Show Up Higher on Google without Paying for Ads

Are you tired of paying for ads to get visibility on Google? If so, join us for this episode of the MFG eCommerce Success show, where we dive into how you can “Show up higher on Google without paying for ads” with Damon Burton, President, SEO National.

Are you tired of paying for ads to get visibility on Google?

If so, join us for this episode of the MFG eCommerce Success show, where we dive into how you can “Show up higher on Google without paying for ads” with Damon Burton, President, SEO National.

As the SEO wizard behind SEO National, Damon Burton shares actionable insights on organic growth strategies that can elevate your manufacturing and eCommerce businesses on search engines without the hefty ad spend.

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Damon Burton isn’t just another SEO expert; he’s a proven leader in the field with over 17 years of experience helping businesses from NBA teams to Inc5000 companies achieve exponential growth through organic search.

From beating billion-dollar companies in Google rankings to writing for Forbes and Entrepreneur, Damon Burton has mastered the art of capturing unlimited traffic that converts.

SEO National, founded by Damon Burton in 2007, has been at the forefront of providing non-paid search engine strategies that yield long-term success. Their approach has garnered recognition and success for high-profile clients, contributing to sustained digital dominance.

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The Livestream opens with Damon Pistulka and Curt’s traditional warmth. Curt asks Damon Burton about his childhood influences and heroes.

Damon Burton recounts his upbringing, an anomaly within his family. He grew up in a lower-middle-class environment without any entrepreneurial role models. Initially lacking mentors, he, however, found motivation in avoiding the patterns he observed around him.

The guest further reveals that his childhood was shaped by his parents’ divorce when he was two years old. Living with his mother and having a close relationship with his father, he witnessed the challenges of multiple stepfather figures, one of whom struggled with alcoholism. Reflecting on his journey as an adult and a parent, Damon Burton now believes in nurturing love and avoiding the pitfalls of financial instability.

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The hosts appreciate Damon Burton’s ability to establish himself as a top SEO voice despite challenges.

Thanking the hosts, the SEO maestro acknowledges that while past traumas may have driven initial achievements, many fail to recognize when these same factors lead to burnout and exhaustion.

Curt is curious to explore Damon Burton’s path leading up to the business the latter started in 2007.

The SEO guru draws a parallel between career choices and dating. He discusses how he initially ventured into website building while in college, which eventually led to the creation of a car enthusiast community called The Elite Rides. As this community grew, Damon became intentional about design and monetization, digging deeper into marketing and offering website services on the side.

However, a pivotal moment came when the company he was remotely working for faced legal issues, forcing him to choose between sticking it out, finding another job, or betting on himself. Damon opted for the latter, taking the risk to pursue entrepreneurship full-time, which ultimately proved successful as he replaced his income within three months.

Encouraging the audience to connect with Damon Burton on LinkedIn and praising the content quality of his posts, Curt invites Damon Burton to reflect on the emotions and challenges he experienced during the launch of SEO National.

Damon recollects the early years of his entrepreneurship journey, describing it as “an awesome time,” filled with the freedom and excitement of being self-employed in his mid-20s. He shares his deliberate approach to growth, prioritizing his sanity over rapid expansion. As his workload increased, he made his first hire, a former colleague who had also lost his job. The transition into SEO came about when a design client inquired about Google, leading Damon Burton to propose a risk-free arrangement where payment was contingent upon achieving agreed-upon benchmarks.

Being an expert voice in the SEO industry, Damon Burton advises newer entrepreneurs to prioritize long-term vision over short-term gains. He uses the example of choosing between a one-time $3,000 website project and a recurring $3,000 per month retainer for SEO services.

Similarly, the guest provides a comprehensive overview of SEO, explaining that its goal is to enhance a website’s visibility on search engines like Google without resorting to paid ads. He breaks down SEO into three main categories:
(1) website quality
(2) content
(3) external credibility

These aspects contain various tasks aimed at optimizing a website’s performance, ensuring clear communication of products/services, and garnering external mentions and links.

Damon Burton’s preferred website platform is WordPress because of its versatility and ownership advantages for SEO purposes. He acknowledges that Shopify is also excellent for e-commerce businesses but notes that WordPress provides more control over SEO elements due to its fully-owned installation.

Curt asks Damon Burton to provide guidance on selecting the right agency for SEO needs.

To Damon Burton, transparency when selecting a good SEO agency is of optimum importance. He advises prospective clients to be wary of agencies that claim to have proprietary tools, as this can often be a red flag. Instead, he suggests focusing on how the agency communicates and whether it can clearly outline its strategies and methodologies.

Damon recommends asking specific questions about the agency’s approach to SEO, such as how they handle content creation and whether they prioritize quality over quantity. He mentions that his book “Outrank” contains a chapter dedicated to this topic, listing 25 questions that clients should ask when interviewing an agency.

Curt praises Damon Burton’s transparency, authenticity, commitment, and knowledge in the field of SEO. He references a recent post where the guest discussed targeting specific keywords for his own business. He requests Damon Burton to elaborate on this topic.

Damon Burton says it was about a long-standing idea he had to rank for a humorous and unique keyword like “World’s Sexiest SEO.” While he initially considered this, he eventually settled on targeting “smartest SEO” after a suggestion from a colleague. Although he had no previous content or mentions for this keyword and faced significant competition with 14.6 million search results, Damon Burton managed to rank on the first page of Google within just 14 days.

The SEO guru demonstrates his SEO expertise by sharing his screen and showing the hosts how he ranked for the terms “smartest SEO” and “smartest SEO consultant” in just two weeks.

Appreciating Damon Burton for his matchless skills, Curt asks him about the importance of an SEO firm’s ability to rank for its own keywords.

Damon shares an example of his SEO success with his son’s new website, “Skater Haters,” created to introduce his kids to entrepreneurship. Despite being only two months old, the site has already generated sales and is ranking well in search results. For instance, it’s on page two for “skinny top,” competing against major brands like JC Penney. This success illustrates the effectiveness of solid SEO fundamentals, even for a new site with minimal historical content.

“Let’s dive into AI. What’s going on in your world there,” questions Curt.

Damon Burton explains his stance against using AI for SEO content creation. While he acknowledges the potential of AI, he only uses it for research due to concerns about quality control, data accuracy, and the risk of creating non-unique content. He compares AI-generated content to past tools like spinners, which reshuffled text to appear unique but were eventually targeted by Google’s algorithm updates, such as the 2011 Google Panda update.

The guest warns that Google is likely to penalize AI-generated content similarly. He also shares an experiment showing the similarity in AI-generated outputs, which he believes Google’s algorithms can detect. He advocates for leveraging human relatability and storytelling to create compelling, unique content that AI cannot replicate.

Agreeing with the guest, Damon Pistulka mentions the unique value of livestreaming, stating it can’t be duplicated. Livestreaming, storytelling, and the engaging nature of conversations are largely attractive and compelling for people.

Curt appreciates Damon Burton’s great content strategy on LinkedIn. He requests the guest to talk about it. Damon Burton shares his approach to posting on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. He practices maintaining authenticity and brand voice while scaling content across platforms. He explains his process of queuing posts from Facebook to LinkedIn using Trello, and he identifies a strategic posting window between 6:30 and 7:30 am Mountain Time for maximum visibility and engagement.

Toward the show’s conclusion, Damon Burton shares two valuable pieces of advice he’s received. Firstly, he learned about asking quality questions from a Tony Robbins quote, “Your life’s quality is determined by the quality of your questions.” Secondly, he embraces Grant Cardone’s advice to “pay the price today, so you can pay any price tomorrow.” This has shaped his mindset to work hard now to enjoy flexibility and freedom later.

