The Best Resources and Strategies When Going Global

Are you ready to expand your manufacturing business globally? If you are, join us for this MFG eCommerce Success show where Trish Stuart, VP of Client Solutions at Terralingua shares invaluable insights into overcoming language barriers and cultural nuances, making global expansion easier for manufacturers.

Are you ready to expand your manufacturing business globally?

If you are, join us for this MFG eCommerce Success show where Trish Stuart, VP of Client Solutions at Terralingua shares invaluable insights into overcoming language barriers and cultural nuances, making global expansion easier for manufacturers.

With over 25 years in the translation and localization industry, Trish has been instrumental in providing top-tier solutions to global companies, ensuring personal attention and quality in every interaction.

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Terralingua stands out in offering high-quality translations in over 40 languages, certified by ISO 9001, 17100, and 18587, without hidden fees or project management charges.

Damon and Curt are excited to host Trish. Curt requests the guest to talk about her childhood hero.

Trish enthusiastically shares her childhood hero. She recalls the iconic female characters from her youth, including Wonder Woman and the Bionic Woman, with a nod to Charlie’s Angels. Trish’s nostalgic trip down memory lane shows her appreciation for strong, empowered women who left a lasting impression on her.

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“Great answer,” Curt admires Trish and asks about her journey into the translation industry.

Trish recounts her transition from teaching to the translation industry, which began with stuffing envelopes for a translation company after a challenging time in education. Despite the initial uncertainty, she quickly took on project management responsibilities and thrived in the new role.

Similarly, the guest reflects on the leap of faith she took and offers empathy to others going through similar transitions. She is passionate about sharing information and educating consumers, particularly about translation memory. Moreover, Trish encourages people not to limit themselves based on their educational background.

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Curt admires Trish’s LinkedIn tagline about “transforming translation dilemmas into successful solutions.” He then asks how Trish and her team contribute to making the world a better place.

Trish responds with her company’s commitment to customer care and partnership. Their dedication to looking out for clients by not charging rush fees or additional fees for client review comments demonstrates their genuine concern for people and their projects.

Curt invites Trish to share her expertise in a masterclass format and the essential points of expanding their businesses globally today.

In response, Trish outlines key considerations for businesses looking to expand globally. The topmost thing is to assess one’s current position within the organization before seeking external solutions. She also advises understanding the target audience’s cultural and linguistic preferences, using the example of language variations like British English versus American English. Thirdly, it is important to be consistent in brand messaging, and the guest warns against potential confusion or safety issues arising from linguistic inconsistencies. Lastly, Trish suggests involving subject matter experts and stakeholders, such as distributors or salespeople, in the process to ensure thorough validation and alignment.

Curt seeks Trish’s comments on the effectiveness of tools like Google Translate for manufacturers.

Although Trish acknowledges the usefulness of machine translation, especially neural machine translation, she advises a secure and controlled environment for its use. Trish cautions against solely relying on online tools like Google Translate or ChatGPT for translation needs. “I like to call it feeding the baby,” finding these tools risky where there are chances of exposing sensitive information in unprotected environments.

Likewise, the guest shares insights from the Industrial Marketing Summit, where concerns were raised about using tools like ChatGPT without proper training on company-specific content. She looks forward to learning more about developing custom language models in an upcoming seminar.

Damon steers the conversation towards expertise in conveying intended meaning effectively.

Agreeing with Damon, Trish addresses misconceptions about the costliness of language service providers (LSPs) and discusses the various translation processes available, from all-human to machine translation with post-human edits. She explains ISO certifications 17100 and 18587 verify the qualifications of translators and the quality assurance processes in place. She urges businesses to be educated consumers, considering factors such as end-user experience, liability, and brand message protection.

Trish further adds on staying informed about industry trends and resources, citing examples like attending events such as the Industrial Marketing Summit and being active in relevant organizations like AM or MEP. She advises tapping into free resources provided by the government, such as, which offers information and access to international trade specialists. Trish mentions the availability of grants for translating content or websites and highlights resources like the District Export Council.

As the Livestream progresses, Trish humorously likens herself to the Blues Brothers on a divine mission of “translation memory.” She describes it as a database, similar to a suitcase, which aligns source and target content for reuse.

Damon adds that there is a need to obtain and update the memory after reviewer feedback, ensuring coherence and uniformity in subsequent translations.

Curt inquires about the source of Trish’s passion for supporting manufacturers.

Trish expresses her deep connection with serving manufacturers, which stems from her involvement with the Association of Translation Companies (ATC) and her understanding of their needs and challenges. Careful planning in translation projects, especially regarding user interfaces, ensures a seamless experience for users worldwide.

Damon mentions John, one of the attendees, who comments on library service providers—individuals within a company capable of speaking multiple languages.

In the guest’s view, while the said individuals may initially handle translation tasks, as John previously mentioned, it’s essential to eventually engage a language service provider. Trish advises choosing an LSP that welcomes input from internal experts, ensuring their continued involvement in the process.

The show ends with Damon and Curt thanking Trish for her time.

Our Guest

Trish Stuart

Trish is the VP of Client Solutions at Terralingua. With over 25 years in the translation and localization industry, Trish has been instrumental in providing top-tier solutions to global companies, ensuring personal attention and quality in every interaction.

Terralingua stands out in offering high-quality translations in over 40 languages, certified by ISO 9001, 17100, and 18587, without hidden fees or project management charges.

Trish is an alumna of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

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trish, translation memory, damon, great, translation, company, translate, kurt, suitcase, manufacturers, content, today, language, call, global, service provider, people, resources, client, daymond
Trish Stuart, Curt Anderson, Damon Pistulka

Damon Pistulka 00:04
All right. Welcome once again is Friday and Wow, am I excited for today? Because we’ve got a little holiday this weekend.

Curt Anderson 00:13
Are you wearing your green Damon Do you have green on?

Damon Pistulka 00:16
I’ve got a bit of green on.

Curt Anderson 00:17
I’ve got green I’m about Yeah, yeah. I think it’s something on Sunday right. St. Patty’s Day, little St. Patrick’s Day this weekend demon.

Damon Pistulka 00:27
Yep. And for those of us that are Irish 365 days a year, I always keep my Irish myths close.

Curt Anderson 00:35
Set your aftershave.

