops is action, communication, execution, and then we go into those skill sets in more detail with different deliverables and sales, crutches and whatnot.

Damon Pistulka 33:50
As Awesome, okay.

Curt Anderson 33:53
All right. So let’s recap a couple of things. Little little note itself. And man, sir, where were you like, for me, like 15 years ago? No product vomit. I vividly recall a sales situation. I was just like, full throttle. And the guy’s like, No, I can’t do that. Oh, well, hey, what about this? No, I can’t do that. Well, hey, what about this and like, Dude, you’re not listening to me, like, Oh, what a degenerate I am. So I absolutely love these acronyms. So pop, ace, avoid the product vomit, and just really that dedicated communication. Let’s, let’s take a little deeper dive, you said, hey, if we have time to go deeper, let’s go a little bit deeper on some of the communication strategies that you would advise, say, there’s somebody out there like, Man, I’m new to the sales world, or maybe they’ve been at it for a long time. And like, boy, just the world has changed. I haven’t changed with it. What are some tips and strategies that you walk people through at your workshops?

Sara Murray 34:41
Sure. I think I think one of the biggest takeaways that I would like to leave this audience with is obviously building the relationship so pausing and taking the time to ask just just the chit chatty stuff, right. So I’ll encourage you like this, I break my icebreakers into. I think when people hear icebreakers, they think like team building games, which I love, but that’s not we’re talking about here. So I, I break them into mild, medium and spicy ice cream. Heads Up spicy just means kind of quirky. PG, you know? So a mild icebreaker would be something really, really easy. Doesn’t necessarily turn into a huge conversation, but it could be something to just break the ice. So, Damon, I understand you’re from Seattle. Are you? Were you born there? Did you grew up in Seattle? That would be an example

Damon Pistulka 35:43
I’m supposed to answer Oh my God.

Sara Murray 35:44
Where are you from? Originally?

Damon Pistulka 35:48
I’m originally from the Midwest. Okay,

Sara Murray 35:50
so then then that’s so okay. Yeah, we’re

Damon Pistulka 35:52
getting there. We’re getting there. Yeah. Yeah, no,

Sara Murray 35:55
yeah, I’ve expressed genuine interest but now I have a couple of different paths. I could take this combo down I share a Go

Curt Anderson 36:00
Go spicy, go spicy.

Sara Murray 36:06
Spicy Are you sure because I’m good. Well, I

Damon Pistulka 36:11
do like ghost pepper sauce. So

Curt Anderson 36:13
I guess we’ll graduate to it. So I love school icebreaker games Okay,

Sara Murray 36:17
so I’m gonna give Kurt his next one this I’m gonna give you I’m gonna give Kurt to one’s gonna be mild or she’s been medium so mild is just like quick answers right? Medium might be a little bit more personal information like how many kids do you have? Kurt? How did you meet your wife? That’s a that’s a that would be a medium icebreaker. Go ahead. And then I’ll give you a spicy one because

Curt Anderson 36:41
I met my I met my wife in high school. I was that way. I met my wife in high school and then we didn’t we we we reconnected we rekindled after college. How’s that story?

Sara Murray 36:53
Oh my gosh, that’s awesome. So you didn’t date through college? We did not.

Curt Anderson 36:57
We didn’t see each other for years and we kind of went different directions and then all sudden now I just had my 25th wedding anniversary, or poor woman. So

Sara Murray 37:10
congratulations on your 20 years and like I normally would continue to ask question right, right, right. The purposes of demo. Okay, so another one I’m gonna I’m gonna throw Nicole one and then I’ll do a round robin. Oh, cool. This is a spicy one. Who was your childhood celebrity crush?

Ooh, like, circa before age 10. Or,

Sara Murray 37:33
like high school good qualifier. Give us both. Okay.

It was totally Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future. I was just like a J. Fox. Love it. Yeah, Heebie Jeebies when I was in high school, heebie jeebies. Where did that come from? When I was in high school, it was Ben Affleck and I had massive crush on him right at the time when the internet came out. Okay, and this was back in the days when it was like you could I would print out black and white pictures and I thought it was so cool. I’d find these pictures of Ben Affleck on the web and I print them out in black and white for my printer and I was like, this internet thing is so cool.