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Damon Pistulka, Damon Burton, Curt Anderson

Damon Pistulka 00:04
All right, everyone, it is Friday and you know what that means? It is time for manufacturing ecommerce success. Wow, am I excited today? Because we’re gonna be talking about how you can show up higher on Google without paying for ads.

Curt Anderson 00:21

Damon Pistulka 00:22
I am Damon Pustaka and we’ve got another demon in the house today. I’m one of your co hosts. We have Curt Anderson over there that pretty guy right next to me. Take it away my friend, man

Curt Anderson 00:35
David Pustaka Happy Friday. Dude, how was your week? You doing all right. Everything’s Awesome. Awesome that I you know what I always say get a good night’s sleep for our guests. I hardly slept a wink because I’ve been looking forward to this for months, man. I feel like we’ve got a celebrity here today. So honor such a privilege. I’ve got my brother demon. I got my other brother demon demon Burton. Happy Friday. Welcome to the show, dude.

Damon Burton 01:00
Thanks for having me. I don’t know how I’m gonna fit my head out the door when I go to the bathroom when we’re done with this podcast was such a compliment.

Curt Anderson 01:08
All right, well, they’re just starting my friend. They are just starting. So we’ve got a ton to get into. So I guess to avoid any confusion, I don’t know what we’re doing the DB DP, maybe Mr. Burton, whatever. We’ll figure it out as we go. We always say we’re not the sharpest tool in the shed. So we’ll figure out something to get everybody names straight. But hey, drop us a note in the chat box. Let us know you’re out there. And we’ve got Dale is here today. So Dale, hey, how you doing today? Oh says no pressure. David. How’s that? So a drop us note? Let us know we heard Do yourself a favor connect with Damon Burton connect with Damon connect with me while you’re at it. But definitely connect with demon Burton. tons of awesome content on LinkedIn. Damon Burton, I want to I want to dive into that. Before we go any further. I do have a question for you though. Are you ready? Are you sitting down for this one?

Damon Burton 01:57
Yeah, I think I think I can handle it. All right.

Curt Anderson 02:00
When Damon when you were a little guy growing up? In your little guy growing up? Who was your hero? Who would you look up to? Who do you admire? Who helped make the amazing man that you are today? Who is your hero?

Damon Burton 02:13
So this, I haven’t asked her but it’s largely the opposite of what you’d expect. So I grew up, like the anomaly in the family, right? And so grew up lower middle class, didn’t really have anybody that had accomplished any, any sort of entrepreneur feats. You know, disposable income wasn’t a thing. So I think that’s what created the drive was like, you know, how do I not do that stuff. And so I didn’t, I didn’t really have anybody in and we might learn this pattern as we talk is like, I didn’t really have you know, I have mentors now. But but that was already after I had accomplished something. And so I didn’t have mentors, I don’t have favorites, like another favorite movie, favorite band, favorite color. And so it was just one of those things that it was largely seeing other people’s mistakes and pressures in life. And both in business, financial, and just relationships. You know, I’ve been with my wife, 20 years, we’ve been married 17, those 20 years. And so it was largely learning from other people’s mistakes.

Curt Anderson 03:20
What? What a great answer that is, man, so just really, so just kind of following and just, you know, you set your moral compass, if I’m hearing you correctly, and just kind of like, you know, your ambition, your aspirations, what you want to do out of life, and just kind of see what other things like I don’t like that so much. And this is the direction. So by seeing others that help kind of pave your path, is that what we’re hearing? Yeah,

Damon Burton 03:45
I mean, kind of, like an abbreviated, deeper response on that topic is like, you know, like, my parents divorced when, when I was two. And then so that led to, you know, so I lived with my mom and great relationship with my dad. And then she remarried, and then she remarried. And then the third guy was, was an alcoholic. And so I knew him from when I was eight, up until he just passed away last year. And so that gentleman, for, for the opposite reasons really taught me, you know, this is this is not how I want to household. This is not how I want financial instability. And so it was that ecosystem where I was like, how do I, when I become an adult and have family on my own? How do I have a loving environment? How do I nurture relationships with my kids, and now I have three kids, and I have amazing relationships, follow them, you know, how do I avoid the pains of financial instability? And so it was just, it was my own experience in childhood. And we all have some version of that. And you know, that is what created all the blessings in my life. But what’s interesting as you get older, now I’m starting to see the patterns that it created that also caused me stress and so now I’m now trying to identify the things to go okay, this guy me here. But now maybe part of that doesn’t serve me anymore. And so I’m trying to undo the parts that create this, like constantly, you know, the easiest example so I can wrap this up is just like the 24/7 channel in your head, because I’m always trying to be proactive. And that came from like, how do I, how do I avoid crazy circumstances in the household? Well, let’s be proactive. And so then when I moved out, I didn’t need that anymore. That muscle was already built. And so then it evolved into how do I how do I apply this proactively, which ended up being entrepreneurship, but now, man, holy crap, that’s exhausting.

Damon Pistulka 05:33
Yeah. Wow,

Damon Burton 05:37
I was gonna click that was not a quick question to start this, but

Curt Anderson 05:42
I didn’t I knew is alright, isn’t as good as I knew this is going to be that was to read that was phenomenal. And I have to hit a couple of things right there. So Damon, we’re big. We’ve, you know, we’re older guys. We followed a gentleman, Wayne Dyer, and Wayne Dyer. And then if you follow, there’s another great speaker and my lap. Both of those guys talked about, you know, like some of the pain or suffering or the things that you’ve gone through earlier in life help pave the way or the path for the person that you’re going to be because you had you actually had leadership in your life of what not to do or what not to be, you know, I don’t want to be like that I have this person, you know, there’s somebody with an addiction, or there’s a problem in my life. And that’s what I don’t want to be. Damon Burton, that was absolutely phenomenal. Pustaka What do you want to add? Well,

Damon Pistulka 06:29
and then to Damon, you said this, in which I think many of us throughout our lives and careers, realize is that what got me here, is driving me absolutely, effing crazy right now that I need to change, because it doesn’t serve me anymore. And that was so so poignant, what you said, there’s some of this stuff that did get us here did get us, you know, through this entrepreneurial journey, or whatever it may be. But we do need to adjust at a certain point, because it doesn’t fit us forever.

Damon Burton 07:02
Yeah, you know, and that’s kind of great story. I’ve chatted with him a time or two. And, and you’ve probably seen his story about, it’s effectively like, you know, I’m gonna be the one that changes my lineage, you know, my family name. And so I was that person, too. And so it was interesting to see, you know, somebody out, I knew those other stories existed, but it’s always fun to see one in detail and from somebody that’s accomplished even more, but you’re right, you know, a lot of people, a lot of people that find some relative success, realize that might be traumas that help to get us there. But I think where a lot of people don’t take it a step further is when they start getting burned out and tired, is they they realize that they don’t dig deep and realize it’s the same things, right? And so now, how do you find that balance of like, you know, I still want the drive, and I’m still hungry, and I still want to accomplish things in entrepreneurship, but holy crap, you know, I’m tired. And so like, how do I, how do I reduce the mental for me as far as the mental bandwidth like, I just can’t shut my head down. You know, you talk Kurt. Last night, like, I couldn’t get some good sleep well, I don’t have a problem falling asleep. Like I can fall asleep within five minutes. And then I’ll wake up five times in the middle of night like 10 hours deep into a thought of like, how I’m solving the world’s problems. And I wake up and I’m like, What conversation have I haven’t in my head to be like this deep into a thought and just a wake up in the middle of the night? And I’m like, Yeah, mid sentence on something.

