Time Management for Entrepreneurs

In this week’s Exit Your Way Round Table, our guest speaker was Michael Gidlewski. Michael is the Founder, Growth Catalyst, and a motivational speaker at Achievement Unlimited.  Michael helps company leaders and team accomplish more with the right people and training.

Time management for the entrepreneur is immensely important especially if they run a newly established business. Therefore, to understand how to manage time properly, we had our talk today.

In this week’s Exit Your Way Round Table, our guest speaker was Michael Gidlewski. Michael is the Founder, Growth Catalyst, and a motivational speaker at Achievement Unlimited.  Michael helps company leaders and team accomplish more with the right people and training.

The conversation started on the usual pattern. Damon welcomed all the audience on the stage one by one and asked them the answers to the question of the day. This week’s question was, “what is the business legacy you want to leave?”

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Answering the question Jacob Warren said that he wants his business to leave an impact on his clients and the community altogether. Moving on, Mark answered the question, he said that he wants to leave a legacy of helping people.

After this Jill answered the question saying that she wants to leave the legacy of overcoming obstacles in life. Moving on Marty Vondrell answered the question by saying that he wants to add value to people’s lives as a legacy.

Dennis Bolger also talked about the same legacy of leaving something for the community. Continuing, AJ said that he wants to leave a legacy of saving time. Adding to this he said that we cannot replace time so we should save it. Moreover, Andrew shared his legacy saying that he wants to see how far people come in their career journeys and how do they grow in this time.

Do you want to know if your business is ready for your exit or what you should do to prepare? Learn this and more with our business exit assessment here.

Moving, Damon shifted the conversation towards Michael. Michael explained his work. He said that he works with small and medium businesses in building a better future for their company. After this, Michael answered the question. He said that he wants to make every moment count.

Further, into the conversation, Ira also answered the question. For this, he said that he wants people to remember him as the person who helped hundreds. After this Michael shared his presentation on time management for the entrepreneur.

Starting his presentation, Michael shared the four realities that we live in today. Firstly, these are that our reality is a constant in life and we live in the times of Covid-19. Moreover, the third reality is that we all are overwhelmed these days and the fourth reality is that we all possess finite resources.

Get the most value for your business by understanding the process and preparing for the sale with information here on our Selling a Business page.

Adding to this, he said that time is one of the most important finite resources. Therefore, time management for the entrepreneur is very important. Furthermore, Michael said that when it comes to this, we have to make sure that we spend that time productively.

After this, Michael shared some more details about time management for the entrepreneur. He shared a step-by-step process on how one can manage time according to their business.

The conversation ended with Damon thanking the guest.

The Business Round Table

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Other websites to check out:  Cross Northwest Mergers & AcquisitionsDamon PistulkaIra BowmanService Professionals Network (SPN)Fangled TechnologiesB2B TailDenver Consulting FirmWarren ResearchStellar Insight, Now CFO, Excel Management Systems  & Project Help You Grow



people, activities, day, question, next slide, quadrant, helping, business, legacy, goals, delegate, business owners, spend, awesome, important, high payoff activities, linkedin, michael, outsource, create, Business broker, Business value builder, M&A consultant.


Damon Pistulka, Marty Vondrell, Jill Valdez, Andrew Deutsch, Michael Gidlewski, Pete Alexander


Damon Pistulka  00:00

All right, let’s get Michael on. Oh, it’s not it’s not he’s not on the stage yet. Now he is on. Here we go, Michael now you should be ready to go. Go ahead and switch the camera on if you need to. There we go. There we go. All right, everyone. Let’s get us live on LinkedIn and we’re gonna get rolling here. hope everyone’s having a great day so far. Let’s do this thing. All right, doing the stuff there.



All right, everyone.


Damon Pistulka  00:27

Welcome once again to the exit away. Business Roundtable. I’m your host, Damon Pistulka. I’ve got Andrew Krause on the stage. I’ve got IRA Bowman on the stage and with us our special guests of the day, Michael good Lou ski. Hello, everyone. Hey, right. Let’s, let’s get into it today, we got some people hit the chat. If you’re on LinkedIn, remember we are we are monitoring the chat there.

So go ahead and hit up where you’re coming from where you’re listening from, put your questions and comments in there ready to listen to that array who read that. And if you’re in the in the group out here, and you’re listening to us in remail, make sure to hit the chat with something and and we’ll go from there. So we’re gonna start out with our introductions as we always do, and get get some people up here on the stage. And they can answer the infamous Question of the day after they do a short introduction. So we got going first, Andrew, Iraq, here.



Let’s get let’s go random and not top to bottom.



There we go. Oh,


Damon Pistulka  01:40

Kelly Robinson’s on LinkedIn saying she loves this matchup. Kelly is actually this is really stinks though. Because Kelly’s in Mexico, on vacation, and she’s and she’s doing this. What are you doing? looking at us on LinkedIn live? You should be on the beach.





Damon Pistulka  02:00

I saw a picture of her though this morning. And it looks like she’s getting some sun. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So it’s good.





Damon Pistulka  02:07

how are you today? Sir?






Phenomenal How you guys doing today?


Damon Pistulka  02:11




Awesome. Awesome.



How does the microphone sound? I’m still working on getting the placement, right. It’s pretty good. pretty solid.


Damon Pistulka  02:23

Good. So tell us about tell us about yourself, Jacob, then then I will bring out the infamous Question of the day.



Oh, dear. So I am Jacob Warren with Warren research, as some of you may well know, we DO IT services for businesses to include cyber security and helping you do things more securely.



Something that really is awesome that I’m still putting together the visuals for the full launch, but



now developed my own cloud platform to be able to even have more controls to give to my clients. And so that’s something that’s excited. So if you have technology issues,


Damon Pistulka  03:07

definitely reach out. And I’ll either point you in the right direction or help you get it fixed. Alright, man. So this is our question of the day. What is the business legacy you want to leave?