Sara Murray 38:09
I’m in your locker Ben in your locker. I have one of my favorite icebreakers. And we can ask the audience to if they want to chime in because I feel like this is always an easy fun one. What is the best bird

Curt Anderson 38:25
Hey, Whitney’s got hers and Hey, thank you Whitney for the Happy anniversary. I appreciate that asked the best bird

my favorite bird is a bluebird.

Sara Murray 38:35
Okay. Damon Damon,

Damon Pistulka 38:38
come on. I mean when you look at like Kurt Of course, the eagle that’s how I was gonna say the Eagles the Eagles are great. I think they’re just there. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 38:50
I so I was I was away visiting family recently Daymond and I came to like this was a talking you knew call I was actually I was on this big Walk Run thing and I went through like this craft fair. That a huge thing big painting of a an eagle. And like people make fun of like my my bear Baron wall and I’m like you don’t need an eagle and put it up there right into it. So anyway, bald eagle demon. What’s yours?

Damon Pistulka 39:12
No, I’m with you. I’m with you. If you if you ever get me sideline, you just go home. Oh, my goodness.

Curt Anderson 39:17
Hey, we got chickadees we’ve got Roadrunners. We’ve got owls are fascinating.

Sara Murray 39:25
I you know, I honestly I’ve learned so much bird trivia from asking this question. changes a lot. Like did you know that? For I love I love bald eagles too. They’re very majestic. It’s an easy answer. But woodpeckers tongue wraps around his brain when it’s pecking to prevent it from like injury. Which is kind of cool. So

Curt Anderson 39:51
Google that one. So hey. Pull it off here. So she’s going with the ego’s. So, so these are

Sara Murray 39:59
current But before I didn’t really catch up but I want to just kind of put a put a bow on this because I feel like when people hear this they’re thinking when would I ever ask a customer what is the best bird like how would I ever weave that into conversation and some people heard this joke is for you and it’s a little PG 13 But some of us might be listening to this and hadn’t given me this as their bird never used this I told Kurt I would bring the tiny I’m so

Curt Anderson 40:39
if you guys don’t know that choke you have to google Kristen Wiig and Senate live when she does the tiny hands. The hands in the history of Senator live in my opinion. And I go back to like the Dan Ackroyd you know, John Belushi days. It was one of the funniest bits, Sir, do you have the Do you have the tiny hands? I have

Sara Murray 40:57
all of them. I just done a really big webinar. So it’s kind of like coming down from being on for, you know, an hour and he said, You so we just met and she had a really big event this morning, didn’t you? I said, Yeah, he goes, How did it go? And I said, Well, I say it wrong. But I mean, this is part of like being your authentic self. Like, I think this stuff is funny. I don’t do it all the time, but when it’s appropriate, but um, but I will circle back to free little hands. But one of the things when you’re listening to this, you’re saying how am I ever gonna bring up a spicy icebreaker, the best thing you can do to introduce something like this is to use what I would call a buffer. So like Whitney, for example, if you want to go out and pitch this question to your family tonight at dinner, you can say I was watching this LinkedIn live show this morning. And the group was talking about what is the best bird but it got me thinking or I was driving to this meeting. And I was listening to a podcast and did the like use a buffer to introduce it. But it is really fun. Like if you have a dinner with clients, and you’re kind of running out of things to talk about having some of these ready, just make it more fun and interesting and gives you something to talk about and differentiate you from your competitors. One of my favorite we don’t have to get into it now because it’s a thinker is who are the top three fictional fictional characters who make up your personality?

Curt Anderson 42:23
characters that make up your personality? You could

Sara Murray 42:26
spend a whole work dinner chatting about this. Yeah,

that’s a great question.

Damon Pistulka 42:30
That would be crazy.