Curt Anderson 08:23
Yeah. Yeah. That is awesome. So let’s dive in here. Damon Burton. Alright, so first off, thank you what an incredible powerful answer. Appreciate your vulnerability. appreciate your honesty that was just so captivating, inspiring. Love to talk to you more about that. Let’s dive right in here. So let’s go back to young Damon Burton, okay. You shared some wonderful, powerful, you know, experiences in your, in your youth, your young life, as you out of school, kind of like starting your career. Walk us through what was going on early, Damon Burton, and I’m going to lead up to how you became this, this SEO superhero that you are, but kind of lead your early career. And then I want to sign up to how you launched your business in 2007. Yeah,

Damon Burton 09:04
so I always knew, I always felt confident that I would accomplish something. But man, I had no idea what that was. And I think it’s important for newer entrepreneurs to kind of give themselves a break and an opportunity to kind of figure it out as you go. So for me, I compare it to, like dating. And so when you when you go into a new relationship, and we’ll compare that to careers, it’s like, okay, what do I like and don’t like in this relationship, or this career, this job? And so for me, it was like, take the parts that I like, and then like there’s, there’s no real bad career. There’s just learning opportunities. And then you go on to the next career. And so for me, it was I come out of college, I knew basic HTML, this was before WordPress, Shopify, click funnels, all these things. And so you had to learn it by hand. I go into college and college, we had this communications class, and they said, part of your like half your grades building a website. And I go, I got thinking about it. And I said, you know, I know they’re just going to put all this time into building a website. And at the end of the semester, they’re just going to delete it. And so I asked the professor, I said, Can I keep it? Can I put it on a domain? Instead of putting it where you’re going to wipe it out? Can I put it somewhere and keep it? He says, Yeah, as long as we can create it, that’s fine. And so I build a car enthusiast website called the elite rides. I still have it. It’s archived, nothing there to find now, but it was just, you know, I was young, young 20s into cars, things like that. So I built this community. And then what happened was coincidental timing later, that about six months later, Fast and Furious came out. And that was like the community that I had nurtured. And so then it grew. And then it grew. And so I got thinking that this is where the entrepreneurship, part of me starts coming in. It’s like, well, how do we make this better? And so then I got more intentional about design, and then how do I monetize this. So then I started understanding marketing. And then I was the guy that did websites on the side for a while for people and build up, built up a little side hustle. And then what happened was, I was working remote for a company in Vegas, I’m in Utah. And this was before slack. And I was on AOL Instant Messenger, and I’m trying to get ahold of everybody. And nobody’s replying. And also may get a reply from one of the other designers overseas, going, did you hear what happened? Like, what do you mean, what happened? I’m trying to get a hold of everybody. And I know something’s going on. And what had happened was like straight out of a movie scene, the Vegas company, got rated guns and everything by the FTC, ATF, local Sheriff’s Department. And the guy that owned it was he had a civil suit, years before it, but no criminal suit, or the criminal suit caught up to him. And then they came after him. So it wasn’t that company. But of course, once you got a bone to pick, then they go after everything. So he they came after the second company to shut him down. And so at that moment, I had a choice. And it was like, Okay, do I see if I still have a job. So option number one is see if I still have a job and stick it out. Option number two is bail, go find another job. And option number three was bet on myself, like, Hey, I got side hustle clients, I would effectively reduce my income in half. Because happily income was a day job half was the side clients. My wife and I were newly married, didn’t have any kids yet. We knew we were going to wait a while we waited five years. And then. So I did the math. And for me, it was like simple math and and we would be house poor. But we could still put food on the table because she had a job at the time too. And so for me that was seemed like as calculated as a risk is I’d ever have, especially knowing that I’d have more liabilities in the future with kids and things like that. And so I bet on myself, replaced that income within about three months, because I freed up that time. And then, you know, we can talk about the journey from there. But that’s how I started the company as I was. I was brought to a fork in the road. That

Curt Anderson 12:56
is awesome. Yeah. In a we’ve got a great comment from Anna demons. Yeah,

Damon Pistulka 13:01
yeah. You know, she’s talking about life’s failures, whether it be yours or someone else’s are great teachers. And she mentioned such a great lesson. Such an amazing realization that you’re able to make early on and not be afraid to use it as a positive in a positive manner. Great comment, Anna. Thank you.

Curt Anderson 13:19
Thank you, and happy Friday. So even so I great story. And I love hearing you know, we love diving into that origin story, if you will. And a lot of folks are the accidental entrepreneur. I think this might be the first time we’ve heard this one where your employer hat was being rated. And so you decide to kind of throw in your entrepreneurial hat. It’s now time so this is 2007 ish. When you started is that right? Yep. Now, can you walk us through and then I want to dive into SEO national again, guys, drop us a note. Let us know you’re out there. Connect with Damon Burton, follow him on on LinkedIn. Phenomenal content, I have to say you put out great posts, I thoroughly look forward to them. Enjoy your story, your family and all the above. But dive in 2007 Was it scary, exciting, nervous, you know, it was pre kids, but what was going through your mic launch? That’s your national.

Damon Burton 14:15
It was awesome. Because I was like mid 20s Newly married and I could drink beer in the morning. So I mean, when we talk about like, I gave the analogy of like dating the phases early in your career. And it’s it applies to me to even being self employed. So there was like phases, where for me, I was never in a rush to like, like, there’s so many people that made so much more money faster than I did. But I never wanted to grow at the expense of my sanity. And so like for the first year or two it was it was just freaking amazing to be self employed. Like I could pay the bills. I had I had an extra two 300 bucks a month which was like a bazillion dollars in your 20s and so like it was just cool. And then what how that evolved was You know, maybe a year later, as things started to slowly grow. I was like, I came to a resistance point where I couldn’t do everything. And it wasn’t like overwhelming, but it was enough where it was uncomfortable. And so you know who the first person I hired was, who’s still with me, was the guy that messaged me and said, Did you hear what happened? And so he was, of course, out of a job, too. And so, you know, in the first year or two, we were mostly design. And so the way that we got into SEO, and then how I made intentional pivot was probably a year or two later, I had a design client said, What do you know about Google? And so this next story is a great opportunity for new entrepreneurs on how to figure out how to come up with clients. So when they reached out to me, I said, you know, I know enough that I think I can help you. But I don’t know enough that I feel comfortable charging you because it’s not my area of expertise. But I also don’t want to work for free. So how about we do this, I’ll take away the risk. You don’t owe me anything until we hit these mutually agreed upon benchmarks, then if we hit them, you pay me retroactively for the time, and we started a retainer. So now they have nothing to lose, because either nothing happens where they win. And now I’m incentivized, while also addressing my moral compass of, you know, trying to figure this out. And so we ended up hitting those goals within I think it was like three months, SEO is significantly different back then. And then they had a client, another design client that they had referred me. And so I could go to client number two and go, Hey, this is just what we did with client number one, do you want to test out the same thing? And they said, Yeah, and had similar success with them. So both of them 17 years later, are still clients? Wow. So that moment, is when I said, you know, I always knew pretty early on that if this agency thing works out, I don’t want to be an agency that offers at all. And so at that moment, I was pretty clear going. Alright, we’re going to focus on SEO. And you also do design because it supports SEO, but I’m not going to do paid ads, I’m not going to get into email marketing. You know, social media wasn’t a huge thing back then. But just other things I wasn’t going to commit time to and I’m just gonna focus on SEO.