Business legacy that I want to leave? And believe it or not, I have thought along these lines. But the biggest thing is, is I want



the business that I’m creating to leave an impact with not only clients but community. I know that that can be looked at as a little bit of a cliche, but the reality is, I wanted to be able to be something that provided a way for clients, for people to truly take technology, simplify it and use the benefits of it to achieve something greater to be one of those, even if it’s just a small cog in some type nice large retrieve.





Damon Pistulka  04:18

nice. Good stuff, man. Good stuff. Well, thanks for being here today, Jacob. And we will see you soon. All right, Mark. Awesome having you today, man.



Good morning.



Good to see you. Yes, be here.


Damon Pistulka  04:32

I always like the guitar in the back. I like



Yes. It’s there as gently weeping. jelly. We’ve from lack of lack of care. I guess I need to play it more.


Damon Pistulka  04:46

There you go. There you go. Well, if I could play at all, I would be happy. So awesome, man. So tell us a bit about how you’re helping people and we’ll,



we’ll go from there. Sure. Thanks. So I’m a fractional CEO. I help visionary CEOs clarify their goals, develop a growth strategy and execute for success. My background is in e commerce operations, I lead sales and marketing, product development and customer service for an online retailer music here.

That’s why you see the guitar back there. I do play a little bit, I helped the company grow from 40,000,200 40 million in sales over an eight year period. But since then, I’ve been focused on helping entrepreneurs set up systems, processes and teams, develop sales and marketing strategy and execute on the tactics necessary for scaling, growth and sustainable profitability.



Yeah, very good.


Damon Pistulka  05:35

Very good. You got and that’s good. That’s good. Everything. I mean, I liked your delivery. It was awesome. Thanks.



So it changes all the time.


Damon Pistulka  05:46

And I was thinking too, there’s actually a guy that I want to introduce you to that I met in. And in New York, that might be a good that he does something with sport courts. But I think it might be So reach out to me on that. And now I will get you connected.



So feedback for you to on a document. Ah, awesome. Awesome.


Damon Pistulka  06:09

So the question of the day, what is the business legacy that you want to leave? Yeah, that’s



a real, profound question, right. It’s kind of what you do. What you want to be remembered for?



So I think,



you know, we just spoke again, if so, was that Jacob? Jacob? Yeah, yeah, I



think Jacob, that that kind of moves me a little bit. I think the idea of legacy, for me is about helping people and helping people grow. So I think that’s what I’m most passionate about, is is supporting people where I can, kind of filling in the gaps. If somebody’s got a vision, often they’ve got a vision, but they don’t know quite how to get there. Providing that support and structure to help them realize that dream and I think there’s a lot of satisfaction and knowing that you’ve helped people grow and realize their dream, realize their vision make made their life better.

That impacts not just that person, but their family and their customers. I really believe there’s there’s power in making the world a better place by Yeah. Yeah. growing, growing successful businesses. And again, that may sound like a cliche, but but that’s what moves me is making the world a better place. And, and I see a lot of potential to do that through entrepreneurial ventures.


Damon Pistulka  07:29

Nice. Nice. Awesome, Mark. Thanks so much. Great dad.



Always, always great to be here.





Damon Pistulka  07:37

great to see you again today. Boy, was that a banner day yesterday? Here



are what? Oh, yes. Oh, yes.


Damon Pistulka  07:46

Hey, I think Didn’t we hit 60 degrees? Or call me, man? I


Pete Alexander  07:49

mean, it’s it I got a chance to go for a walk. And it reminded me of how much I love living here.


Damon Pistulka  07:55

Yeah, yeah, good stuff. Because if I would have went for a walk, but I’m going to see my orthopedic surgeon today. So that’s not walking for a while. Oh, boy.


Pete Alexander  08:05

Oh, boy.


Damon Pistulka  08:06

But tell us about yourself, Pete, and then we’ll get to the questions of the day. Sure. So


Pete Alexander  08:11

in addition to being the host of the popular winning of business and life podcast, which just had some new branding put out, so I did, noticing that it looks good. So I empower working professionals to go from being mentally and emotionally overwhelmed to being to better protecting their health and handling challenging situations with grace and success.

And it’s an interesting question, similar to what Mark said, you know, for me, if whether it’s helping them, promote them in a, in a great way, or helping them, you know, get a little bit better balance in their life, it’s, it’s doing something that helps my clients better protect, you know, reach their potential, that’s, you know, whatever that potential is. So, you know, it’s interesting being in some conversations where, you know, whatever success means to that person, that if I’ve had just a little bit to do with that, then I’ve made my my goal.


Damon Pistulka  09:14

Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. All right. All right. Good stuff. Good stuff. So what about our question of the day? What is the that that was? The answer was a question of mine. was writing something down? I’m sorry.



Wait a minute. Wait


Pete Alexander  09:32

a minute, as the orthopedic surgeon already given you the drugs?


Damon Pistulka  09:36

No, no. What is his robbing? Like a mother? I will tell you that. But so that’s great. Pete, thanks so much. And awesome. If you haven’t seen Pete’s podcasts, you need to check them out. They’re great. How many are you up to now you got to have like, 200.


Pete Alexander  09:55

Well, I published I think it was 238 or something. So and I Just recorded 250 yesterday. So nice.


Damon Pistulka  10:04

Good job. Good job


Pete Alexander  10:05

all in all in just a little over a year.


Damon Pistulka  10:08

Yeah. Yeah, that’s the thing that timing is pretty crazy. So thanks a lot, Pete. You bet. Low Ave.





Damon Pistulka  10:16

Wonderful seeing you today. Great talking earlier. So tell us a little bit about how you’re helping people. And then we’ll we will answer the question of the day.