Curt Anderson 42:32
So let’s, let’s get into that. I love this. Because like we, again, like on a video that I caught. And guys, if you’re just catching us, boy, drop us a note. Whitney, thank you, she dropped the Christian week. video. So thank you, when you guys check it out over the weekend, Damon, you’ll absolutely it is it is hysterical, I think. But I love what you’re talking here about, like, you know, building that rapport building that relationship and getting away from you know, that product feature challenge that we just, you know, in one of your workshops you’re talking about, you know, like we’re at a tradeshow and we’re, you know, game faces on. And we’re just so compelled. And I know like, you know, the call, I could you can only imagine, right? I just get you know, you just get so in the zone, it’s hard to take a step back, take a breath and be like, you know, ask about like, Hey, what’s your favorite burger? What’s your who’s your high school? You know, who was your crush? When you’re a kid, you know, type thing? How talk when you’re doing these workshops? What are some of the results are like what are some of the other questions that you’re working on? And stuff?

Sara Murray 43:32
I think so Kurt’s talking about I give this example, one of the in the authentic relationship building step, we talked about this concept of just being cool, right? And being cool doesn’t mean you have great fashion, or you have a blue checkmark by your Instagram being cool, essentially, as be someone who leaves people feeling energized versus drained. So when I when we think about getting up on the pedestal, people who drain other people are never getting up on this pedestal. And that’s not just in sales. It’s how are you showing up for your colleagues? How are you showing other people in your life, right? Always either neutral or energized, is what we want to leave people with. And in the example I give I call it a tale of two trade shows, because we’ve all been to a trade show either as the seller or someone walking the show. And I give an example is both true stories. I see my friend. I invited him he said he’s coming so I see my friend Eric and a tradeshow booth and I was just waiting to chat with Eric and someone comes up one of the reps I don’t know if that they weren’t an employee of the company, but I’m just standing in the aisle. He didn’t look at my badge she didn’t see I was a vendor didn’t do any of the kind of due diligence you would expect I think because he was on autopilot. We all do it. But he just starts telling me all of the product features of this bath tub, I mean, it was made of this concrete it holds blah, blah, blah gallons and the you know, all like all of this product feature and I’m just saying Didn’t hear like looking at him thinking, why are you wasting both of our times I don’t have any I’m not going to put this in a project. I’m not going to buy it for myself, I don’t have 11 grand to like I live in. There’s just one of those things where he just left me so drained and he wasted time like your energy is precious. Go. So that is an example of just product vomit, right? And if you just take one second to give a mild icebreaker Sara, what do you do in Los Angeles says your name and your city right on the badge, you know, do a little badge Bob and say, Hey, what do you do in LA? Then he would have heard I’m, I’m just a vendor waiting to say hi to my friend. And then he would have Yeah, you know. And so though that littles little tiny steps of expressing genuine interest, helps that who you’re talking to, and then vet how to build it from there.

Nicole Donnelly 45:49
I gotta say, I really love this because you know, there’s such a strategy and intentionality about what your what you’re saying here, because a lot of times, you know, for those of us who love love talking to people, some of this stuff may come a little bit naturally, but we just don’t really think about it. We don’t think about how to use it, right, necessarily. And so I love how you’re approaching this because it’s very much a very strategic very, like, walk into it, be prepared, be thoughtful, here are the things that you need to do. And so I just, I just love that approach. I think it really helps someone who’s just, yeah,

Sara Murray 46:22
thank you for saying that, Nicole, because I and it applies to anything. If you’re going to into a networking event, what is your built in icebreaker you’re gonna go in with, right? What do you want to get out of it have a goal of what you want to get out of the event? Talk to your coworkers, you already know. If you have some of these tools at the ready, it becomes a lot easier to do. Yeah, that’s cool.

Damon Pistulka 46:47
I’m still stuck on product vomit. I’m probably sitting here I’m sitting here searching because I can’t get that Monty Python from the meaning of life, you know, hurt me No, because we’re older. But when there’s a big guy that eats too much he explodes. Yeah, I just think

Curt Anderson 47:09
put that in the chat box, one of the greatest scenes of all time, meaning Oh, and, and a gentleman walks in. He says you better bring me a bucket. And so yeah, that is for you. That is visual demons. Man. We’ve got some juicy stuff going on. And Nicole, we have a big trade show coming up in two weeks, three weeks, whatever it is. And so you’ve got me thinking, Sarah, exactly. Now one thing that I I try to strive try to work diligently on as being like the connector. Can you talk a little bit about like, and what in our conversation I viewed you as the same unite get connected through Tony, we’ve talked about masterminds? I feel like you’re a vibrant connector. Can you talk a little bit about your connecting strategies that you do through sales? Kind of, you know, your book recommendations? What are some other connecting? Yeah,