Curt Anderson 17:09
Yeah. And that’s an I tell you, and I feel I don’t know if you do it often, but I’ve seen numerous posts of yours talking about, you know, being staying in your lane, being your niche. We love using that line niche down till it hurts. And that was one thing that I was really excited to have you on the show today is talking about, you know, see, you’re talking to, you know, Damon Burton in 2007. Or that newly fresh entrepreneur that’s just kind of launching that business. And you know, just kind of capturing everything that comes your way. How have you been able to just really be disciplined to stay in your lane and just exploit your superpowers in SEO? Any advice that you would share for a young entrepreneur? Yeah,

Damon Burton 17:44
I think the I think the first thing that newer entrepreneurs need to address is like, it’s normal to want to put food on the table. So I get why when those other opportunities come in, you’re like, Well, yeah, why not? Why not? Why not? And so as needed, do it. Sure. Right. Like, just don’t be obsessed with it don’t like actually made a post yesterday that said something like, let’s be honest. Not everybody needs what you offer, therefore, not all leads are equal. So don’t chase every opportunity, because what you don’t learn quickly enough and entrepreneurship, but But it becomes super important later is opportunity costs. So you, let’s say let’s give the SEO example or I’m a new SEO guy. And my average retainer is 3000 bucks a month. And then I get somebody that comes in and they’re like, I have a I have a $3,000 website I want you to do. And you’re like, Oh $3,000 Yeah, I need 3000 bucks. And so you chase that. And so yes, you monetize that direct time of $3,000. But now you took time away from a reoccurring $3,000 per month. So you need to delayed gratification is one of the best things that you can, you can adopt and embrace. And I understand it’s hard. I understand it’s not natural. But when you do it enough, it becomes a superpower and you become addicted to it. Like when you run into problems when you run into opportunities that are better or worse sooner or later. Like you develop a sixth sense to go. Oh man saying no right now feels so good. Yeah,


Curt Anderson 19:28
say no present. Right? Sometimes you got to just say no. So Damon Burton, let’s go here. Okay, so you’ve picked that lane that SEO lane, if you will, can you run for so we target manufacturers and Allen’s here today? So

Damon Pistulka 19:43
Alan said hi guys from the auto racing capital world Indianapolis. Don’t they have a big weekend coming up in a couple of weeks there?

Curt Anderson 19:51
I think they might so yeah, Alan, so let’s go here, Damon for talk a little bit. Let’s Give us like a little bit of an SEO one on one, if you will. Again, for folks out there, manufacturer out there, they’ve been the best kept secret for many years, they’ve got to start getting some let’s so you’re engaging with that company? You know, in our case, like manufacturers here for the first time, walk us through like a little bit of an SEO one on one. What’s that engagement look like with you?

Damon Burton 20:18
Yeah, so I’ll answer in general, and then and then we could probably touch a little bit specifically on manufacturing. So in general, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Your your goal was to show up higher on Google and major search engines for words that you can monetize, without paying for ads. And so you effectively build up the reputation credibility of your website. Now, the way that you do that falls into three scopes. So scopes have lots of subsets of tasks. But to keep it simple. Category number one is how good or bad is your website built? Does it load quickly? Is it mobile friendly, clear call to action, easy navigation? Second category is content. You can only show up on Google for what Google can read. So do you clearly communicate your products and services and your value propositions that separate you from the competition? And the third category is external credibility? So it’s like a popularity contest, right? Do other people talk about you? Do they link to you? Do they mention your brand name, and most of your visibility comes from the latter to the content and the credibility, but those will only be effective if you have a well built website. So you front load the website, because it’s just like building a house, right? You build the foundation, it is absolutely crucial for everything else. But once it’s done, it’s done. You don’t need to pay attention to and then go to the cool fun stuff with the rest of your houses. Same thing with SEO, build a solid website. And then from there, it’s like it’s largely a content strategy.

Curt Anderson 21:39
Perfect. Alright. So one question I have your number one is do you have a good website? Do you have a particular website platform that you prefer that you recommend to folks? Are you agnostic? What’s that look like? Yeah,

Damon Burton 21:50
WordPress by 1000 miles. There’s, there’s an exception to that, right, especially if we’re manufacturing if you actually sell the product. So if you have an E commerce product, Shopify is great as well. So the reason why WordPress is so favorable, not just to me, but the majority of SEO is, is because you own the installation. And so if you know how to do SEO properly, you can touch and feel everything that you need. Now with Shopify, you can touch and feel like 90% of it. And so it’s a really good platform, but they all need installation. And so you can only touch and feel what they give you access to. And so that little 10% difference can make or break, especially in a really competitive market.

Curt Anderson 22:29
Okay, excellent. Okay, so recommendation. So if folks are out there, if you’re leaning on a new web, or you know, considering new website, WordPress, phenomenal option, I think last I checked was a 37% of all websites in the United States, AZ run are still on WordPress. And I know a lot of people you know, will beat up WordPress or this SEO thing. I agree with you 100% and great platform,

Damon Burton 22:49
I’ll tell you why they beat up on it. WordPress is as good or as bad as the person installing or maintaining it. So it’s like it’s like the people that crap on Apple versus Windows. It’s not because one or the other is better or worse. It’s because you don’t know how to use apples or Windows. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 23:05
that’s right. That’s right. All right. So all right. So thank you for the SEO one on one. Let’s take it another step further. See some okay, I’ve got I’ve gone through step one, two, and three, I’m working on a little bit of credibility, but I’m just not seeing the results. I really need to muscle up I need to align with an agency. How about how about going here? Can you talk about what are some things that you would recommend for somebody when they’re interviewing a new agency? What are some questions they should ask when they come to someone like yourself, what what information they they need to acquire, to make a decision to partner with someone like you? The

Damon Burton 23:38
first thing is transparency, like if you’re shopping an agency, you want to make sure that they communicate transparently, because in any industries, but particularly marketing, you know, there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors, and a lot of, you know, Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. And like, you know, for me, it’s like as soon as they say the word proprietary, like that’s like a red flag, and you should skip that agency, because we all have access to the same or similar tools. The difference in effectiveness is you knows how to use them properly and in what combination. So the probability of somebody actually having proprietary tools is highly unlikely. And even if they do, the benefit of their proprietary tool is probably marginal. So the first thing is how they communicate to you. And along the same lines of transparency, is can they communicate to you what they’re going to do? Because a lot of times what happens is your you’re talking to a sales guy, not not any part of the fulfillment team. And so the sales guy, of course, is incentivized to sell and there’s nothing wrong with that. But you need to pay attention who’s an ethical sales guy and who’s just a money hungry sales guy. And so if they’re vague or defer questions, and that’s why the proprietary answer is such a problem. Then that’s usually a red flag. So they you don’t have to know every algorithm and the details of the algorithm, but they should be able to communicate You know, a great example of those three fundamentals we just went over, can’t even tell you like, what their fundamentals are. And then okay, they define the fundamentals. It will talk about the content one, what are they going to do for content? And then one layer deeper on the content, especially with like aI now is like, are they going to genuinely write content? Are they just going to mass produce garbage? Just to give you a line item that says I did a thing, but that thing may not be effective? And only because you you asked, before we jumped on, because I’m not a salesy guy. Yeah. In my book outrank and you’re going to drop a link to it. There’s a whole chapter on this. I just gave two or three things. If I remember, I wrote the book three or four years ago, if I remember, right, I think I listed 25 things. And the the, the chapter is literally called 25 questions, and it is exactly this questions, you should ask an agency. Nice,

Curt Anderson 25:53
nice. That’s fantastic. All right. And hey, for the record, I know you’re super modest guy, so I’m gonna make you uncomfortable. You can take out your headphones if you here’s, here’s it. So David Basilica. Here’s a few things that people say about our dear friend Damon Burton, and I love what did he say, transparency. The best thing about this SEO company is their transparency. This is what somebody has said about Damon Burton SEO national. They helped our site broaden its reach Daymond. his team’s ability to create an authentic way to represent my company and our clients was not just a fluffy nonsense, but meaningful concepts. He’s an amazing company to partner with. I’ve been working with him for over seven years, and his commitment and enthusiasm has never changed. Damon is at the top of his game. I know a lot of SEO companies and Damon’s team is criminally crap. And I’ve got one last one amazing, outstanding wealth of knowledge. real key to good SEO is having a company that knows that stuff and is doing it the right way. So David Burton, we applaud you for just really crushing it. And I just what I admire is your your, your level of integrity. And I also want to slide in here, we’re talking with the moral compass earlier, you had a post, if I’m not mistaken, not too long ago, you were talking about like, Hey, these are, these are specific words that I’m going after. So now it’s like you’re, you know, kind of eating, you know, you just cooked your own dish and you’re eating your own your own meal, if you will. We’re like you’re actually going after some of your own keywords. Oh, I know what you’re talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Can you talk about that for a little bit? Yeah,

Damon Burton 27:26
it took me a minute, because I just made a video about like, have my kid build a website? Yeah, that’s, uh, was it the kid one? Or was it the one?