Jill Valdez  10:25

I’m Jill. I’m the founder and CEO of link consulting. And we’re a company that specializes in working with smaller businesses, and helping them improve their productivity and performance of their people. I look at the last 17 years of experience that I’ve had working in nonprofits, and, and all those experiences of motivating volunteers, I take into the for profit sector and show managers and business owners how to bring out the best in their people how to align the people’s passion and talents with the vision and goals of the company creating a win win situation.

So I love doing that. It’s, it’s a blast to do it so awesome. As far as the legacy, the legacy of link that I want is that there are there people who have been impacted in that day. They’re living their fullest life like that. They enjoy the things that they do they enjoy going into work, they found their passion place. And, and really, it’s about overcoming obstacles to be all that, that they’re really purpose to be. And so that’s the legacy that I want is people who have have experienced that and are living that life.


Damon Pistulka  11:51

Nice. Nice, Joe. That’s. That’s really cool. And the way that you help people is is just facilitates that. It’s so nice. Thanks. Yeah, awesome stuff. Awesome stuff. Great to have you. Great. Marty. Our resident EOS person.


Marty Vondrell  12:12

Yeah, I got my garb on now. Right?


Damon Pistulka  12:14

Oh, even got to Garmin. All right, man. You’re helping people?


Marty Vondrell  12:20

How do I help people, I help people with developing their leadership team for the entrepreneurial businesses, right. So EOS is focused on undoing that. I think it goes to the topic for today, too. And I know you guys hear me pound on EOS and all this stuff all the time.

But structure determines performance. You know, I’ll talk about this model we utilize all the time. So this model, you know, it really has the answers to a lot of your questions about simplifying your business, and producing and making value. So that’s what the US is all about for that leadership team. But it works for entrepreneurial businesses, too. We’ve got a BTO made for individuals. So I’m happy to send that out to the group if you’re interested. My what was the big question? What’s it?


Damon Pistulka  13:10

What is the biggest legacy you would like to leave?


Marty Vondrell  13:14

You know, my legacy? Gosh, if you’re talking professional, yeah, I built my business sold that many years ago. I’ve done it in big corporate. Now I’m doing it with small entrepreneurial leadership teams. To me, it’s about individual connection. So it’s about connecting with those teams and putting them on the right track and having them feel like I added value to their lives, to their whole lives, not just the business life, but the personal life. So I just do that individually. I don’t need to be a big corporation anymore. I’m kind of kind of done with that. So awesome.


Damon Pistulka  13:47

Awesome. Good stuff. Good stuff Marty. Great having here today.


Marty Vondrell  13:51

Yeah, good seeing y’all.


Damon Pistulka  13:53

All right. Good. Good. Well, Dennis, how are you today? Hi, there. I’m



doing good. How are things with you all


Damon Pistulka  14:00

just fine, just fine.



We did have a banner day yesterday, here in Washington, where they ran it with beautiful sunshine, and starting off today that way too. So I’m Dennis Bolger. We are insurance agents in Edmonds, Washington. And we, we our goal is to help people understand what they have insurance wise with their whether it be a business or personal and then help them increase their coverage while decreasing their expenses.

So that’s what we do. And we’re pretty good at we have a lot of people that are pretty happy with what we do for business legacy I’d like to leave the business that I’m building is really are we are building is really for my son and my family. And the goal is that they can receive the benefits reap the harvest of what we put together over the next five to 10 years. And hopefully we put our grandkids through college with it and buy houses with it for them and take care of them properly, and then be able to give back to the community as well, by taking care of schools and other things that we can do locally. So that’s who we are. And that’s what we do.


Damon Pistulka  15:29

Nice. Nice. That’s, that’s, that’s, that’s awesome legacy, dude. I know you’re working hard at it. It’s good stuff. Thanks so much. Great for me, and thanks so much for being here. So we got AJ, AJ coming to us once again, from a little ways away. So how are things going today, AJ?



Hey, guys, how are you?



How’s India? Good.


Damon Pistulka  15:55

So tell us about what you do.



And AJ, so I’m from India. So I work into the staffing industry, as a recruiter and a business development manager, where I help my clients to fulfill their hiring requirements. And according to the skills they require, mostly to the IT sector like a DevOps, it was developers and all this kind of stuff.


Damon Pistulka  16:17

Okay, so helping staff it people in the US exactly, yep. Yeah. And we learned the other day that you do that a lot for manufacturing companies.



Yeah, exactly.


Damon Pistulka  16:30

Yep. And all right, AJ, so what kind of business legacy Would you like to leave?



So I just want to leave a legacy, which the people can save the time in according to the quality. Okay, awesome. Yeah. So Because see, everything can be replaced, but time cannot be replaced.


Damon Pistulka  16:52

Why that’s a good one. That’s a good one. Time cannot be replaced. Yeah. Awesome. Yes.



If you can save time, then you’re just giving it life to other people. Yeah, they want to leave. That’s the legacy. I want to leave on the people.


Damon Pistulka  17:11

Awesome. Awesome. Good stuff. AJ, thanks for being here. Andrew Deutsch, resident video expert,





Damon Pistulka  17:21

survivor of the Ohio Snowmageddon today.



Yeah, we’re up to like,


Andrew Deutsch  17:27

I bet you there’s four inches out there.



Woke up this morning.


Andrew Deutsch  17:33

was done. It’s it’s still coming down. Damn my my dogs liking it?


Damon Pistulka  17:41

Yeah. Probably liking that out there.



Seems to be enjoying.



Yeah. Yeah. So.


Andrew Deutsch  17:51

So the business we’d like to charge extraordinarily high fees to provide very little value to our customers. Since it is April Fool’s.






It’s quite a legacy.