Damon Pistulka 00:37
Yeah, kinda like that exudes from you after a while. But hey, we’re here. We’re for the manufacturing ecommerce success show. I’m one of your hosts, Dave co host Daymond Pustaka. That pretty guy right over there. As Curt Anderson we’re going to be talking about the best resources and strategies for gone global today. Curt Anderson through less I want to let you take it away but we cannot forget what Mr. Bigger has put in the comments this morning already because and I don’t mean to not start with the fanfare because we got an awesome guest today we’re gonna be talking about thing but we are three days away from national Curt Anderson day. On Monday, March 18. You will see post you will be we see video you will see things that you may not want to see but and won’t be able to unsee but it is going to be the day of Kurt on March 18 for all the OG out there

Curt Anderson 01:37
I don’t know what’s happening.

Damon Pistulka 01:40
So with that being said, Dad Dad’s got got many surprises for us and that’s we’re gonna have go with that. But we got to get on here with Trisha are to take it away, Kurt to talk about this. All

Curt Anderson 01:50
right, Damon a few things here before we dive in. All right, first off, Happy Friday. Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend. And you know, you didn’t you didn’t tell me that Trish Stewart was going to be here. Yeah, I didn’t know that true. Dude, I would have done my hair today for you know if I would have known Trish was going to be here. So alright, Trish Stuart’s in the house. Trish. Happy Friday. How are you?

Trish Stuart 02:12
Oh, Happy Friday. I feel so lucky. Speaking of Irish, I feel very lucky to be on the ship with you.

Curt Anderson 02:20
Man. That was a nice that Damon that might have been the nicest opening we’ve ever had. If she feels like did you just that just hit your church? That was a good one.

Trish Stuart 02:30
Just trying to think how did how did we meet? Was it through Noah? Noah.

Curt Anderson 02:34
I was gonna bring that up and you and I met through Noah our dear friend guy I haven’t talked to know in ages from above the fray. Damon, you know our buddy Noah. Great dude. He’s in Portland, Oregon. So yeah, we were connected. And you are a repeat offender. You’ve been on the show multiple times. And the second time we were together in person at the industrial marketing summit in Austin, Texas about a month and a half ago. What a privilege to meet you in person. What a great event. So Trish, let’s start here. You know the last time Damon, it was so long ago that she was on the show. We were on remote. We were on the remote platform. So that goes way way back

Damon Pistulka 03:17
in the wayback machine that’s in the

Curt Anderson 03:19
Wayback Machine. So Trish, let’s go here. Your superpower is helping manufacturers figure out this whole global thing. You’re a translation superstar guru. We’re gonna dive right into that the last time you were on the show, not in Austin, Texas A month and a half ago. But several years ago. You’re Ron, we had a great, wonderful conversation. I did not ask you this question though. I’m ready. Let’s do it. Here we go. Ready? Trish? Are you sitting down? Are you ready for this one in town? I’m ready. All right. Everybody out there. drop us a note. Let us know that you’re out there. Let us know where you’re coming from. We’re here with Trish Stewart today Trish when you were a little girl growing up you and your your your four siblings five of you. I believe in the family right five kids when you were a little girl growing up? Who was your hero? Who was your hero as a little girl growing up?

Trish Stuart 04:08
Wow. Number one Kurt. Thanks for letting me know you are going to ask me this question so I could be prepared. Really appreciate that. I thought you were going to ask me what song I want if I was a baseball player. You know, I as we just said I’m in the Wayback Machine so probably Linda Carter with Wonder Woman. Either that Lindsay Wagner Bionic Woman, you know one of those two probably well in Charlie’s Angels, you know all those guys. I go into the Wayback Machine. I’ve been around.

Curt Anderson 04:42
Linda Carter from dropped. Wagner. Not interested. You are absolutely not old enough. I know Damon, I watched those when you were kids in the 70s. You are definitely not old enough to watch those shows. You got them. You got the reruns. Charlie’s Angels. Are you kidding me? Man? What are what? I

Trish Stuart 05:04
even had the bubble gum carts. I even had the Charlie’s Angels bubble gum carts and the lunchbox. So eight Wow.

Damon Pistulka 05:11
I don’t know how many times you said Linda Carter. I was like, Wonder Woman. I mean, that’s it. We used to sing that when I was a kid because you’re gonna go, go go ham on somebody about that time. You know, you gotta get that Wonder Woman out and get after it. God

Curt Anderson 05:25
damn fingers and Oh, nothing on those shows. But he says he doesn’t remember those shows. Dan, you’re not you’re not old enough to know, though. So all right. All right. So great. Kickoff one. Lindsay Wagner biotic. Are you kidding me? Even I was like, I dropped the mic, right?

Damon Pistulka 05:40
Yep. Alright, Trish,

Curt Anderson 05:43
you survived the first question. Are you ready for next? Are you ready for the second question?

Trish Stuart 05:47
I don’t know. I, I, I’m ready. I’m ready. Whatever. I, I saw problems. I’m ready.

Curt Anderson 05:56
You better hang on to that. That’s great. Okay, so VP of solutions of client solutions. Love that title. By the way. Did you come up with that title? You

Trish Stuart 06:03
know, I did. I did come up with that title. I love that title. Everything that I do. Yeah. Okay, so

Curt Anderson 06:10
you survived the 70s. And you’re watching Wonder Woman, Bionic Woman and Charlie’s Angels. And you go off to college, and you decide to your superpowers. Speaking of your superpowers, helping folks with how did you get this whole translation situation? How did this come on your radar? How did you decide to bring your talents, your skills into this space?

Trish Stuart 06:32
Oh, Kurt, I don’t know if we have time for this, this whole thing. I really wasn’t prepared for this. I thought we’re gonna go to my slide. But Sure. So I started off in education. I was a teacher for for many years. And I mean, if we’re gonna go there, we’ll go there all the way. So let’s go all the way. So the year was, I believe it was 99 Whenever Columbine happened, and I was teaching in Colorado at the time, and wasn’t having such a great year. And I decided education wasn’t for me anymore. And so I was teaching middle school at the time. And so I started stuffing envelopes for a translation company. Until I figured out life. And before you knew it, I was managing projects and basically kind of running the show. Not not all the way running the show. But yeah, you know, I knew enough to be dangerous. Yeah.

Curt Anderson 07:30
So started off as a teacher, what were you teaching?

Trish Stuart 07:34
Language Arts, middle school, language arts,

Curt Anderson 07:36
middle school language arts, and I didn’t notice on your so guys connect with Trish on LinkedIn, I noticed right on your LinkedIn. You were an educator, and I did not know that about you prior. Very cool. So big pivot, that was a big leap of faith, was it not?