Sara Murray 47:57
and I will, this is kind of like gold that I’m gonna share right now. It’s been working real well, so I’d be happy to share it. But and it’s coming from a place of genuine interest. But one of the things that I favor saying that Kurt, I do like to connect people. But it’s because I asked them questions, and I know about their business. So I can remember, hey, you should talk to this person, because I’ve asked enough questions to have that knowledge to connect those dots. But one thing that’s been really helpful when it comes to adding value when you don’t necessarily know someone else, is Hey, Damon. You know, I know we don’t know each other. But I have been meeting so many people in my business and the different people that I’ve been meeting in my prospecting efforts, I’d love to connect to learn a little bit more about your company so I can keep you in mind during my prospecting efforts. And that is a really easy way to get a quick meeting with someone. And it’s coming from a place of like, let me understand what you do. So that if I meet someone who’s a relevant fit, I’m going to connect you and a big part of why this is important is when we talk about the emotional bank account and always be adding value. Avocados are great book recommendations are great, but the whole I’m gonna use a Monty Python, the holy grail of the holy grail of the emotional bank account deposit is something that builds someone else’s business. You know, I had Tony as a guest on my podcast after the interview Tony goes, you’ve got to meet my friend Kurt. Tony introduces us. Now Tony has deposits in my emotional bank account. If Tony needs something for me, I’ll do anything for Tony. Oh, you know what I mean? Like that’s how you start to build these relationships and they come from a place of the business part comes so much easier because all the relationship foundation is there. People want to work with people they like that’s never changed, but this is how we can do some like tactical tools to do it. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead.

Nicole Donnelly 49:57
No, I was just going to ask you like what are the signals that you should pay attention to when you’re, you know, because this this prospecting sales is a journey. It’s a process and it takes time and progress, right? What are some of the signals that you should be paying attention to? Or looking for in your prospect? To know they’re ready to kind of get to the next level or get to the next stage? Does that make sense?

Sara Murray 50:19
Yeah, that’s a great question. I think I’m gonna give. I’m gonna give a quick example, that’s following on our tale of two trade shows, I’m going to tell the other tale of the trade show, because I think it helps, you’ll start to find natural pivot points when you’re in conversation. And it takes practice, but it becomes a lot easier to start to ask for things, if you’ve done these foundational steps. So there’s a brewery in LA it’s called Golden Road. If anyone’s heard of it. This was I think back in like 2016 2017. But I’m gonna show guy walks by he’s got his badge on as Tony Yano, ABC pubs, Burbank, California. And I know that Tony’s tavern, like, there’s all these other companies that were Oh, the other restaurants that were owned by the owner of Golden Road. So he walks by and said, Hey, are you Golden Road, Tony? And he goes, Well, now it’s Anheuser Busch, Tony, because I sold the brewery last year. I was like, Oh, my gosh, I didn’t know. So like, we High Five was like, congratulations. That’s amazing. And they had a lot of vegetarian menu items and on the menu, and I said, Well, I really hope they keep the hearts upon Vijay, because that’s my favorite dish. He lights up just oh my gosh, that’s my recipe. And so we’re like, out over. It’s like, it’s just all, none of this. None of its smarmy, you know, it’s all real human. You know? And so I asked him, this would probably be a spicy icebreaker. But I said, my personality can get away with it. I said, So what are you gonna do with all your Anheuser Busch money? It’s like, well, I’m gonna open five new restaurants in Los Angeles. That’s my pivot point. It’s like, oh, have you ever considered fire? I was selling fire features at the time. Have you ever considered fire features for your restaurant? And now we’re in the booth. And now we’re talking business and we’re talking about you know, all of the than the next step, the HR sales is telling on how my fires going to help this etc, etc. But you’ll start to see those natural pivot points, where it’s really easy to ask, because why wouldn’t he do business with me, we have all of the same stuff in common. I like it just started takes practice, but it’s so much easier to pay attention to the pivot points if you have that foundational relationship

Damon Pistulka 52:34
built. Okay, anyone out there that is going to a trade show? Call Sarah, she needs to be in your booth.