Andrew Deutsch  18:05

Yeah, we are. We’re in the business of helping businesses get back to truly building a strategy to grow in the market, whether domestically or internationally through our 120 plus affiliates overseas. It’s all about the strategy before we let you play in that toolbox of all the tactical stuff that’s so much fun, actually building the strategies more fun, because you really then know who you are, who your customer is, and how you differentiate. Yeah,


Damon Pistulka  18:33

yeah. Awesome. Awesome. So what kind of business legacy you want to leave Andrew?


Andrew Deutsch  18:39

The business legacy will be how far all the great people that have come to work for us over the years get in their careers, and how they grow as people.


Damon Pistulka  18:49

Awesome. That’s cool, dude, that that’s really


Andrew Deutsch  18:54

that’s really cool. Because you know, nothing greater than getting someone in when they’re a college intern. And yeah, 20 years later, they’re the CEO of a major company. And you know, you had a you had a little bit of help and getting them on the right track. Yeah,



yeah. That’s the legacy.


Damon Pistulka  19:09

Yeah. Yeah. When you see people like that there’s just that’s such a feeling of satisfaction that you help somebody. It’s just an end. It’s just really undescribable.


Andrew Deutsch  19:19

Yeah. And and I want to be the answer to a question on Jeopardy. That’s


Damon Pistulka  19:27

good. That’s a question on Jeopardy. There we go.



Good. Old tech. Yeah. What


Damon Pistulka  19:35

is that? There we go. That’d be a good one. Well, thanks, Andrew. Awesome, man. Awesome. having you here today, as usual. And love your input. Lovely input. So we down to the people on the stage now, Andrew?



Yes, I believe. That’s it. Yeah. All right.


Damon Pistulka  19:52

Well, let’s start with Michael. Since he’s a great speaker. So you can tell us about yourself answer the question then. We’ll go around the rest of the stage and then we’ll get started with our presentation.


Michael Gidlewski  20:05

All right, that sounds fantastic. Thanks, Damon. My name is Michael good, loose key My company is achievement unlimited. And I am a growth catalysts. So I work with the small to midsize businesses to help them create a bigger future by developing their leaders to achieve all of their goals, both personally and professionally. Getting the right people on the bus in the right seats to accelerate that growth. Nice. Now, the big question, the really, really big question does this legacy or means to make a positive difference, a positive impact with the with the people I work with personally and professionally.

So that they wake up to the fact that we’re not going to live forever. And that we should moment by moment, try to make a positive impact with everybody we come in contact with. The business isn’t the end all be all. I’ve been working with a client for five or six years now CEO, and his guys has been a workaholic, right? Just go go go go go. I this past March, he took three weeks off. And it was like, fantastic. And he’s had like just a great, great vacation. So the more time that people take off, the more they’re aware that hey, we’re not gonna live forever, I better make every minute count. It’s gonna be a view. Yeah, please.


Damon Pistulka  21:24

Yeah. And well, you know what you did. By doing that, too, though, if that person ever wants to sell that business is businesses a tremendously more valuable because we see that every every day working with owners that are tied to their businesses that the new buyer coming in, won’t buy that business, because the business owner is all the value in the business. So you’re helping them create a much more valuable business doing that. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So IRA, let’s, let’s hear your your, your spiel, and then the question of the day, man. Sure.



So I just wrote a new law actually didn’t write it. I designed a piece for a magazine, like what is Bowman digital media? And it breaks down to six categories. We’re helping to build people’s digital audience. And how do we do it is through social media management, website development, graphics, design, photography, videography, and SEO.

So that’s the categories in which we’re helping people to create their digital audience. And as far as the answer to the question of the day, what I’d really like to do with my legacy is be remembered as the guy who had his hand helping hundreds, if not 1000s of business owners to make their business better. That’s really what I want to be remembered for being that guy to help.


Damon Pistulka  22:46

Very cool. Very cool. All right, thanks. So Andrew, we’re down to you, man.








Damon Pistulka  22:55

we don’t discuss these questions beforehand, too. Oh, man, everybody knows that it’s gonna be just out, I’m pulling one out of the air here.



The first person is the first person who hears it. Yeah.



Well, our you know, our goal, my goals in business is to create a build a company that I can exit from, and that can carry on after without me. And so that’s, that’s a legacy.

You know, in practice, what we preach a little bit, We help business owners edge their business, but I’d also like to exit this isn’t have a business, what I’m passionate about is we’ve worked for big companies, we’ve worked for deals with, you know, multinationals coming in and everything else, you know, the action is the small business owner, the entrepreneur, you know, they’re the heroes, that’s the, they, they have to fight the toughest fight, we see that every day, you know, they create the most jobs, they create all the innovation of this country. Like out, you know, I would like to, you know, we do help them.

So I’m passionate about that. And I would like to, because if they can’t exit successfully, and also have their own legacy, then, you know, I think you know, and they have a successful business, but it falls down at the end, because of that one last piece, we helped get over the finish line, and let that business prosper. And after they’re done. That’s what I want to do. Same thing I want to resource for those those folks to come and help and more jobs and create more innovation and build this country. Nice.


Damon Pistulka  24:27

Nice, good stuff. Good stuff. All right. Well, I’ll go I’ll go quickly. You know what, what we do is we help business owners create businesses that support their life and build a hopefully a multi generational legacy. That’s what I’m passionate about. I used to do it with with investment owners and private equity owners and all that good stuff. And now I get to do it with with private business owners, which gives me I don’t I shouldn’t say it gives me more pleasure because I can see the person And I’m helping them packed.

And that really, really, I mean wakes me up every day on to do it. We’ve got a, I’ve got a client right now that it’s just so so satisfying to see him he’s going to be as his first year, he’s made over a million dollars in profit. And just to see that the sparkle in someone’s eye when they realize that is is, you know, just indescribable for me.

But my legacy is very similar to what Andrew Deutsch said, It is about leaving, leaving these these people, these young people and even even older people, after you’ve allowed them, either them as business owners or people in business to grow far beyond what they ever thought they could before they met you. And it’s not to build my ego is to see them succeed is really something I’ve got a really close friend of mine that actually is coming to Seattle in a week that I met him as a kid out of high school, honestly. And now he’s a national sales manager for $100 million company. I’m so



good stuff.