Trish Stuart 07:53
It was it was a very big leap of faith. And so that’s why I feel like whenever I have friends who are making a big transition into a different industry, I definitely feel their their pain, because it is it’s it’s a it’s an unknown, but here I am, how many years later, and it can be a great thing. So you

Damon Pistulka 08:15
know, that’s, that’s one thing that got it really hit me a few weeks ago, I was thinking about this. And that transition you made, it was almost like becoming an accidental entrepreneur. But do you feel that that that transition is something that actually is better for you now that you’re in it?

Trish Stuart 08:34
Um, well, you know, a teaching is a vocation. And so I think that people who are teachers are just phenomenal. paetynn, you know, yeah, phenomenal individuals to commit to that career path. Yeah, you know, a Daymond. I completely just forgot your question. What was your

Damon Pistulka 08:54
Do you think that this is you think about as we as we

Trish Stuart 08:58
pass your mock? Yeah. But as

Damon Pistulka 09:01
we as we, as we get on in our career a little bit, right, you were you were made this a pretty significant career transition? Do you feel that this is a better fit for you than being a teacher?

Trish Stuart 09:11
Well, I think that we all have skills that you can use in any industry, honestly. And I think that we pigeonhole ourselves. And we say, Oh, well, this is all in went to school to do. And so this is all that I can do. But and so that’s why whenever I was in transition, I’m like, Oh, I’m just going to stuff envelopes. But the thing is, is that people need to be educated, and no matter what field you’re in, not that I’m the master educator, but I can share what I know to help people make better decisions, and to help guide them it with the knowledge that I have. And so I don’t just have to be in a classroom with students, you know, who we’re hopefully shorter than I am, but I can, I can use those skills anywhere. And I think that that’s what I try to help people realize whenever I chat with them is that you can use your skills anywhere, even like you said, Daymond to be your own entrepreneur and to do whatever you’d like. It’s

Damon Pistulka 10:11
interesting talking to people that have made major, major career changes like that, because very rarely do they regret them. And and it’s, it’s a big leap. Like you said, I can appreciate that with people. So awesome.

Curt Anderson 10:27
Yeah. And cherish, I’d still deem you as an educator, right? Don’t you like with your job with your position? You’re still you’re educating, right?

Trish Stuart 10:36
That’s how I feel. And you know, I go off on my translation, memory tangent all the time about things. So I feel like there are things that people need to know in order to be educated consumers. And that’s a passion of mine is to share, share the information that I have.

Curt Anderson 10:55
Yeah. Yes. Well, I love it on your LinkedIn, you’ve you have I transform translation dilemmas into successful solutions. I absolutely love that. So here’s my next question. I think you’ll I think you’ll be prepared for this one. How do you and your team make the world a better place? So I know you have a little slide we’re gonna do a deep dive, but for the folks that aren’t familiar with you.

Trish Stuart 11:20
How do you? Okay, it’s it’s all kinds of questions I wasn’t quite prepared to answer. How our team makes the world a better place is that that’s the question right? I feel. Okay. Very good. Well, I think how our team makes the world a better place is honestly, well, this is something else interesting to know about me is that the company that I’ve been with for the past, I think 11 years now. They used to be our translation provider, I worked for a different translation company. And our industry is very interesting, and that we, we all kind of work together on projects. And so what I really think that our team excels at why I used our company, whenever I was with another company was because they really look out for for the customer. And that’s why deadlines. You know, we don’t charge rush charges. We don’t charge for client review comments, we look out for people and that’s something important to our company is to act truly like a partner and to really care about people. Well,

Curt Anderson 12:31
you’re about people drop the mic on that one. Trish, I love that speaking about caring about people. That’s a wonderful scarf that you have on do you want to share? Where did that come from?

Trish Stuart 12:41
Great. You’re, you’re baiting me. You want me to say what I said before the show? Don’t you? know

Curt Anderson 12:48
we’re on we’re on live and so we’re

Trish Stuart 12:52
no, my husband purchased this scarf in Ireland. He he used to work for Guinness. And so he brought me the scarf and I was just joking with Kurt before the show, much like you see, you know, my family member went somewhere and all they brought me was this t shirt. I joked that you know, my husband went to Ireland and I got a scarf, which

Curt Anderson 13:15
is very appropriate for St. Patrick’s weekend. Hey, Whitney Houston’s in the house. Yeah,

Damon Pistulka 13:21
Whitney is here today. Hey, Whitney. Happy Friday from Houston. Man. The weather’s good. Yeah, Timothy is here today. Great to see a Timothy. Happy

Curt Anderson 13:31
Friday, man. He’s coming to us from Amsterdam. Sure. So Happy Friday. As you Timothy, for joining us. Thanks for stopping absolute love it. So I guess we’re here talking about how to help companies, entrepreneurs manufacturers. Go Global. Trish, do we want to we’re Are we ready for the slide? We want to go to the slides. Absolutely. There so Alright, so we’re gonna, we’re gonna this is gonna be a masterclass for folks on super simple steps. Trish has been on the show before we got together. We were actually in person together about a month and a half ago at the industrial marketing Summit. Trish is a longtime dear friend, global expert. And we’re going to dive in Trish, what are we looking at here?

Trish Stuart 14:12
Well, Kurt, I wanted to organize the things that I thought were important to touch on in regards to going global. You all had a lot of really great lead up to the show. And I wanted to make sure that I touched on all the things that I felt were important for people to know. And some of them are rather basic, and some of them are a little more in depth. So if anyone ever wants to go deeper on any of these topics, I’d love to, as you mentioned, connect on LinkedIn and go deeper on any of these topics. Nice.

Curt Anderson 14:49
All right, take it away and I and one of your taglines I love I think I saw on your website. We translate words into business. Yes, I think That is just such a fantastic line. And I’ll tell you one as you and I became friends, and you’ve been on the show before, and just what you’ve educated me on, or there’s just there’s a lot of assumptions that as entrepreneurs or manufacturers, we just think it’s really simple or easy to go global. Once you let’s walk us through any points that you want to make here. And again, this is masterclass time, help us how to figure out how to take our businesses global. Absolutely.