Curt Anderson 52:40
She needs. You need a little training session. And I’m gonna say this, Sara. So plug your ears again, please. Damian, we’ve done this once or twice. How many? How many? These shows that we right?

Yeah, two or three?

Curt Anderson 52:54
Guys, we’re in the hundreds now, right? And I just told him to call this morning. I’m like, Sarah is so good. I go, there’s probably three people that I’ve met on the first virtual call and said, Hey, will you come on the show? And I might be exaggerating the three and so Sarah, you just have a very you are, you have a gift, you certainly have a magnetic personality. And so you know, a lot of folks out there maybe don’t have that, you know, that natural ability, but I love what you’ve described as like, you, Nicole, you hit it on the head is like it’s very intention intentional. It’s authentic. It’s genuine. And like you’re working on it. And again, guys, if you’re out there, you’re like, Man, I’d love to get a little taste of this expertise. These superpowers reach out to Sarah and she can walk you through the steps. I know, man, I Sir, we could keep you all day. I think we’re oh my god, we’re like we’re coming into time. I

Damon Pistulka 53:42
didn’t really know that time. We gotta roll it out.

Curt Anderson 53:44
And let’s check a time. Let’s Nicole, takeaways for you with this dynamo, this wonderful conversation. What do you what do you walk away with today? Other than like, hopefully I’ll pull full page of notes.

Nicole Donnelly 53:56
Yeah, no, I, I do have a full page of notes. I love to always be adding value. And that’s just a really great reminder for every relationship that I’m ever. Sorry, Siri? Yeah, I don’t know. My thing was, I love to always be adding value. So I’m definitely I think that’s a huge takeaway is, you know, just leading with, and I think that’s what you’ve been saying this whole time? What is it that they that they need? And how can you help serve them ultimately. So I love that and I think I loved what you said too, about communicating through stories and asking questions. I think that’s huge. I think like being very intentional and strategic about when you have an event planned a networking event or a big pitch or whatever, being very strategic and intentional about the questions that you want to ask the icebreakers that you want to have on hand and at the ready, and just really thinking and preparing for that in advance rather than just winging it. So I think that’s really those are some of the biggest takeaways that I have. That I just loved. So thank you. This has been really be really helpful and informative.

Curt Anderson 55:02
Completely Damon your takeaways your thoughts what other than Monty Python holy grail meaning of life Senate live? What do you got?

Damon Pistulka 55:11
It Hey, that makes me laugh. Yeah, the tiny hands are gonna go see that? No, I just, you know, the way you you weave this all together, sir is really nice. I mean and using the acronyms and rolling people through I can see how using the examples the acronyms and your natural style you can you can teach people how to do this because it is a learned skill that you can be able to figure out and do so. Thank you.

Curt Anderson 55:35
It’s fantastic, sir. I’m going to share it you know, pop, you know, I love the acronyms ace, you know, ace your sales again, guys, go to Sarah’s website, go to her LinkedIn profile. Tons of great helpful information. Sarah, I know you have a big event coming up. I know it’s down the road. But boy, time flies you have a nice event coming up in November. Do you want to share with everybody what’s going on?

Sara Murray 55:56
Yeah, I’d be happy to. So I do I do have a podcast. So if you go to Sara, forward slash podcast or on any streaming services, prospecting on purpose. So we get into these examples in more detail. So that’s a great free resource. And then on November seventh, eighth, and ninth, once a quarter, I run a virtual sales training. So it’s one hour a day. So it’s a pretty easy time commitment. And we go through action, communication and execution each day. And so there’s a workbook it’s really, really hands on very fun, a lot of value packed in a short amount of time, that if you’d like to be notified for that, once we launched the landing pages, it’s the URL is connect dots, Sara And I can throw it in the chat too. But if you can sign up there, and then we’ll notify you as soon as we we open the doors for it. But it’s connect dot Sara, November 7, eighth and ninth, and it’s really fun, a lot of great value that comes out of it. And I’d love to have anyone who’s interested. Well,