Curt Anderson 27:37
I thought this was I thought you came up with, like, some specific keywords that you’re trying to go after I saw the post that you’re doing with your son, I saw both.

Damon Burton 27:46
Okay, so the one for me, has been something that’s been in the back of my head for for over a decade, right. So once you figure out how magical SEO is, then of course, she like, you realize it’s like clay right, you can hold the search engines a little bit. And so on the integrity on the integrity side of things, I’ve never been malicious about it, though, you know, the ability exists. And so you get into like thinking about, you know, politics and this and that, like somebody could really do some damage if they wanted to. And so I always stayed away from that. But I thought like, well, what’s a fun way that I could do that? And so in the back of my mind for ever is always been like, what would be something funny that I can rank for? That would be a case study, but also humorous. And so like, one was like, World’s Sexiest SEO? Like if you were to Google World’s Sexiest SEO, and then just David Burton’s everywhere, right, like, that’d be funny, and it’d be good proof of proof of concept. But then, but then I was like, well, that’s not necessarily my ideal audience. So, so I never pursued it, but the other, but it was April 12. And I made a post about it. And I told that same story. And I said, So hey, does anybody have any other ideas? And somebody wrote back and said, Why don’t you go after smartest SEO? And I was like, oh, okay, that would be a good one. And it wouldn’t be as you know, ridiculous. The Sexiest SEO. By the way, there’s a guy that already ranks for sexiest SEO. But he did it so weird. And he actually chimed in on the same post we’re talking about, and I wasn’t friends with him. And now we’re connected. And I said, if you Google World’s Sexiest SEO, it’s a guy named Matt saying He’s the world’s sexiest woman SEO. And I’m like, Why did you do that? Matt? And so he did it as like a joke to show the concept of manipulation. Right, right. And he chimes in, and then I go after, so like, Alright, I’m gonna go after smartest SEO. Yeah. I had never posted you know, we talked about content, you can only show up for what Google can read. I’ve never talked about, quote unquote, smartest SEO, so I had no historical content on it. I had no mentions of it. In my structure of my website. We talked about the parts of structure. I had no X sternal mentions that third category of credibility I had nothing I was starting from zero. And if you would go search smartest SEO there was 14 point 6 million other results already out there for that. I mentioned April 12. Because by April 24, whatever’s exactly 14 days later, I went from zero to page one in 14 days. Artist SEO. Yeah. So if you go search it now, I’m all over page one for smartest SEO really took me exactly two weeks,

Curt Anderson 30:29
two weeks. That’s exactly that’s the example that I was

Damon Pistulka 30:32
referring to. That’s awesome. While we’re sitting here, yeah.

Curt Anderson 30:35
That’s fantastic. So how about let’s let’s get into this the elephant in the room or I’ve just I’ve been, this is one of the top questions I’ve been eager to ask you. Ai. What is AI? What are you doing with your firm? How are you embracing it your with your clients? What are they asking you what’s going on with the AI world? Daymond Pacific? See? Oh, yeah,

you’re right. You’re right there right under for people all SlashGear. Right.

Damon Burton 31:03
Larry is when I made the poll was when I made the follow up posts. And I said guys, am I really on page one already. And I asked other people, like, if you go find the thread, there’s a dozen or two people that reply and you’re like, you’re number one in Spain. You’re number one in the Philippines. You’re number one in the UK. Like it wasn’t just like nearby geographically. It’s like International. That’s funny. Okay.

Curt Anderson 31:25
Wait, wait, hang on one second. Oh, dude. Yeah, you

gotta show it. Because you’re not only on the first page, you’re on the first page a few times.

Curt Anderson 31:35
Use my screen. Can you guys. So we all right, we’ve got David Burton. In right there eight, April 12. Is the date right there. Then here’s April 24, exact dates that you just mentioned. And that is absolutely a

Damon Burton 31:49
girl a very got a very, very tough, right. So oh, they just removed it. So it used to show they used to show the quantity of results. And that was 14 point 6 million. Yeah. But so So I show up for smartest SEO and smartest SEO consultant two weeks beat out 14 million websites. That

Curt Anderson 32:05
is alright. So I think a big thing I remember. So Damon burned it to e commerce company 100 years ago, and we hired an SEO firm. This is like early, you know, mid 2000s, or whatever. And the big thing, you know what one of the criteria for us is? Are you ranking for any of your keywords? Because if you’re not ranking for anything, like how are you going to get my keywords? Right. So I love you’re practicing what you preach. I just think that is just phenomenal what that was the exact example that I wanted you to bring up. That’s awesome.

Damon Burton 32:33
You know, the the other. I’ll go give a quick example on the second one with my son’s website. So we started, you know, he’s a teenager, big into skateboarding. And so I’m trying to expose them to entrepreneurship. And so together, he I’m supporting him started a website called skater haters. And so it’s kind of like a play on, you know, people like ragging on skaters. And his websites, my two months old. He launched the inventory one month ago. And he’s already sold 200 bucks. Well, actually, today, he just got another order for 230 bucks. And I went and looked up what he’s ranking for. And he’s already he’s not number one on anything yet, but he’s already number two. I can’t remember what it was. But. But what was fascinating one of them was like, he’s already in the top 567 pages. He’s not going to monetize it yet. Right. But what’s fascinating is how quickly it’s moving. It’s a brand new website, no historical content, we’re just barely starting the content strategy. And he ranks on page, whatever, five or six, or like skateboarder socks. But what was more interesting is like, he sells like, a tank top. And so like it’s called, like a skinny top or something. He’s on page two, I think that was when he was on page two. And he’s beating like JC Penney. And like, all these other billion dollar like, multimillion dollar brands, for the words, he’s not even directly going after we’re gonna directly going after that one. But we just set up the structure so well. So it’s really fascinating. You know how well this can work? Just just with the basic fundamentals of approaching it properly. Yeah. Okay. Ai. Yeah,

Curt Anderson 34:07
let’s dive into AI. What’s going on your world there?