Trish Stuart 15:23
So first of all, there are a lot of different considerations. And I’d be happy to share this slide. Also, if you DM me on LinkedIn, I’d be happy to share this with you. But I think first of all, whenever you think about going global, the first thing that you need to do is stop and look at where you are, I think many people start looking outside of their organization for answers. And oftentimes, if you look at where you are, you can find a lot of the foundational pieces that you need to have in order before you start to go global. And there many of the same things that you do whenever you get your source content, your English content ready, is you want to think about your customer and you want to think about where are they? And let’s say for example, Curtin, Damon, you made elevator parts, and you received documentation that talked about a lift, or it had a spelling with oh, you instead of Oh, are you would think well, they must be based in the UK, they’re not really a company, you know, that that’s here, and they’re not speaking directly to me. So English, you may think English is English, but whenever you speak to your client in, in the, in the messaging that they’re used to seeing in their, their culture and their environment, it really makes a big difference. And it’s much more impactful. So, um, you know, just making sure that your company says, What target language do we want to focus on, because I’ve had clients that have come up and said, Oh, I want Mexican Spanish. And then in the same, the same week, someone else from the company says they want European Spanish, but they’re both going to the same end user. So it’s not a consistent brand message, it can cause confusion, it may lead to liability or safety issues. And so I think the first step is just to make sure that you you get your arms around where you are subject matter experts that you might have that you could call in as reviewers, and validators such as your distributors or salespeople. So, I would say that that’s the first step. And then the next step would be to, and feel free to jump in anytime I can.

Curt Anderson 17:54
You know, what, Trish, let’s let’s hit a couple things that are so important because like, even here in the States, you know, you could talk to somebody in different parts of the country. And there’s, you know, we might call it tissues, and Damon calls it Kleenex, or, you know, we call it somebody calls it soda, somebody else calls it pop, you know, so there’s a lot of like, so just even here in the States, of different regions, different parts of the country, you know, it is so important, let alone going to other countries. I don’t mean to jump the gun, and I apologize if I do, but you educated me, I naively thought well, before meeting you why when a manufacturer just threw up Google Translate, right? And you really dispelled? How important that is. Can Can we hit on that for a minute? Sure,

Trish Stuart 18:39
absolutely. So it’s very tempting for everyone to want to just go online and use all the tools that are there that are really amazing. You know, we have chat GPT. Now we have, you know, Google Translate, we have all these things, which are really wonderful tools for certain uses. And with Google Translate, you just need to or chat GPT or whatever, you know, online, open, open area that you might be you need to think about that security and the information that you’re putting out there, your your I like to call it feeding the baby, right? You’re you’re putting your information out there where it’s not in a protected environment. And so you want to think about your intellect, intellectual property, you want to think about content that you may have out there, but you also have to think about the content that you’re grabbing. Is there a bias with it? Is there you know, where are you obtaining this? Is it a subject matter expert in the same industry? And so in our, in our industry in the translation industry, we’ve been using machine translation for quite a long time now. neural machine translation especially because You can train, you know, you can train and have great results, but it needs to be in a secure protected environment. And it needs to know. Boundaries, let’s just say. So that was something that was brought up wasn’t occur at the industrial marketing summit about, you know, I think they mentioned they someone suggested, you know, chat GPT with the teams, right in order to not have it training on your content. And I’m going to, I’m really looking forward to the am has an upcoming seminar, where my friend Aaron Murray is going to be sharing about how to develop your own custom, large language model. So there’s, there’s a lot of information out there. But I guess, just be careful in in knowing that, how you’re using that content, you want to look at how reliable is where you’re sourcing that content? And how, how secure is the environment that you’re placing, perhaps your brand or your IP? Right, right? Yeah.

Damon Pistulka 21:14
Want to I mean, the other thing is, if you’re trying to translate into a language, you don’t know, with a system that you can’t trust 100% the output or someone that you know, can review the output, you’re I mean, because you could tell somebody, you’re trying to sell them something and think you’re really explaining you’re telling them that you’re you know, you want to sell on this street sweeper, something or other and you’re talking about ducks, you know, you might not know, yeah, he’s really don’t know. So that the quality of your, your translation and ensuring that you’re really getting the message across I mean, the last time that we talked and, and since in talking with you, I mean, it’s this is it’s not just translating, is translating, so the message gets across, and that’s why I’ve learned Talking with you is it’s so much more than just saying this word equals that word. It’s how do you combine the words together? So it means what it needs to mean?

Trish Stuart 22:12
Correct? Right, which I had

Damon Pistulka 22:14
no clue, right? I got no clue about it. And that’s, that’s awesome, because, and that’s what you really, I think is, is, is a part and makes it really valuable. And, and so important, because going global, I mean, you don’t get a second chance, if you screw things up a lot of times.

Trish Stuart 22:34
That’s true. With the going to your point, Damon about the validation part of things. Many people just assume using an LSP, language service provider or language service partner, that it would be too expensive. And I think that you also need to think about that there’s more than one way like, for example, our company can provide the all human process. But we can also, you know, use machine translation with a subject matter expert edit, we, of course, usually don’t recommend that route unless you’ve built a rather large translation memory that has trained, you know, the parameters that you want to use for your for your company. But something that I did want to mention is if you do contract with an LSP, to find out what process they’re using, are they using an all human process? Or are they using a machine translation with a post human edit, and so that you can ensure that you’re using an industry qualified resource, because that’s the other thing is I listed here under the LSP area, to make sure that they have some kind of quality assurance process. And we’re all very familiar with, you know, the ISO certifications. And so the 17 100 as a certification for translation companies that tells you that the translators assigned to the task were subject matter experts with the right background and the education for that industry. And that’s the whole human process. But the 185 87 tells you that it’s a machine translation with a post human edit, again, ensuring that correct protocols were used with that environment, as well as with the post edit by that person, by that human translator that they had the right education and back ground and qualifications in order to properly edit the content. So it just being an educated consumer as to there’s more than what I mean, there’s so many different ways that we can go about translating things these days. But it’s just knowing, thinking about your end user and the experience that you want them to have the lie ability that your company may have the brand message that you’re trying to protect. And sometimes, whenever you put things out, I don’t know if you’ve experienced this, but AI can get rather creative. I mean, just with images, you know, it’s really amazing that you can put in things for images, and it can draw and create all kinds of things. But you know, there, it’s also creative with your words, too. And so you need to think about that, whenever you know they might be the output might be something kind of made up. So it’s really important to work with someone that you trust, to ensure that you’re getting the right output for your, for your client. Or for you and us.