Awesome. Michael, here we go. Right.


Damon Pistulka  26:17

I’m passionate about what I do hell, man. I just can’t. I can’t hold it back sometimes.



But we’re good.


Michael Gidlewski  26:26

All right. Wait a minute, so I can’t share that. You don’t have


Damon Pistulka  26:28

a share tray down there. So have a try. What’s it say?


Michael Gidlewski  26:34

Yeah. I clicked it. It just keeps coming back to the main screen. of my doing some


Damon Pistulka  26:43

share screen that comes up. Oh, well, like Jacob Jacobs, the Jacobs, our tech guy. He said allow pop ups. Is it give me a little Are you using Chrome? Does it give me a little thing?



I can’t we just did it. We got on work. Right.



Just bring your microphone on the bottom handle?


Michael Gidlewski  27:13

Yeah, yeah.



It will pop up. Just keep and then that’s


Michael Gidlewski  27:21

keeps coming back.


Damon Pistulka  27:23

Do you have another screen that lets you have a look and see if you got different open tabs. So this is weird because we never had it to where it works and then doesn’t work. So go ahead and email me the file and I can bring it up. You can talk while we’re doing it. Boom. We’ll fix that. Yep.


Michael Gidlewski  27:44

All righty. That sounds good. I will do that.


Damon Pistulka  27:52

So the got some people on a rolling on LinkedIn here. Thanks so much for that. We will get this. Usually we work this out ahead of time it it works when we get up on screen, but you never know.



Yeah, we tested before we started so





Michael Gidlewski  28:11

Yeah, we did it. It worked. Yeah. I don’t know what’s going on. No worries. Yeah. Do it. All right, files. All right, good,


Damon Pistulka  28:24

good. Well, while we’re going next week, we’ve got rush John’s gonna be talking about podcasting and how to do podcasting tips, techniques, all that good stuff. If you haven’t seen his pirate broadcasts, that thing is is, is pretty cool. So we think there’s a fair amount of people that have been interviewed on it. And all right, got the presentation right



now. Our ramping up here, this presentation on the 13th. It’s Tuesday, April 13, we’re having a free 90 minute, we’re calling a entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, business accelerator lists. And we’re gonna be talking about 12 different things that you can do to accelerate your own businesses. We’re not all experts at everything. And sometimes we fail to identify the things that we’re not the best at. But if we tune those up, it can make a huge impact in our business. All right.


Damon Pistulka  29:27

We got this going. Let’s see what I can do here. I’m gonna make this big like that, then we can, that’s usually how we do it. So let’s go ahead and hit it. Michael.


Michael Gidlewski  29:37

eautiful. Beautiful. So how many of you would like to get more done in less time? How many of you would like to make this year your best year ever? And how important is it for you to get 2021? Right? Are the important? Yeah. All right. So let’s go to the next slide. Let’s look at the four realities that we need to contend with right now. In the world that we’re living in, so number one, reality is change is the only constant.

I mean, we’re every the the challenges that we’re facing today are unprecedented change technology, everything is moving faster and faster. Reality number two, the new normal in this new normal this do more with less world with fewer resources and fewer good people, that’s going to be the trend that we’re going to be with. So everyone is coping get more done in less time, organizations are in the midst of tremendous change. And that’s the new normal, and it’s going to stay that way. Reality number three, everybody seems to be overwhelmed, got back when there you go, overwhelmed, extended crazy informations coming into us faster than we can even digest it.

Expectations are completely out of whack. We’ve got more ways to communicate than ever before in the world. And yet we communicate less effectively than ever. Reality number four, we all possess finite resources, time, energy, and time is the is the number one limited resource. And that’s what we’re going to spend some time talking about today, we all get 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week, and how and what we do with that time, how we utilize how we manage ourselves in that time, is going to make the difference in our success in our in our business and in our life. Because good is no longer good enough.

Whatever you’re doing today, or whatever you were doing last year, is not going to get you into the future, it’s not going to take you where you want to go. So it’s really really important to to look at that. Let’s go to the next slide. Clarity is the antidote to anxiety. I love this quote from Marcus Buckingham, Marcus Buckingham, worked for Gallup for a number of years worked for wrote, first break all the rules, your strengths. Now, this this guy is right on target.

There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world. And the people what they want most is certainty. One of the ways that we as business owners can create certainty is to create that vision, purpose, and goals that everybody buys into, right. And by maintaining that mental state of focus on where we’re going, and how we’re creating a really great organization with a purpose meaningful work, our employees are going to be highly highly engaged in that organization. And increase clarity increases opportunity.

Now, it’s not just the number of opportunities come at us all the time. We want to get our strategy, right. So we know what to say no to, which is most of the stuff that comes at us. So we can remain laser focused on what matters most what really, really matters most and stay focused on that. Okay. So when we do that, we are we managed to keep everything together and move it in the same direction. In other words, we’ve got everybody in the boat rowing in this, you know, rhythmically in this at the same time, moving the boat in the in the right direction. Let’s go that next slide.



There we go.



What was wrong?


Michael Gidlewski  33:26

maximum productivity. That’s what that’s what this is all about. We are, we are a nation of add immigrants. I mean, we are driven to distraction, like there’s no tomorrow. But we also have high energy. And that’s what’s made us extremely successful. We can do attitude that doing it, doing it doing it doing it. However, we need to we need to back off sometimes, and think about where we’re going. If you go to that next slide. I love this quote from Coach john wooden, don’t mistake activity for achievement. So it’s, it’s really, really important to be taking action on our goals, but we want to make sure that we’re taking the right action on the right goals. So if you if you go to that next slide.