Damon Burton 34:12
So another surprisingly opposite than expected answer. I’m largely the anti AI guy, not not conceptually, like I get why it’s cool. But from an SEO perspective, on the content side, we’re completely out. So we use it, we use it for research. But that’s it. We don’t use it for any content output. And I’ll tell you why. So there’s lots of concerns about quality control. There’s lots of liability concerns about accuracy of data, and especially if you’re reporting statistical stuff, or if your clients are in medical or legal and there’s liabilities. And but my concern on the SEO side has always been like duplicate unique content. And so one chat GPT came out, you know, as of the time we’re recording this, that was like 1819 months ago. No. And I was immediately preaching like, this is cool, guys, but be careful. And so I, if you go to my blog, you’ll see the historical posts where I’m gonna watch out. So I’m just kind of in, you know, Something’s coming. Because Google’s played this game before they had an algorithm update way back in 2011 called Google Panda that would go after mass produce low quality, duplicate content. So AI tools didn’t exist back then. But what was called spinners did, and so spinners would, you know, back then people would steal content from your competition or Wikipedia, drop it in the spinner, and it would shuffle around the paragraphs and swap out synonyms to create quote, unquote, unique content. So AI is now largely just a glorified spinner. And so I’m telling people posted on Facebook posts on my blog, and of course, I met with resistance like Google says, it’s fine. Well, Seo 101, is practically do the opposite of anything that Google says. Because what they’re really doing is building a case study to come after you and burn your house down. So a couple of months goes by, and then I want to say it was March of this year. What do you know, Google came out with an algorithm update. And while in their guidelines, they didn’t specifically say AI or artificial content, the entire thing is about using tools to mass produce content at scale that’s not unique or value added. So it’s clearly data detailing AI based content. And then the next argument I get is like, well, Damon, we manually quality control it after. Sure, that’s fine. But how well, and what happens is like, even before the algorithm update came out, I did a test where, where I threw out a piece of Bay and I said, Look, I wanted to crowdsource a piece of content. Here’s the topic, everybody give me give me their piece. And so what I got back was even without running these duplicate, these AI detection tools are largely garbage. So I manually looked at it. And I could immediately see the pattern between three different contributors, I got five bullet points back with five same titles, some of them slightly modified. So three different people with three different prompts from three different quote unquote, better proprietary customer manual quality, controlled input, gave me the same output. And so if I can see that with my human eye, Google’s algorithms are infinitely smarter than I am. And so they’re gonna see these patterns. And I don’t care how many times you spend this content or shuffle it up, there’s some level of detectability. Now, that’ll get better over time I get that AI is going to improve. But what that part’s obvious, right, so maybe what I’ll end with is people are missing the opportunity on the opposite side. And what the opportunity on the opposite side is human relatability storytelling. And so like, how many ways can you punch in at the topic in AI, and get an aggregate generic response back? That is completely different, like you have, you’re going up against the guy that’s talking about how he grew up with grandma’s cookies, and how it smelled in the house, right, and the memories that brings them and Chachi Petey doesn’t have that stuff. And that’s the stuff that makes your story relatable and compelling that makes people buy

Curt Anderson 38:23
man, I don’t know about you guys, I just smoked. I just smelled grandma’s cookies. I don’t even Basilica, Did you smell grandma’s cookies right there? Or what?

Damon Pistulka 38:29
The oven is warm and been cooking for a while now.

Curt Anderson 38:33
That’s right. All right. So all right, phenomenal. So I, for anybody that’s new to SEO, and they come to you and say they’re gonna hire you. And they’re like, hey, Damon Burton, what’s going on with this AI thing? So are you kind of your Are you laying out that message to them? If if they’re like, you know, geez, you know, my friend on the street, or my neighbor said that they’re cranking out all sorts of content? How, you know, how do you kind of navigate that conversation?

Damon Burton 38:59
Oh, it’s easy. I tell them straight up. Yeah, cuz we’re either a match or not. And so what’s fascinating is, every time I’ve said that, the person on the other side goes, Oh, thank God. And it, it makes them buy in. Because the people doing this right understand the value of unique value proposition and so like the big boys, right care, right? You know, the small, the ones that are complaining about it? Are the newer, smaller businesses going oh, you’re an idiot because you’re not leveraging AI? Well, no, I just understand it at a different level. Right.

Curt Anderson 39:31
Right. Well, I admire and completely respect your approach here. What next thing I know. Go ahead. And

Damon Pistulka 39:40
real quick. I mean, it honestly is the reason why Kurt and I really, really advocate for live streaming because you can’t duplicate this. You can’t duplicate this kind of conversation what you just told us how you just told it, and then the inner the the attractiveness of it for people watching It just it just undeniable, right? Yeah,

Damon Burton 40:02
there was an interesting comment I made along that line or an interesting comment that I read, where somebody said live events are gonna take off for that same reason, because people are gonna get so burned out on reading the garbage, fake content, they’re going to need that human level of interaction, right?

Curt Anderson 40:18
Grandma, and the cookies do that, that’s gonna stick with me be mother’s. Stay with me all weekend, dB. So I appreciate that. Let’s go here. I cannot tell you how much you know, I’ve been following you for years on LinkedIn. But I’ve just really, your your content is just really resonated. I tried to comment and like and whatever. How many days a week do you post typically.

Damon Burton 40:44
So on on LinkedIn, I post once a day, on Facebook, all over the place. And so I can tell you how they connect right. And, and we can talk about this just from a general perspective, but also from a business monetization and how we leverage it for marketing. So you know, what’s interesting is everything that I posted on LinkedIn, I’ve already posted on Facebook. Now the reason why is because I’m just more naturally present on Facebook. Okay, and so what I do, though, so here’s the thing, right? Like, to your point of going, I like your content that resonates, I follow, you need to protect your brand voice. And so I write everything. And obviously, I don’t use AI. But you get to a point where the like, how do you scale your persona across platforms, while maintaining quality control and authenticity. So the reason why my flow is Facebook to LinkedIn is because I just inherently just go to Facebook and make a post. And then and then what I do is I grab it, and I put it in Trello. And so then it’s like, okay, I want to put this in, I want to post this on face on LinkedIn, too. But the reason why I queue it is because I found a window that works best for me on LinkedIn. And everybody else’s window will be different based on your industry and your location in the world and who your audience is. So for me, I found a significant difference in visibility and engagement if I post between 630 and 7:30am, mountain time. And I don’t have data as to why but I have a guess. And so my guess is that, you know, we’ll just call it seven o’clock for easy numbers, my guess is that when it’s seven o’clock, when I make a post, my time is nine o’clock on the east coast. So on the East Coast, they’ve gotten through traffic or whatever morning routine they got to do, and they’re sitting at their desk, and we’re all grabbing our phones and like wasting 1015 minutes. And so I think I’m catching people in that window. Now on the West Coast, I think it’s similar, but for whatever reason, they just woke up, and they’re checking out my posts on the toilet, you know, and so I’m like, catching them just waking up crusty, I’d go unless I have a second leg then. So I post at that strategic window, because the difference is a couple of dozen views versus hundreds or 1000s of views. And so I post there just at that time. And then the reason why I don’t post more is because, you know, busy with the day and doing other stuff. And but I want to be consistent to keep the audience engaged. And also there’s a part of algorithms that reward consistency. I don’t know where I’m going with this. That’s what I do.

Curt Anderson 43:22
Well, let’s go here. Yeah, it’s a great strategy. However, you know, I know one person could post the exact same time as you and it’s gonna fall flat. I love your messaging. You You know, one day you’re written raving. I really admire you as a husband, as a father, I just saw, I think you’re taking a family to Tokyo, you guys did a wonderful fundraiser, gave away gifts. At the holiday season at Christmas time, you know, I followed that whole thing you do, then you do a lot of case studies. Hey, so this company, this key word we saw 3,000% You know, so and so forth? Walk you know, so for somebody out there that, you know, again, our friends out there maybe solo marketer manufacturer, like man, we’re trying to step up our LinkedIn game, get into a little bit of the mindset of like the content that you’re putting out that, again, resonates with a guy like me, right?