Curt Anderson 25:44
That could be a disaster. Like, I mean, just just think about what you just said Trish, right. Something that was made up right, like you’re, you know, and they made a we got some friends here in the chatbox. I love Dan, you got to pull up Dan’s comment there about the Hey, Diane buyers here. Happy Friday, my dear. I just spoke with Diane yesterday. Diane sending you lots of love. And did you see the comment with Dan but so yeah, so if you’re if you’re doing business with somebody in Pittsburgh, right there, they’re going buy ins, where you know, again, that that language that lingo that local slang can be such a predominant factor as you’re trying to communicate, communicate, right?

Trish Stuart 26:22
Well, I mean, it’s especially a big consideration with marketing materials, you definitely want to ensure that you’re not just blindly trusting, you know, a bot to do that. You definitely want to ensure that you are being culturally appropriate and that you’re not offending or causing some kind of huge embarrassment that might happen for your company. So even though it’s translated, it may not be translated correctly. So yeah. And then, oh, go ahead.

Damon Pistulka 26:53
Well, the funny thing I did, this is a perfect example, I think, because Yen’s might be something that happens in Pittsburgh, or that area of the country, but in the southeast, where Dan lives now. It’s humans. It’s different. It’s y’all. Y’all are y’all? You know, and in? You know, this is I tell you, when I moved from South Dakota to Tennessee, right, I had a hard time with some of the languages figuring out what it was. And you know, we all speak English, but we don’t speak the same English. So it just, it’s just in that little bit, right. I’ve experienced I had, how hard is it mean, if I’m trying to sell stuff in wherever, even Mexico and in even Canada, French? Canadian? Yeah, yeah, French, Canada, French has just like, oh my goodness, right. And like, you’re saying, Trish, know who is doing your translation. Because if you’re just letting somebody else do it, it might not be right might be close.

Trish Stuart 27:59
Well, what we actually recommend is to remove those kind of colloquial regionalisms from your your content before you translate it, unless it is something marketing based where you want to really be in that, that niche, but it is important to consider who is doing your work and what their biases may be, whenever they’re, they’re producing the content. And that’s why we are tasked whenever we translate something, our our boundaries that we work within is that we have to stay true to the source, we can’t add things, we can’t take things out, we have to stay true to the source. And so that’s whenever the reviewers come in this funny story. Not really funny, but a funny story that I have is one client, who was really upset that they sent things to their, their reviewer for their Arabic content, because they couldn’t, you know, read the Arabic or check it. And whenever the content came back, they realized a lot of the content was missing. And so they said, Well, what happened? And the the reviewer just decided, well, I don’t want this in there. I don’t want that in there. I don’t think that this is okay. Without really educating the, you know, the person why they just did it. So always be careful with your reviewers, especially if they have the source files, that they they do have the ability to change things. And so you may want to send it back to your language service provider whenever you get those review comments to say, Hey, what are your thoughts about these changes, and many times, and that’s why we encourage people we don’t charge for the review comments. We will implement those and give you feedback. Because we want you to know what’s happening to your content. Things can happen without your awareness and because you don’t speak the language and it’s important to know, what has been changed by your reviewers, and then we can also update your translation memory as well. So then going forward, all future translations will have those review preferences and the content.

Curt Anderson 30:14
Hey, we gotta grab a few

Damon Pistulka 30:16
combat soldiers in here today. Your happy friday. I do an anger. We got Diane comes by with another one is

Curt Anderson 30:23
yours. That’s a great one,

Damon Pistulka 30:26
right? Yeah. Yep. So we got got. Oh, and she says, Great to hear about Terlingua

Curt Anderson 30:36
let’s grab by Timothy’s got a nice comment here earlier.

Damon Pistulka 30:41
Let’s see. This is amazing. Thank you, Trish.

Curt Anderson 30:45
Grab Whitney’s returned, eat that. So I love this. They call them hallucinations when AI makes things up.

Trish Stuart 30:52
I thank you, Whitney. I have not had all of my coffee yet. So words are saying things askin me. You ain’t Damon,

Curt Anderson 30:59
Whitney Houston. And Trisha and I were all together down in downtown Austin at the industrial marketing Summit. And Dan has a nice funny comment here, if you want to grab that one.

Damon Pistulka 31:11
The last one? Great. Let’s see. which one you’re talking about? He’s got a lot of Yeah, yeah.

Trish Stuart 31:22
Yeah. But the speaking about the industrial marketing Summit, Kurt, the, that’s another important thing is just to tap into people who are keeping current with trends or with what’s going on in your industry, whether it be in an organization, or events such as that, or even to, with your shows, with, you know, just just tapping into and being involved with, I know, everyone is so busy, but to be involved in an organization, like we’re very active in the am or going to the industrial marketing Summit. I mean, I received this little handout at the industrial marketing summit from global spec and true marketing. And, you know, it was really interesting to see about technical buyers where they get their information and what, what is useful for them to do their jobs. And so it’s really helpful to be plugged in somewhere to stay on top of resources and ways that others in your job position are handling the same challenges that you are. And then there’s all the free resources out there that the government provides, like with, you know, Pam, I don’t know whenever I was on before, I don’t know if you all remember Pam plugins you’re doing Yeah, yeah. Yeah, if you haven’t been to a, that’s an amazing site that has lots of resources, as well as they have international trade specialists local to you, the MEP, Kurt right. We are very involved in that. You know, there are even grants out there that you can get to have your content or your website translated. And the deck, the district Export Council, the so there are a lot of different resources available to you, that don’t cost a thing and are up to date on regulations and on what you need to do. And I think that people need to tap into those as well.

Curt Anderson 33:23
Yeah, this is awesome. Trish. So a couple of things I want to touch on. So if you’re just joining us happy Friday, so I see Harry’s here today, Damon so Happy Friday, airy. Welcome to everybody. Again, if you’re just joining us, drop us a note in the chat. We’ve got Chris Stewart here today global expert. And so we’re doing a deep dive into how to help take your business and you know, big thing how to take your business globally and finish my sentence. What would I love Trish is you’re talking, you know, we hear that that phrase a lot. What I what’s been ringing my ears today is you know, meet that client where they’re at, you know, and I just I feel and I know it’s very cliche, and it’s very probably used a lot, but I feel that’s exactly what you’re talking about. So free resources I want to I would just want to unpack we just did a great global webinar for the at the New York MEP a week ago, two weeks ago, and just great resources. So your M E P Manufacturing Extension Partnership. If whatever state you’re in boy, just Google manufacturing, extension, partnership, and connect, they can help you another great resource are the SBDCs Small Business Development Centers. There’s nearly 1000 throughout the United States, they’re all parked at universities, their services are completely free. There’s a lot of export expertise that can help you there. Trish, I want to go back one thing that I love that you talked about and I handed in my notes to bring up I’m gonna go back back to your LSP you have LSP either your provider or partner, you guys are ISO certified. I mean that is that is street cred that is total like That’s right. So again, this isn’t like You know, hey, I got my nephew’s uncle’s cousin, who speak, you know, this language like, this is quality, you know, you’re bringing a quality level of expertise. Just can you just hit on that one more time? In case anybody missed it or just take it one step further? Why is this? Why is it so important to have that ISO certification on your belt they’re?