Curt Anderson 56:53
this is absolutely all evening. We’ve got a couple of nice comments here again, guys, thank you for joining us today. Thank you for hanging out, and just getting these just amazing, incredible strategies and just value bombs from our dear friend, Sarah. This is great. Now Sarah, you know, one of my team and I you know I was going to serenade Sara but you know, I wanted her to stay on the show. And so I decided not to do that. But you know, Fleetwood ever since we’re talking 70s, the whole show here, right? Fleetwood Mac has a great song, Sarah, so I was gonna like I was gonna recite that song. Guys there. If you’re looking for a good song over the weekend. Check out the song sir from Fleetwood Mac. Right. Speaking of that, are you are you baseball fan by any chance? Sure. Who’s your who’s your favorite? Who’s your favorite team?

Sara Murray 57:35
I guess I would say I guess I’m not really a baseball fan. I guess the Dodgers because I’m there my local.

Curt Anderson 57:42
Do you have your bingo game? You got it? Yep. Right. It’s fun. Great atmosphere. Right. Question for you. You’re at the Dodgers game. Okay. You actually you’re, you’re you’re literally at the Dodgers game and it’s bad mother ninth, okay. And there’s a person on second there’s guy in second base and it’s tied score. You’re playing your arch rival, San Diego Padres. It’s a ninth inning vitamin night, Guy on second base, two outs and somebody has to hit that somebody needs a base hit to win the game. Okay. The manager turned down the bench and looks down and says Hey, Murray. Get up to the plate and hit in the winning run. Will you please Okay, you’re with me. So now Sara, strolling up to the plate to hit the winning run that you need to get juiced. What is your walk up song? What song is on the loudspeaker for you to hit in that one that winning run?

Sara Murray 58:37
Is it an internal song or

Curt Anderson 58:40
external going on the rates going?

Sara Murray 58:43
Final Countdown by Europe final

Curt Anderson 58:47
name and matching an old school. Old school

Damon Pistulka 58:50

Sara Murray 58:52
Dude, that was like that’s like, only walk up song that you could do.

So final count. Oh,

Damon Pistulka 58:58
I love that. Only walk up song you could do.

That’s the one. That one answer. even hesitate. Geno’s. Like Yep, that’s it.

Sara Murray 59:07
I will say my internal song and I this is a negotiation tip. And it has not been a podcast episode yet, but it’s coming. Sometimes I listen to Baby shark before big negotiate, just like that. And it really works.

Curt Anderson 59:24
Damon Baby shark with a little and

tell me what the strategy is there. Baby shark.

Sara Murray 59:31
There’s a there’s a book about negotiation by Chris Voss, who’s a hostage negotiator. He talks about like the three voices. So you have the late night DJ FM, the friendly playful voice and then like a stern, assertive voice. And so I had my first read. I was asking for a lot of money. I was nervous. And I pulled up the book and I just went to my first dog eared page, and it talked about the playful voice and like that’s the one you should use. And so I was I was driving to the meeting. And in my head, I was like your shark, your shark and I was like, well, you’re kind of a Baby shark. And then I listened Did the song and it just like made me all loosen? So I went into that negotiation. It was fun. So that’s my new internal. That’s a really good tip. I had

Curt Anderson 1:00:11
the shark walking up to the plate, Dana. There you go.

Sara Murray 1:00:16
Thank you so much for having me. This morning.

Curt Anderson 1:00:18
We’re gonna run. So thank you all for being here today. Thank you, Sarah, we appreciate you everybody out there. Let’s give a big boring round of applause for Sarah. So, Damon, take it away, my friend.

Damon Pistulka 1:00:30
All right. Well, thanks so much for being here today. Sarah. Thanks, everyone that was commenting, listening. Go back again, and listen to the replay from the beginning because they’re dropped a lot of gold nuggets in here. Nicole, awesome questions. Thanks for being here helping us out making this a great show. Kurt Anderson. I believe we’re back again Monday.

Curt Anderson 1:00:55
I think So dude, I think

Damon Pistulka 1:00:57
yeah, we’ll be back. But everyone, like Kurt said, Have a great weekend. Go out and do good. Do good things and we’ll be back again. Hang out with us for a minute, sir. And we’ll wrap up

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