Damon Burton 44:11
Yeah, great, great thing to bring up because it in general, people vomit too much on social media. But we’re LinkedIn is a b2b platform. They feel obligated and cornered to talk about only business content. So what happened for me where LinkedIn really started take off was only about three years ago. And so I had a LinkedIn profile. Like, if you’ve been on LinkedIn long enough, you know, it used to just be a resume site. Right? And so like I had a, I had a profile from way back then. And but I didn’t do anything with it as it became a social media platform. So about three years ago, I shut down all my social media, and at the time, it was largely just just Facebook. And so my wife was amazing because I started going through and like, you know, if you shut down Facebook, you can just turn it back on. And so like I’m not gonna play that game, so I wanted to wipe out Got everything. So I started deleting every post I’ve ever made. And then that I started deleting every comment I’d made on every everybody else’s posts. And then when I realized how long this was going to take, I asked my wife, I said, Can you help out. And so during that, you know, she could stay at home. And so during the day, she started helping buy things out. And I always joke, like a true testament to the trust in your relationship is give your spouse access to your DMS on Facebook. And so, so she goes through and just deletes everything and deletes completely wipes it out, then I then I shut it down. So then what had happened was at the time, and this all ties in, at the time, I use Facebook only for personal engagements. And so if I had somebody asked me an SEO question, or a client add me, I would just ignore them. And so what had happened was, I had one person that was a friend first, that then became a client. But now I shut down Facebook, and now I can’t get ahold of him. So I was like, Oh, crap, if I turn this on, I want to turn it on for more than just one reason I want to be intentional about this. So how can I start leveraging social media? And so I turned it back on and then that at that same time, it’s like, well, I’ll use LinkedIn too, because that’s where my audience probably is on a business side. And so the struggle that I went through coming back to your question was, you know, how do I resume talking about my appreciation for my wife and kids without boring, a now introduced business audience? And then on the other side, how do I start talking about SEO and entrepreneurship and marketing without boring my historical friends and family audience, after a while, I don’t care, those are the things I like to talk about. So screw it, I’m just gonna talk about it. And then what happens was, you know, it takes you a couple of weeks to, to get a flow, right, to fill out your voice. And so for me, there was times where I’d write something, and I was like, I tried too hard on that one, it just didn’t feel right. So then I delete it. And so you kind of go through this voice discovery process, where you just become who you are, and you decide who you’re gonna talk about what you’re gonna talk about. So about three months into doing this on LinkedIn, is when I started to notice consistent engagement. And then six months is when I went, I think this is actually turning into business. And so then at nine months, I went, Yeah, it is. And so I went back and quantified it. And at that nine month mark, it had added $150,000 In reoccurring annual contracts. And so, to wrap this up to your point is I started to go well, why is this working? And and then I started reverse engineering and go, Well, this is cool, because I help people. And you know, you mentioned I put out case studies, and I just proof is in the pudding. And so what I realized is that, to give context, we do a couple million dollars a year, and I have no form of lead generation. I don’t have an email list, I don’t have funnels, I don’t do paid ads. And I consistently have leads, and it comes from what we’re talking about. And the reason why it works is because people follow you for your business expertise, but they buy when they relate to you as a human. And so what happens is you share your personal life, you gotta define what that boundary is, but how much want to disclose, like, for one example, like I love talking about what I think kids. But Kurt, I’ll, I’m willing to bet, no matter this by how long you followed me, until I say this, like, you agree that you see me talking about what I think kids, right. So until I just mentioned this now, you probably don’t realize that I’ve done it in such a way that you feel that I intimately share about them. But I’ve never disclosed my kids names. And I’ve never shown an identifiable picture,

Curt Anderson 48:29
correct. I and I that is intentional. And I I’ve seen a video, you know, when you did the holiday giveaway, which would like brought tears in my eyes. I thought it was just wonderful and your wife was on there. But you are very, I agree with you 100% You don’t expose your kids. And that is notice that

Damon Burton 48:48
that’s a second version of the video, the one that my wife and I have has our kids in it. And so I had a second edit the remove my kids from it. So for me, I love talking about wife and kids. I don’t mind being forward facing but I am hyper private about my kids. Right? So my wife knows that I talked about her and most of the stuff she I get to sign off. And you know, I know what her comfort level is on things. And so but my kids I don’t disclose their identity. But but the pictures I also don’t stage I’m not like, Hey son turn around saying get a picture with back your head is what I do is the stories come to mind that I want to talk about and then I go back and go okay, is there an actual picture that I have that I can use? And then if not, then I don’t share a picture and if but if there is but it’s not identifiable, that I share it because it makes it more personal. So the point is, you, you share both sides of you, nobody. This is why personal profiles perform better than business profiles. You don’t buy from a faceless, non human company, right like you’re not gonna go buy from Nike, because they made a post on LinkedIn. It’s like, check out my shoes, you know, from a person of a business entity. But if This is why influencer ship influencing works so well, because it’s a person wearing the Nike shoes right? And so it’s same thing in my case where people go, this is usually how the leads come in. Hey, you know it’s a private man they sent me a DM Hey, I know you do SEO I’ll talk about that a second but that was really cool what you said about your advocates?

Curt Anderson 50:17
i That’s awesome. Yeah, couldn’t love it more admire. And again, like I said, I wouldn’t say that’s why we had you on the show. And just I really admire following your journey. And in Daymond Basilica, we love that line. Right. Facts tell stories sell. And so dB, you do a great job again, just a follow Damon on LinkedIn follow both Damon’s are just they both do amazing work on LinkedIn. I know like we’re going over time. I could keep you here all day. You if I would your posts, I believe you have shared. We’ve talked about community, I think multiple times here. Just in this past our episode here. You’re part of the Russell Brunson community. Do I have that correctly that I see that you’re part of like a mastermind with with?

Damon Burton 51:01
These are some awards right behind me I got from it. And that book, you barely see the red tip of it inspired a book about inner circle to

Curt Anderson 51:08
nice, could you So for folks out there, I really felt this was really important for our topic. If you’re even if you still have a couple more minutes, you’re sure like how, why is being part of the community, but you know, a building a community. And what I love, you’re part of a mastermind, where you’re coming in with other, you know, high energy entrepreneurs, you know, rising tide lifts all ships, iron sharpens iron, just share a little bit about like, what it’s been to, you know, for you to be part of the community building community and learning from your mastermind. Yeah,

Damon Burton 51:42
for me, that was an evolving process, because I largely shunned communities, like I would go try the local BNI kind of thing. And that has a time and a place. But for me, I just felt like it wasn’t where I could get value from. And we all play at different levels and frequencies and have different goals and aspirations and different levels of aggressiveness and the pursuit of those goals. And so I felt like I just needed an environment that was that was more aggressive. And I didn’t know where those existed. And so that’s why I say shun them is because I’m like, Oh, if everything is just, you know, at that level, I guess I’ll just keep doing my own thing. And so that’s where the beginning of the chat where I said, you know, I hadn’t historically had mentors, and now I do is because, you know, Russell’s is the first mastermind I went in, and so I went from, you know, on his starts at $50,000 a year. So I went from like zero to 100, real freaking quick. And there’s a whole other story about when I got in, which is what inspired the book. But when I get in, you know, price is a quality filter on these masterminds. And so, the example of a 50k mastermind, is one, you know, that they’ve had to accomplish something to be able to invest that to is, you know, they have a level of confidence to be able to invest that, right. And so you have to find the right groups. And in the last two, three years, I’ve spent a quarter million dollars on masterminds. And out of those masterminds, there’s been some there’s been advantages and disadvantages to all of them. But Russell’s is the only one I continue to renew. And I’m not saying that like you need to everybody needs join Russell’s what I’m saying is, you need to find the one that works for you. Because these other ones that I’ve been in and let other people rave about them. And for me, some of them drove me absolutely crazy. And I thought they were a total waste of money. And so you the biggest takeaway that I’ve had in that group, is something that a lot of us already know. But you don’t realize until you experience it, which is getting out of your own way. And so it’s like, you know, my superpower has always been SOPs. And so I’ve been good at documenting processes and delegating, but it opens up your mind to a whole other level of accomplishment. And Russel actually gives a great story. There’s the gentleman who broke the four minute mile. And people used to say it was impossible. And then within months of this guy breaking the four minute mile, like two or three other people did. So you see what this glass ceiling is. And so I go into this group, and I’m like, Hey, I, you know, in my mind, I’m like, I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished. I do a couple million a year. And I get in there. There’s people like Yeah, do that in a day. Yeah. So it just opens up your eyes to go Oh, yeah. Like there is no norm. There is no scope to like There’s levels and levels and levels. Right. Right.