Trish Stuart 35:19
Well, first of all, they’re relatively new certifications, we’ve had the 9001 for a long time previous to that there was just localization industry standards association called Lisa. And our workflow is based on their standards. But the importance of that is that you the company is audited by an independent auditor that will come in and look at a project and see where the right resources assigned to this, they’ll look at their CV their background, their credentials, and make sure that the right people are working on your content. And, like with the Lisa standards, which tie in a lot with with the other requirements, you can’t have errors inside of of the Translate, you know, there’s a lot of very, I could go into it for hours. But it’s it’s a very detailed step by step process to ensure that your translation is accurate, completed by the right people using the right quality process with the right tools. And as we talked about, with the translation memory on our last visit together, that is an asset that so many people don’t know about, and that they leave behind with every project just because they’re aware of, of the importance of controlling that asset because they don’t have the tool. And because they don’t have the CAT tool, the to manage that database, they leave it behind because they don’t even know about it. So I don’t know if I can geek out on translation memory for a little bit, Kurt, but I feel like that’s something important for people to know,

Damon Pistulka 37:02
I think. I think we should I think we should because you brought this up before and it’s just flew right over the top of my head before that. And when you did it was it was so important. I want to say real quick, real quickly, Alexander Hey, Alexander, happy

Curt Anderson 37:15
Friday, man. Now Dan bigger has a very important question. Yeah, we do need we do need trust the experts. Just what do you what do you need to do if you not only want to go global but you want to go intergalactic

Trish Stuart 37:30
model that Damon has you get out that model and maybe quantum leaps?

Curt Anderson 37:38
Guardians of the Galaxy right. Catch the movie will have they have all the answers for you, Dan, bigger south. Yeah. Talk about keep it going?

Trish Stuart 37:48
Oh, well, I think I’ve often joked many times, I feel like I’m the Blues Brother on a mission from God. Because oftentimes, that’s what I I harp on so many times with people. And even whenever you repeat it over and over again, people still don’t understand the importance of it. But basically, a translation memory is a database. It’s a little suitcase of sorts, that aligns your source content and your target content, organized in a way that if someone if a language professional has that suitcase, they can unpack it, and reuse and repurpose the content that you’ve already paid for. And that ensures consistency with your, you know, your users experience. Because things are different, manual to manual or file to file. It allows them to work faster, and it gives you cost savings, because what lives in that suitcase, the language service provider, even if they weren’t the original people to do the translation, they will give you a discount on whatever lives in that suitcase. So if you have that suitcase, and you have it with one provider, and as you know, with companies, sometimes things change, maybe you’re not getting the same service that you’re used to, or turnarounds aren’t as fast as they used to be. You can pick up that suitcase and take it somewhere else. And, you know, you could even shop it around. So honestly, whenever people say we need to get at least three quotes. Well, you’re really not getting three different quotes because unless they have a level playing field of everyone unpacking that suitcase and saying, Well, what have they already translated? How can we leverage their previous investment? Otherwise, your existing provider may seem to always have the lowest price, but they may not. They just might have the greatest advantage by having the translation memory asset and their control. You want it in your control. So then that way you can give it to someone else you can say hey, quote this manual for me or quote this for me with this memory and Let me know, you know, the best price you can give. And it also so all that work that your reviewers go through of giving their feedback and their preferences, you think, Oh, I don’t want to change companies, because then my reviewers gonna be irritated that they have to train somebody all over again, will they? They really won’t, because their preferences should live in the memory if your partner updated it. So if your partner updated the memory with those review comments and feedback, which is something that we do make sure that your partner does well, then then those comments, all they have to do is do it once. They don’t have to keep continually providing that feedback.

Curt Anderson 40:40
Boy, what huge competitive advantage right here, you know, yeah, just think about this for a second. So I, you know, I had Daymond, I have a client, you know, this client, and they have a significant project job that they do for a part that comes from another country overseas won’t say what you know, and they are, their job is to repair it. So their full task is just repairing parts that are being imported, incorrectly, miscommunication loss, translation. And so they, they’re like, Hey, this is great, we love the job, but we’re correcting something that was done, you know, in another country. And so, you know, now let’s think about that small manufacturer, you have 10 employees, 20 employees, and you have a really unique little niche, you have this, you are the master of like this part. And maybe there’s a country out there that needs that part. And you’re crushing it. And what what Trisha is describing, if there’s other other companies, other consumers, other folks that need that part, you do at one time for that one company, now like you’ve opened up the door to other now you can start knocking on the door to other companies that need that part that you know, if you’re an OEM or what have you. So Trish, I couldn’t love what you just described, what a huge competitive advantage by aligning with with a team like yourself into take yourself intergalactic, global, whatever you want to do.

Damon Pistulka 42:02
Yeah. And then real quick, I want to say, Hey, John vogliono is here today. Hey, glad to see you.

Curt Anderson 42:08
And how about John, send you some love brother? I gotta love other callers right there for you, dude. Yeah.

Damon Pistulka 42:14
But you know, this is, I just want to go back to this, again, this translation memory, when you brought this up before, I just stopped me in my tracks, because it is so important if you’re going to have the translation done to get that memory, including the updates after a reviewer, because it is so valuable. Because if I if I’ve got this, this, say I’ve done a website or a technical document, I’ve translated that, then you go into the next document, you want to translate it, you want that to be the consistency there that you wouldn’t get if today, if you did it two different ways or didn’t keep it the consistency through it. Right.