This is


Michael Gidlewski  34:24

the wisdom of Peter Drucker and I love this. I love Drucker Drucker is been dead for 10 years. He is absolutely the management guru of last century. But I would venture to say that he’s the management guru of this century. He taught that what he wrote about what he talked about is as relevant today as it’s ever been, if not more, so you talked about knowledge workers and stuff and and we have we have an economy of knowledge workers right, worldwide. So talks about two two words that are really important. When it comes to improvement and and productivity, the word effective and the word efficient, the word effective is doing the right things and doing them in order of priority right.

Now that that’s a, we have to really get laser being focused on the right things. What are the right things for us individually, organizationally, and for all of our team members? Imagine a whole team of people working on the right things, right. So we would get much better results if we had everybody focused on the right things. So this is a this is a time is our limiting factor, right? This is what can trip us up. That’s why it’s so critical to know what the right things are. Now, he used another word here, efficient and efficient, is doing things right. How to most people try to get more to accomplish more.

Typically, they throw more stuff at the wall and hoping it’ll stick they work harder and harder and harder, right? But it’s not if you look at these two words effective and efficient, which one is more important for us to get the results that we want in life? It’s absolutely to be effective to be doing the right things. You could be spending your time doing things, right. Okay. But if you’re not doing the right things, you’re not going to get the results that you want. Drucker says there is nothing, nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.

Since we live out of our life out of our habits. If we have good habits, we’re on our way, if we have some habits that aren’t so good, they’re going to trip us up. So we have to, we have to continually be questioning what are those right things for us to do. One thing is for sure. And in the 20, in 2021, in the 21st century, if we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’re not going to keep getting what we always got, we’re going to get further and further behind, we’re going to get worse results we’re going to get, we’re going to continue to just get go behind. So my good friend Wyatt Earp says that fast is fine.

But accuracy is more important. And that’s the way it is with with with our business and our life and our time management. So let’s go to the next slide. So this is one of the secrets to maximum productivity for us individually as business entrepreneurs and for our people. Number one, doing the right thing. That’s the right behavior. Right, right. Doing it in the right way. That’s our processes. Mark talked about EOS and things like that, right? The process, you have to have a system for the right reasons. We need to know what our purposes, we need to communicate that purpose.

That’s part of our culture, to our to our employees. And we need to know what the goals are. And the right people, you got to use it. This is critical, clarify job match job fit, we use a ton of assessments and I can’t tell you how many times employers have visitors complain to us about people. And when we do the assessment, we find out well wait a minute, that they’re the person is okay, they’re in the wrong seat. And then they move them, you know, maybe someone’s in sales, it should be in customer service, or vice versa, whatever. And you move them and then being productivity goes up almost instantly, right?

Well, it’s it’s natural, if you’re working in your strengths, doing what you do best, you’re going to be more productive, right? And in order of priority, prioritizing is critical, critical, critical. All right, let’s move to the next slide. So how many of you are familiar with the peredo principle or the 8020 rule? I’m sure this is not a new concept to everyone. But what I want to do is really look at this, I want you all to look at this with new eyes and New Years, okay? The peredo principle what works in every single area of our of our business and our in our personal life, okay?

And what it means is that if you look at the the vital few right on that one, that screen in green, that’s 20%, the 20% of our activities, and we call those high payoff activities, produce for us 80% of our results, and and they produce our goals or outcomes and what really, really, really matters most So some examples of the 8020 Pareto principle would be 20% of Customers produce 80% of our sales 20% of our products or services produce 80% of our sales 20% of the task, provide 80% of the values 20% of the sales people 80% of the sales 20% of the employees 80% of the problems 20% of the motorist,

80% of the accidents 20% of our house, we spend 80% of our time in it 20% of our clothing, we wear 80% of the time. So think about that, the opposite of that is 80% of our closet is full with clothes that we all wear 20% of the time, what are we hanging on to them for right? So this concept of focusing, and it’s like a it’s a focus and refocus all the time to make sure that you’re crystal clear on those high payoff activities. We’ll talk about that in a moment. But on the other hand, in red, the trivial many are the 80% of activities that we do, that we call low payoff activities that produce only 20% of our results.

And we call those results in the red. They’re what matters least w ml what matters least. So if you’re looking at a five day week, one day, we’re producing 80% of our results that give us the greatest bang for our buck and the other four days, we’re doing low payoff activities. So we need to continue to focus on these high path activities to produce the results that we want. So let’s look at a moment go to the next slide, Damon. So what are high payoff activities? That Well, let’s look at it. High payoff activities are the activities that are high value to the company in the process of moving towards the vision and strategy.

So if we don’t have a visit vision and strategy, remember, clarity is the antidote to anxiety, will if we’re not clear on the strategy and the vision, any road will get us there, and probably with amazing accuracy. Number two high payoff activities or activities that bring the greatest results in your area of responsibilities. I think a couple of weeks ago day when we talked about think time writing and Cunningham’s book write it this is an this is a extremely high payoff activity for business owners, for entrepreneurs, and we don’t take the time there because we’re busy busy donut, donut, donut, donut donut, we just keep doing it right.

And then we come up for air, we get some oxygen and we keep doing it. activities that increase your contribution factor. Focus on what will make the biggest positive impact on the business on your employees. That your contribution factor is what value what what’s the value that you’re bringing into the game, okay? If we it’s, it’s, it’s never the hours that we put in that counts. It’s what we put into those hours.

And getting crystal clear on high payoff activities is I’ll tell you what, if you take this seriously, and this is a game changer for every single person on this call, right now, if you go if you go home, or you take out a pen and paper actually go to the next slide, oh, there it is, what are your top three to six high path activities. And that’s it. If you’ve got more than six, you have way too many high payoff activities. So you have to look at those top three to six, goal setting, planning, think time, communicating your vision, all those are high payoff activities. So we have to really look at this and write them down.