Curt Anderson 54:36
Yeah. Well, thank you and it’s in so just relationships, game changing, and just kind of being in that that energy’s just been priceless for you.

Damon Burton 54:45
Yeah, I mean, the relationships there’s been a lot of good people to come out with friends and you know, because of that Russell’s now a client and so you get opportunities to engage with other people. And then I think we all know in business, like when you get into one circle like trusted circle when you get exposed to other people, and so it’s just led to more of those. Right. Awesome.

Curt Anderson 55:04
Okay, I know we’ve, we’ve got to wind down for three more hours. So dB. Last question, best business advice that you’ve ever received Best business advice that you’ve ever received that you’d love to pass along to other entrepreneurs?

Damon Burton 55:20
I’m so bad at these. I think that I can’t think of a direct, direct quote, I believe two things come to mind. One was actually in Russell’s mastermind. And I went to one of the facilitators at one of the events. And I was kind of complaining about we did around roundtable where it’s like a given an ask, right, and so everybody kind of helps each other. And the response I got back was a very poor response. I’ll still stand on that. But not from the group, but from just one gentleman in particular. And so I went to one of facilitators, and it was like the first day of the first time I’ve been in mastermind for three years now. And so I was naive. And you know, I probably wouldn’t have approached it the way I did. But nonetheless, I went and said, like, you know, here’s what I said, Here’s my question, here’s a response I got back, and that’s a worthless reply. And the guy, I’m gonna, I’m gonna slaughter the quote, but he quoted what I now knows, is a Tony Robbins quote, and it says something along the lines of your answers are as good as the quality of your life is as good as the quality of the questions. Right. And so that made me realize that I did phrase, in the level of people I was surrounded by, I should have got a better response, but I did approach it poorly. And so that kind of stuck in my head. And maybe the last thing is, there’s a quote from I’m not a huge Grant Cardone advocate, but there’s a quote of his that I really like. And it says, pay the price today, so you can pay any price tomorrow. And I just remember, in the beginning of my entrepreneurship journey, I remember sitting in the living room at our old house, my wife was pregnant, we had a kid do and a couple months, our first kid, and I remember thinking, I need to grind this out now. So I don’t have to later right. And I still have my long nights and whatever. But for the most part, I had total autonomy of my time now. And so that’s priceless with me for my kids. And so, never missed the basketball game. Never missed a soccer game. Never miss dance recital. I’ll cancel meetings. Like I was speaking to Mexico for three days. I changed it to one night, I flew to Mexico spoke and was back home within 18 hours. Right? And so total flexibility. And I think that was from paying that price and putting in those sacrifices. Now. So you have that flexibility later.

Curt Anderson 57:43
God bless you, dude. Good. Inspiration. You are lied. I have one last question. One last and I promise I’ll let you go like my daughter.

Damon Burton 57:52
One more, one more.

Curt Anderson 57:56
Hey, that’s a song from Lehman’s. Right one more. Well, how’s that go? I can but anyway, there’s a two guitars over your shoulder. So I’m going to just jump. I’m gonna jump right to it. So we love the last question that we love to ask on every episode is are you a baseball fan? By any chance? Damon? No, no. If let’s just say hypothetically, you were you know, you get you love pretend you love baseball. If you’re walking up to the to the plate to you know, you’re playing for Major League. I think Utah is trying to get the Oakland A’s right now. Right. So So you had a major league team, and you’re walking up to the plate? What’s your walk up song? If you’re gonna walk up to the plate? I

Damon Burton 58:36
gotta walk up. So what’s your one? Yeah, I got a story. Okay, so there’s a YouTube video, I got a good friend, Michael unbroken. He’s, he’s a big speaker and talks about breaking childhood traumas and helps it helps men break through and, and so he texts me one day, the dumbest song. And if you go to YouTube, it’s I’m duck bass. I it’s one word I am D A B E. Sss. Right. And it’s like a 15 year old video. And it’s this dude, Kevin. The whole song is the best. The best song the best. And then like he goes into these, like, dorky like 999 Do you think like, what’s better than a million? Right? A Ghillie? And he’s like, just like making words up. And so Michaels like, like, I was like, dude, when I go on stage one day, like, he speaks on way more, and that’s gonna be his walk up. He’s like, That’s my walk up song and I’m like, too late, bro. I speak next week. So I used it the next week in Florida to lock up on stage. And so now I use this on the vest. And I’m actually got an interview with David Meltzer and Michael in two weeks. I bought a shirt that dude makes shirts now that has the frame. It’s like him on a on a car with a dorky cartoon son. And I found out that he sells them and so I mailed Michael one. And he’s like, this is the best dumbest thing I’ve ever got. And I actually do Senator reminder this morning that says Don’t forget to put on your I’m the best shirt when I talk with David Meltzer. That is

Curt Anderson 1:00:07
awesome. Right. That’s impressive. You’re speaking with David Meltzer. So that is phenomenal. And a draft so Anna corrects me So Anna says One Day More my wife and I just wouldn’t see leave Ms a few about a month ago. And uh, thank you for correcting me on that one. So, you know what, let’s wind down. So first off, everybody out there that’s hanging out with us with this amazing incredible mind blowing conversation how about a huge round of applause for demon Burton just absolutely crushing it today. So Damon, thank you man, David for still call your takeaways thoughts as we close out?

Damon Pistulka 1:00:40
Oh, just so much good in here. Just if you didn’t listen to this from the beginning, go back. And listen, there’s just so many golden nuggets in here. Just thanks for being here today. Thanks for sharing your story. And and just being you, man,

Curt Anderson 1:00:54
this is awesome. So I think this might we might have broke right? Like we’re over an hour. So Damon Burton, thank you for sticking with us. As long as you did. We could have kept it for two more hours. But hey, we’ve got another comment here from Dale coming in. He

Damon Pistulka 1:01:07
says yeah, Dale is a and hey, thanks. Thanks, everyone. So thanks for being here. Dale, appreciate you.

Curt Anderson 1:01:14
So we’ll close out guys. Thank you and what we love to say just go out and be someone’s inspiration just like our friend Damon here. God bless you guys have a great killer weekend. Happy Mother’s Day to all of our wonderful man’s out there. Just shower your mother’s or your mothers in your life. shower them with love. And we will see you here on Monday. So Damon Burton, hang out with us for one second. And we’ll have guys have a great weekend.

Damon Pistulka 1:01:39
Yeah, everybody. Thanks for being here today. If you didn’t listen, like I said, get back to the beginning of this rewind and listen to Damon Burton. Follow him on LinkedIn. Check him out on Facebook, do that. Go to SEO natural and national and see what they’re doing there. Check out his SEO book as well. It’s got tons of great information. We are signing out today on manufacturing ecommerce success and we will be back again next week. Have a great weekend. And as Kurt said, make sure those mothers in your lives know you appreciate them. That’s right. Have a great one.

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