Trish Stuart 42:51
And that’s what your language service provider maintains for you, they maintain that asset for you. Oftentimes, people just they’re like, oh, all I need is the PDF, or I need my website, right? Translated, I don’t really care about whatever this translation memory is. And it’s just a shame that people don’t understand the importance of controlling and you don’t, you won’t be able to open it unless you have some of the software like cerrados, or you know, you won’t be able to open it. But if you just have control of it, where you can ask at any time, can I have a copy of my translation memory, and every single target has a different suitcase. So if you pack a suitcase for Canada, it’s going to be different than the suitcase that’s packed for France. So there’s not just one big French suitcase, it there are individual suitcases that was just what I like to call the translation memories that are packed for that specific target. And so your provider should maintain that database for each of those targets for you. And you want to be able you could you want it I like it a lot. And I talked about I feel like I repeat myself constantly but the like a digital, the digital copies from a photographer. So let’s say you find a photographer who’s very professional, and they know what they’re doing. And they’re really great. And you get the photos back. You’re like, oh, wow, okay, all I wanted was this eight by 10 to put on my wall. But, you know, how can I reuse what you’ve done for other purposes? Well, you can’t unless you have the translation memory. Otherwise, you’re just going to have that eight by 10, or that PDF of the manual or whatever it is. And just having control of all of your assets. It’s really important. And then also to just the historical information that that lives inside of there inside of the memory. So you want to make sure that you have all of that in your control. Wow.

Curt Anderson 44:57
Man, I couldn’t agree more and that’s a big theme of our conversation today Inger says exactly Demond consistency. Let’s pull up. A Timothy’s got a great, well,

Damon Pistulka 45:07
sorry, I got nothing. Yeah, it you know, Timothy, thanks so much we really appreciate your feedback and and like Trish today sharing so much great information with us about translation and the important I mean just so many details that we don’t understand all the way from the fact that you can get ISO certified for translation, different kinds of certification for translation, and then the whole thing about translation memory, it’s just so valuable. And like with Timothy, building cloud applications they go across, they just like go across, jump across a pond go wherever, within a blink of an eye. Right. So

Curt Anderson 45:45
absolutely stuff, Timothy. Thank you, man. Thank you. So I Trish, we’ve covered a ton. So we’re looking at the slide here. We’ve covered we’re, I believe I read coming into the homestretch are we coming down to the

Trish Stuart 45:56
I’m here for whatever questions may come up. But I do have some resources. And if you would like a copy of this, I’d be happy to DM it to you if we’re connected on LinkedIn. But we have a sample offer where if you’d like to, to test drive going into another market, we do offer complimentary samples, all language service providers should. And that may be another way that you can help determine who would be the best provider for you is to ask everyone to complete a sample and most most providers will at no charge. And then you can give that to your salespeople or to your distributors and say hey, who hit the nail on the head the best? And you know that that’s one thing that you can do I also have an explainer video on what translation memory is because I know sometimes it still is a little little confusing as to how that works. And we have a helpful tips booklet with some questions that you can ask to help you determine if you’re finding the right provider for your need.

Damon Pistulka 47:05
So is that on your website? Or where’s that located?

Trish Stuart 47:09
That the tips or the sample or

Damon Pistulka 47:11
the video and that work? Where can they find that stuff? Is it on YouTube? On your website? Or is it

Trish Stuart 47:17
it’s I have it at the bottom of the of the slide here but this sample is on your website, but it is a hidden offer. It’s not something that this is something special just for your hair today. It’s not something that we because you know, we don’t just have it.

Curt Anderson 47:35
Hey, yeah, Damon, how about

Damon Pistulka 47:37
neck connect with Trish to get that sample that stuff that can help you out here? And I gotta tell you, this is one of the this probably the comment you’re looking at here is Diane buyer. This is an incredible comment, Diane, for really is about communicating in the

Curt Anderson 47:55
words. Let’s hear it for anybody catching on our podcast statement in

Damon Pistulka 47:59
my in my opinion, one of the greatest forms of respect we can give one another is to communicate with understanding. Yeah. Yeah, so good. So

Curt Anderson 48:09
thank you. It’s perfect. Trisha. And Diane, you guys should connect you guys. Yeah. As friends.

Trish Stuart 48:13
I think we connected I think we are Diana, we I think we are. So let’s go.

Curt Anderson 48:18
I want to be mindful of your time because you are wonder woman out there saving all sorts of folks from from Lamas and communication disasters, then guys take a look at this slide. But you know, grab a screenshot of your computer, go to Connect with Trish on LinkedIn, she has just as amazing as she is here today. She’s just as amazing in person. Very passionate about helping our manufacturers. Trish, I’m going off script again. Are you ready? I’m gonna buy what, what? What makes you so passionate about helping manufacturers?

Trish Stuart 48:57
Well, I mean, honestly, Kurt, it has to do with because we serve many different industries. But my heart is really with the manufacturers because one of my clients many years ago, said, Hey, Trish, you know, you should join the ATM. And I was really surprised. And I said on one of their service member boards, as well as I’m helping to plan the upcoming product safety and stewardship conference coming up in April. But just being involved in that organization, and getting to know manufacturers and their needs and what’s going on with them. It just I don’t know it just really lights me up to to help manufacturers because what they’re doing is so incredible and there’s so much you know, liability with with many manufacturers with their products, but you really have to be careful with Who you partner with, because partnering with the wrong person can really, I think manufacturers have so much on the line whenever. And that’s probably why a lot of people don’t translate their content, first of all, also, because maybe they didn’t plan very well, that’s something else everybody needs to know, is, especially with user interfaces, sometimes people don’t plan for the expansion or the contraction that happens. And so even if you’re not translating, now, you think you’ll never translate in the future, be ready. And make sure that you have plenty of space on that user interface or in your manual or whatever it may be, to allow for your user in another country to have the same experience. And they’re not having things abbreviated, or maybe not make as much sense with the user interface, because you didn’t plan.

Curt Anderson 50:54
Well, John, like Damon drop, right there.

Damon Pistulka 50:58
And we got a great comment from comment from John Gulino. We ll first of all, Diane said, Yes, you are connected to Trish. That’s awesome. But John has a good question for you. But do you support localization of software?