And then talk to your your coach or mentor your partners, whoever this should be your number one activity to do within the next week if you if you want to dramatically impact 2021 in a way that you can’t even imagine right now. So let’s go to the next slide, Damon. So how much time a week are you spending on high path activity? So the reason that this is important is because we can, we can see our own blind spots, right? So we bs ourselves into believing Oh, I’m spending 80% of my time on high path activities. Well look at the results you’re getting right?

Look at the amount of time that you actually spend on high payoff activities, or the amount of time that you spend kind of fooling around with with stuff that gets in the way. And that stuff that gets in the way, or is is primarily low payoff activities, right? And go to the next slide. Because these low path activities get in our way. And they it’s like low path. Every time we do low path activities. It’s like we’re, we’re, we’re getting a quarter. And when we do high path activities, we’re getting dollars. So we get a four to one return or or up to a 10. I’ve seen 10 to one return with clients working on high payoff activities.

So what do we do with these low payoff activities they get in our way that continue to trip us up? Well, we simplify them, eliminate them, delegate them, and outsource them. So we’re going to we’re going to I’m going to spend a little bit of time, a little bit of time on that in a couple more slides. But let’s go to the next slide. And this slide to me is is helps you understand the difference between low payoff activities and IPF activities. Okay. What is your time worth? So what is your salary, and all the benefits that you’re that you put against that salary?

So I’m just telling me, you’re making 200 grand a year, but you’re putting another 100 grand a year through benefits, cell phones, all the everything that you every benefit that you get from that business, right? If you’re at 200,000, or 300,000 a year annually, and your time is worth over $100 an hour, you better be in high path activities zone, right? If you’re doing low payoff activities, your time is $100 an hour and you’re doing a $20 activity that such an activity First of all, that someone else could do right. And you can be training your team. How much money are you losing every time you do that? Well, significant, significant amount.

So I had a CEO one time, he was saying, Yeah, so I guess spending an hour on the on the internet trying to get the cheapest airline ticket is a low path activity? You bet it is You bet it is right. When you look at also what what value are we creating, doing that when we could be hiring other people that would love to do that kind of stuff that could work for us, right? Whether we we hire them, or we outsource that stuff to them, or we delegate it to them, that’s critical. So understand what your time is worth, do a time study and carry it around with you on a three by five card marketing, your planner, whatever.

But if I’m thinking my time is worth 100, or 150 bucks or, or 250 bucks an hour, where it’s going to slow me down from from picking up low payoff activities. And it’s not that we can’t do them. We can certainly do low path activities. It’s what what value are we creating for ourselves and our team and our family and our community when we’re doing low paid activities? Right? Yep. All right. Let’s go to the next slide. So what are your low payoff activities? A lot of them are repetitive, mundane, time wasters. So as you go through your day, just think about you know, that’s why a time study is important, right?

If you if you if you take and write down every 15 minutes what you’re doing, it’s easy to look back at the end of the day and see, oh, I I’ve had, it doesn’t surprise me when I do this exercise with a business owner. And I come back the next week or two. And I say how many hours did you spend each week in high path activities. The average is four to six hours a week is that like my and these guys are working and gals are working 4050 hours a week. It’s incredible. So identify them and get rid of them. Next, we’re gonna go to the next slide. And she’s gonna give you I’m sure many of you familiar with this.

But this is the Eisenhower method. This is the way Eisenhower made decisions. And it’s also called the time management matrix. But with every one of us every day, every minute of every day, are spending our time in one of these four quadrants, right. quadrant number one is urgent and important. Well, if it’s urgent and important, we have to do it right. It works on us. We don’t have to think about it. We don’t have to plan for it. quadrant number two is not urgent, but very important. This is a quadrant two activity that we’re doing right now we’re learning. We’re growing right. quadrant two activities are planning goal setting, fire prevention, right.

All those things. The quadrant three is not important. very urgent. They that’s the quadrant of low payoff activities LPA. And we want to simplify, eliminate and delegate those activities. And quadrant four is not urgent, and not important. It’s the quadrant of aimless internet surfing, of doing aimless TV watching, of doing anything that distracts us from doing the real deep work.

Let’s go to that next slide. So kind of a recap on this slide is, quadrant two is where we our goal where we want to spend as much time as we can, in in Deming type companies where the focus is on quality process procedures systems, they spend 65% of their time in quadrant two on high payoff activities that lead to success and lead to opportunities. They minimize quadrant one, which is crisis as and reacting to that, right. But there’s a lot of things that we can do in quadrant two, that’ll prevent a crisis in quadrant one.

If we keep our computer or software, updated malware, keep it clean, we’re not going to have our computer blow up on us. But if we’re too cheap to get some malware, and a guy to maintain that stuff, it could blow up on us. So here’s a great example, change the oil filter in your car 2995. Don’t change it. Eventually, it’s a crisis boom, next, new engine 7500. Right. And quadrant three low path activities, simplify them, eliminate them, delegate and outsource them, get rid of them. And quadrant four, don’t do quadrant four is that is the quadrant of your responsibility. All right, let’s roll to next slide. The number one high payoff activity killer is this shiny object syndrome.

I walk in the office. And I’m like, Wow, look at all these cool books. Man. I haven’t read that one yet. I read that one. I want to reread that one again. And I have to be very careful, because that can take me right off track of my high path activities. So the question you want to ask you, you and your team is what are their shiny objects? And what percentage of time do we all spend them? We all have them. And we want to eliminate them. Alright, go to the next slide, please. All right.

So quadrant two activity is plan and set goals, communicate your plans, and goals and you cannot over communicate to yourself to your team. Just like advertisers, why does Coca Cola still need to advertise? Right? If for whatever? 100 years, right, everybody, Coke is the real thing? Well, they do it because of space repetition. And that’s the way we should communicate, schedule our priorities, and then track and measure those goals. Every goal that you track and measure just by the fact that you track and measure it will improve performance. So first, we work on our goals, and then our goals work on us. Very, very powerful concept.



All right, let’s


Michael Gidlewski  53:14

go to the next slide. So I talked about simplify, eliminate delegate and outsource. So we have a tool that we use for this, but think about any process in your business that you’re doing. Can it be simplified? Can it be streamlined, consolidated? And this question, I call it the sido? Question. If you really, really want to make a quantum leap, then you ought to ask this at the end of the day, right? What did I do today? What was I engaged in you look at your planner or your Outlook or whatever? And what have what I did today, could I simplify any of it, eliminate any of it, delegate it or outsource it?

So that’s the simplified slide. Let’s go to the next slide. The eliminate slide, what task or activity or process that no longer has value to me to the organization, right? How many times do we do stuff? Because we’re in we’re, we just do it automatically? habit, habit habit. I was in a mastermind group. And I I just going habit. Then I realized, like, last year that I wasn’t, well actually before COVID hit right. I was re evaluating him like, you know what, I’m not getting the value I feel that I should get out of this group. And I quit. But I thought you know, a mastermind Ray’s got to be in a mastermind and it was good for many years.

It just sort of went off the off the tracks and and but I stayed with it a year longer than I should have when it was time to pull the plug. All right. Next one is delegate man. Why don’t we delegate because I can’t do everything better than everybody else. But no one can do it as good as me as fast as me as accurate as me Baba Baba, that is b s with a capital B and a capital S, well, it’s gonna take me an hour to explain it to him. or her? Well, it might, however, it might take you an hour or two or three or four, once and you get back an hour a week, that’s 50 hours a year, over 10 years. That’s 500 hours. Right?

It. So delegating serves two purposes. We grow our people, we develop our people. David, you were talking about having a business that you could sell that you’re not, you know, the business owner isn’t the main producer. This is how you get all your other people to do it. As a business owner, you want to get better and better high path activities. Drucker said, you want to work your way up yourself out of a job in a way, right? You want to delegate delegate delegate, delegate delegate, but what’s that guy doing with his feet up on the desk, he’s thinking of new opportunities. He’s thinking of how we can execute the strategy.

He’s thinking of how we can TEDx the business. But we grow up in the Western world of doing it, doing it doing it doing it, we don’t value, we don’t value value, we don’t value think time we don’t value creativity as much as we should. All right, let’s go to the last outsource, what can you outsource in your business, marketing, SEO, counting, I mean, there’s a ton of stuff. I was fortunate enough to be be the mantra of sido, early on high path activities versus low path activity. Sceeto sceeto, everything.

And I came home about a couple years ago, as I told my wife, I say, got outsource all the accounting function. Why you can do it? Yeah, I can do it. And I do do it. But a it’s integral with what I say it’s a waste of my time. So then next went marketing and this and that I have an admin, I outsource as much as I can to she’s phenomenal. Yeah, and just work on what I what I can do. Right. Here’s the next the next big slide. The next big question big, big, big, big, big. What is the one thing with a one activity, you could focus on every day that we create the greatest benefit for your business and create greater value, contribution and results?

ask that question every day, at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, and see what kind of answers you come up with. That is another game changer. You know, the challenge with this stuff is we’ve heard at 20 credo print, we’ve heard some of this stuff. There’s a huge gap between knowing it and doing it and living it and executing knowledge. Without action is delusion. Yeah, knowledge without action is delusion. All right, next slide. Love this slide. Love it. Love it. Love it. In you Tang, the great philosopher Ling Yu Tang besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.

The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non essentials. And that’s what we should be working on the essentials, what matters most, what’s really, really important, what creates value, our highest payoff activity, personally, and professional. All right, next slide on time for action. Next slide. So we started with the four realities changes, the only constant, it’s never going to stop.

We’re in the new normal, nothing changing there, it’s only going to get crazier, overwhelmed, over extended crazy busy. inboxes still going to fill up with there’s a million things we we’ve got to look at reader research. And reality number four, we all possess finite resources time is our limited resource. So my question to you is the next slide. What do you or your you and or your team need to start doing? What do you need to stop doing? And what do you need to do? Awesome stuff, man.


Damon Pistulka  59:22

Good, good. Good. I’m gonna quit sharing the screen here. It is draining off the screen share, get



back to this.


Damon Pistulka  59:30

Thank you so much. And the timing was perfect. Yeah, we’re at 9am. Thanks so much, Michael. That is I tell you what, I think that the biggest thing that connects with me out of what you said is, is the two things really elimination of what you really shouldn’t be doing at all. I mean, when we looked at when I was in manufacturing and you look at lean manufacturing, it’s not by making something faster, it’s eliminating all the steps and making something that you really don’t need to be doing.

And that’s where you’re you know, because that’s 90% of the time and the 10% is when you’re actually doing the value added work. And I think that’s what we miss a lot of. And then the things that we do need to do that the CFO that you talked about is really critical to getting getting those off your plate and getting those on someone else’s or eliminate him completely. So good stuff. Thank you so much. I know we got some like you’re on you’re on LinkedIn doing thanks for being there on LinkedIn.

Thanks everyone else for joining us again day. Thanks once again, for Michael to this presentation. Awesome information. If anyone wants to get ahold of Michael, his contact details are obviously in in the stuff that people on remote know, they also can get him through LinkedIn. Ira mentioned this real quick. We do have an entrepreneurial accelerator Blitz webinar, we are putting on April 13 at 10am.

Pacific time, if you want to learn more about that just go ahead and contact myself or IRA or someone in on the eggs your way team. We can talk to you a little bit about that. We’re going to drop off a LinkedIn for now. We’re going to go back to the tables that remain for a minute and let people talk. And thanks so much again, Michael. Have a great day everyone.



You’re very well.



My pleasure.

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