Trish Stuart 51:14
Yes, we do great questions, or localization of software as well as, I mean, there’s so many things that we support, the only thing that we don’t support is interpretation, because that’s a completely different thing. And so many times, people say, hey, I need a translator. And it’s for a meeting that’s live and in person. And that’s an interpreter. So that’s something important to know the difference between because they’re two very different services. But we we do training videos we do I mean, and even with the training videos and things, I mean, we we implement AI voices, we can or human voices, you know, and that’s the thing is that we’ve been, we’ve been using technology for a long time. So your language service provider is probably a really good person to ask for advice, if you’re thinking about different things, or you have questions about it. And I have to say one of the greatest honors that we recently had, we had a client, who is thinking about using some different technology. And I was really surprised that they reached out to us to say, hey, how do we use this. And, you know, I liken it to, I know a guy who rebuilds car engines, and I’m sure he could show me how he uses it. But he’s at least going to tell me enough to stay safe. And so your language service provider is always a great resource for any questions that you might have, if they’re truly a partner, they’re going to try to help guide you as much as they can, to the best resources in to where you can find answers to your questions, even if they can’t give you the step by step as to how they do it. Because there is a lot involved, usually with training. And, you know, the tools that we use,

Damon Pistulka 53:05
yeah, that John here talks about his his library service providers. Yeah, like, currently are the people that speak multiple languages in their company. So that’s, let’s check. Let’s

Trish Stuart 53:20
Well, that’s you know, and that’s how many people start off, because who’s a subject matter expert than the people who are in your company and know your brand. But unfortunately, they have other jobs too. And they don’t have these tools to be able to do things. And so at some point, John, you will need to have a language service partner or provider. And so you want to make sure that you choose somebody that welcomes those people, because those people have been very invested in the translated content and to completely cut them out of the whole process. They’re not going to be happy with that. And so you want to make sure that you have a language service provider that says we welcome review comments, here’s the style guy, here’s the terminology base we want their feedback we want we want their their input, so you want to make sure that they’re still involved in the process because no matter how wonderful the translation service provider may be, they don’t live in breathe things like the people in your company do who speak that language.

Curt Anderson 54:21
Excellent, great question Jack. buck, buck Leno from

Damon Pistulka 54:27
Thank you. Yeah, so cheers. Great. All right.

Curt Anderson 54:31
So let’s I Trish we’re going to start wind awesome man. What? What a masterclass Trisha that went by quick pretty quick, didn’t it? It

Trish Stuart 54:40
did it did and and like I said, please feel free to reach out to me anytime I love. I love chatting with people and helping to solve their problems. So if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d be really honored.

Curt Anderson 54:55
I will say you know, Trish and I became fast friends when the most amazing individual Have you ever meet very passionate about helping her clients or manufacturers? And just a woman of high integrity and just Trish? How about boy? You guys been hanging out if you’ve been sitting

Trish Stuart 55:10
on YouTube? I had a screen explode here.

Curt Anderson 55:14
Great. Hey, Trish. Everybody that’s been sitting down for the past however long it’s been it’s a great opportunity if you want to stand up and stretch and give Trish a big standing ovation for just absolutely hitting the ball out of the park today. Damon, she crushed it. Did she not?

Damon Pistulka 55:33
No doubt.

Curt Anderson 55:34
Okay. Boy, I know David, I know we say this lightly. Butterfield deep, it was centerfield deep. It wasn’t like a short porch, man. You went

Damon Pistulka 55:43
centerfield. It wasn’t hooking it. It wasn’t.

Curt Anderson 55:45
So this was just Trish. Thank you. Thank you, everybody, for joining us today. And we always say this, go back and hit the rewind button. And you know, capturing.

Trish Stuart 55:56
So thank you and Damon for what you do. I mean, seriously, every look at all the wonderful content that you all put out there for people. Thank you for what you do you guys, everybody needs to stand up and applaud you both because you we are all very lucky. We should all raise a glass to the St. Patrick’s Day. And thank you all for all that you do to help the industry and to help manufacturers be educated and know what’s going on. So thank you.

Curt Anderson 56:26
Thank you Trish. That means that our moms call you cherish will talk to you.

Damon Pistulka 56:32
Him and I think they bribed her they

Curt Anderson 56:34
might have called her but so let’s let’s wind down. So Trish, you were here last week, right? You caught some of the interview last week. So you know what I am? I am going there. Oh, no, I am going there. Oh, I won’t go into the whole thing. Okay, you heard a question last week. And the question was what’s your walk up song? Yeah, what is what is cherishes walk up song?

Trish Stuart 56:59
Well, yeah, I don’t know. You know, I was thinking about that. And probably I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the Republic Hassan. Song ready to go.

Curt Anderson 57:10
That’s a 90 song.

Trish Stuart 57:12
Yeah, I like that one. That’s a good one. That’s

Curt Anderson 57:15
ready to go. Damon. Can you find

Trish Stuart 57:24
a little while to get going. So once you’re

Curt Anderson 57:28
done, you’re ready to go. So I love it. Awesome. Great answer. Thank you for playing along.

Damon Pistulka 57:33
There we go.

Curt Anderson 57:34
Oh, all right. Let’s find down. Trish. Thank you for just delivering you always just crush it for us. Appreciate it. Appreciate your friendship with everybody in the audience. Man Damon want to take it away,

Damon Pistulka 57:48
dude. Yeah, just thanks so much for being here. Trish. Thanks to everyone making the comments. We love that you’re stopping by we love that. You’re asking questions and just making this show fuller for us and everything and, and Timothy, John Whitney, Diane, Dan. We’re gonna have to do a little bit more about that. But before we jump up, but thanks so much for being here, everyone. And just have a great time. We will be back again next week. But I cannot leave without saying this. Monday. Curt Anderson day, we got to get ready for Curt Anderson Day National Curt Anderson day Monday, March 18. I don’t

Curt Anderson 58:37
think Damon I don’t know if everybody knows this. But if the so we’ve got Karen, we’re talking women in manufacturing out of Texas. So we’ve got to Karen Rivera, we’ve got a great topic on Monday. But if you’re if anybody’s gonna be celebrating this whole little, I’m not sure. But I think my mom did call Dan bigger. But you’ve got to shave your head. You’ve got to go like you’ve got to go totally bought. So if you’ve got it, you got to do this, you know, so So nobody’s gonna show up Daymond Nobody? Nobody there. So anyway, let’s move on. And what I love the average how we love the wind down, boy just go out and be someone’s inspiration this week. Just like Trish was for us. What a what a blessing. Thank you. We appreciate you hanging out with us for one second. God bless everybody. Have a wonderful, amazing, safe weekend. Happy St. Patrick’s Day for anybody out there. Everybody’s Irish this weekend. So, David, let’s close it out.

Damon Pistulka 59:33
Well, everyone have a great weekend. We’ll be back again next week with manufacturing ecommerce access. Like we said, go back and listen to this from the beginning if you got in here late, but we will be back on a Monday. We’re back in next Friday. But thanks for being here today. We’ll be back. Have a great weekend everyone.

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